<% #{ set title "BadgerTronics: GProf Sample" ns_adp_include -sameframe [ns_info pageroot]/header.adp #} %>

GProf Sample

This is the output from gprof on the Dec Alpha from an AOLServer 2.2.1 run where index.html was fetched 53,623 times.

call graph profile:						
          The sum of self and descendents is the major sort	
          for this listing.					
          function entries:					
index     the index of the function in the call graph		
          listing, as an aid to locating it (see below).	
%time     the percentage of the total time of the program	
          accounted for by this function and its		
self      the number of seconds spent in this function		
          the number of seconds spent in the descendents of	
          this function on behalf of this function.		
called    the number of times this function is called (other	
          than recursive calls).				
self      the number of times this function calls itself	
name      the name of the function, with an indication of	
          its membership in a cycle, if any.			
index     the index of the function in the call graph		
          listing, as an aid to locating it.			
          parent listings:					
self*     the number of seconds of this function's self time	
          which is due to calls from this parent.		
          the number of seconds of this function's		
          descendent time which is due to calls from this	
called**  the number of times this function is called by	
          this parent.  This is the numerator of the		
          fraction which divides up the function's time to	
          its parents.						
total*    the number of times this function was called by	
          all of its parents.  This is the denominator of	
          the propagation fraction.				
parents   the name of this parent, with an indication of the	
          parent's membership in a cycle, if any.		
index     the index of this parent in the call graph		
          listing, as an aid in locating it.			
          children listings:					
self*     the number of seconds of this child's self time	
          which is due to being called by this function.	
          the number of seconds of this child's descendent's	
          time which is due to being called by this		
called**  the number of times this child is called by this	
          function.  This is the numerator of the		
          propagation fraction for this child.			
total*    the number of times this child is called by all	
          functions.  This is the denominator of the		
          propagation fraction.					
children  the name of this child, and an indication of its	
          membership in a cycle, if any.			
index     the index of this child in the call graph listing,	
          as an aid to locating it.				
          * these fields are omitted for parents (or		
          children) in the same cycle as the function.  If	
          the function (or child) is a member of a cycle,	
          the propagated times and propagation denominator	
          represent the self time and descendent time of the	
          cycle as a whole.					
          ** static-only parents and children are indicated	
          by a call count of 0.					
          cycle listings:					
          the cycle as a whole is listed with the same		
          fields as a function entry.  Below it are listed	
          the members of the cycle, and their contributions	
          to the time and call counts of the cycle.		

granularity: each sample hit covers 8 byte(s) for 0.00% of 21.05 seconds

                                  called/total       parents 
index  %time    self descendents  called+self    name    	index
                                  called/total       children

[1]     57.4    0.14       11.95                 FastGet [1]
                0.08        5.68   53622/53622       Ns_FastReturnFile [5]
                0.07        3.03   53622/53622       UrlIsFile [11]
                0.02        2.96   53622/107244      UrlToFile [2]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.03        0.00   53622/107244      AcceptsNvds [102]


                0.02        2.96   53622/107244      FastGet [1]
                0.02        2.96   53622/107244      UrlIsFile [11]
[2]     28.3    0.04        5.92  107244         UrlToFile [2]
                0.15        5.78  107244/107244      DefaultUrlToFile [3]


                0.15        5.78  107244/107244      UrlToFile [2]
[3]     28.1    0.15        5.78  107244         DefaultUrlToFile [3]
                0.04        3.16  107244/107254      Ns_MakePath [9]
                0.19        2.06  214488/268156      Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
                0.05        0.14  107244/107246      Ns_PageRoot [71]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.03        0.00  107244/107263      Ns_PathIsAbsolute [123]
                0.03        0.00  107244/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


[4]     27.8    0.20        5.65                 RunConnection [4]
                0.18        4.27   53623/53623       Ns_ConnRun [7]
                0.12        0.92   53623/53623       Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
                0.07        0.00   53657/53657       Ns_WaitForSemaphore [97]
                0.03        0.00  107314/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.03        0.00   53623/53623       Ns_ConnSetOwner [128]
                0.02        0.00  107314/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.02        0.00   53623/53623       Ns_ConnGetOwner [131]
                0.00        0.00      34/63          Ns_GetThreadId [338]


                0.08        5.68   53622/53622       FastGet [1]
[5]     27.4    0.08        5.68   53622         Ns_FastReturnFile [5]
                0.48        4.94   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
                0.07        0.19   53622/53622       ServerMimeType [61]


                0.48        4.94   53622/53622       Ns_FastReturnFile [5]
[6]     25.8    0.48        4.94   53622         FastReturnFile [6]
                0.12        1.46   53622/53623       Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
                0.42        0.77   53622/53623       Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.04        0.31   53622/53622       Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
                0.02        0.25   53622/53622       Ns_CacheLock [55]
                0.06        0.21   53622/53622       Ns_ConnSendFd [56]
                0.04        0.23   53622/53622       Ns_CacheDoStat [58]
                0.03        0.23   53622/53622       Ns_CacheNewEntry [62]
                0.08        0.13   53622/53622       ns_openread [67]
                0.03        0.12   53622/107244      Ns_ConnSetHeaders [52]
                0.08        0.06   53622/53622       Ns_ConnModifiedSince [77]
                0.06        0.06   53622/160867      Ns_HttpTime [44]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.03        0.00   53622/107244      AcceptsNvds [102]
                0.01        0.02   53622/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.18        4.27   53623/53623       RunConnection [4]
[7]     21.1    0.18        4.27   53623         Ns_ConnRun [7]
                0.23        1.44   53623/53623       Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.11        0.74   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRunRequest [21]
                0.06        0.58   53622/53622       Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
                0.16        0.34   53623/107245      Ns_ConnReadLine [19]
                0.14        0.00  375356/428978      Ns_ConnSetState [75]
                0.03        0.10   53622/53622       Ns_AuthorizeRequest [83]
                0.03        0.09  107244/482605      Ns_SetIGet [39]
                0.10        0.00  107244/268110      RunFilters [60]
                0.06        0.00   53622/53622       Ns_ConnPeer [106]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.02        0.00   53623/53623       Ns_ConnInit [145]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]


                0.00        0.00       1/13786208     Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
                0.00        0.00       3/13786208     ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     directory_size [372]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00      10/13786208     Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00      10/13786208     Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00      24/13786208     Ns_ModulePath [261]
                0.00        0.00      41/13786208     Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00      51/13786208     Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00     171/13786208     JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     173/13786208     MakeSection [265]
                0.00        0.00    1769/13786208     LogCmd [246]
                0.01        0.00   53623/13786208     Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.01        0.00   53627/13786208     Ns_DStringPrintf [94]
                0.01        0.00   53778/13786208     LowerDString [84]
                0.03        0.00  107244/13786208     SetUrl [17]
                0.03        0.00  107244/13786208     DefaultUrlToFile [3]
                0.03        0.00  107347/13786208     Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.04        0.00  160867/13786208     Ns_HttpTime [44]
                0.14        0.00  536220/13786208     Ns_DecodeUrl [59]
                0.33        0.00 1233306/13786208     Ns_ConnReadLine [19]
                0.33        0.00 1233685/13786208     Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.42        0.00 1555059/13786208     Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.43        0.00 1610593/13786208     MkSeq [24]
                1.88        0.00 6971346/13786208     MakePath [10]
[8]     17.7    3.72        0.00 13786208         Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.00        0.00      10/107254      Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.04        3.16  107244/107254      DefaultUrlToFile [3]
[9]     15.2    0.04        3.16  107254         Ns_MakePath [9]
                1.28        1.88  107254/107276      MakePath [10]


                0.00        0.00      10/107276      Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00      12/107276      Ns_ModulePath [261]
                1.28        1.88  107254/107276      Ns_MakePath [9]
[10]    15.0    1.28        1.88  107276         MakePath [10]
                1.88        0.00 6971346/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.07        3.03   53622/53622       FastGet [1]
[11]    14.7    0.07        3.03   53622         UrlIsFile [11]
                0.02        2.96   53622/107244      UrlToFile [2]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00      46/268156      Ns_ServerSpecificGet [257]
                0.05        0.52   53622/268156      AllocateOp [34]
                0.19        2.06  214488/268156      DefaultUrlToFile [3]
[12]    13.4    0.23        2.58  268156         Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
                0.22        1.05  429085/429085      JunctionFind [15]
                0.34        0.43  429085/429281      MkSeq [24]
                0.17        0.00  429085/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.16        0.00  429085/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.12        0.00  429085/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.09        0.00  429085/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.23        1.44   53623/53623       Ns_ConnRun [7]
[13]     7.9    0.23        1.44   53623         Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.15        0.96   53622/53622       SetUrl [17]
                0.05        0.13  107245/107498      Ns_StrTrim [72]
                0.02        0.06  107244/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.01        0.02   53623/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.01        0.00   53623/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       1/53623       Ns_FreeRequest [69]


                0.00        0.00       1/53623       Ns_ConnReturnData [318]
                0.12        1.46   53622/53623       FastReturnFile [6]
[14]     7.5    0.12        1.46   53623         Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
                0.08        0.88  268115/268115      Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders [20]
                0.06        0.06   53623/160867      Ns_HttpTime [44]
                0.05        0.06   53623/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.06        0.01   53623/53625       Ns_DStringPrintf [94]
                0.07        0.00  107246/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.05        0.00   53623/53627       Ns_InfoServerName [109]
                0.04        0.00   53623/53623       Ns_ConnKeepAlive [114]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00   53623/53627       Ns_InfoServerVersion [201]


                0.22        1.05  429085/429085      Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
[15]     6.0    0.22        1.05  429085         JunctionFind [15]
                0.44        0.32  429085/429085      TrieFind [25]
                0.19        0.00  429085/429152      Tcl_StringMatch [70]
                0.10        0.00  429085/429473      Ns_IndexEl [91]


                0.00        0.00       1/53623       Ns_ConnReturnData [318]
                0.42        0.77   53622/53623       FastReturnFile [6]
[16]     5.6    0.42        0.77   53623         Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.42        0.00 1555059/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.04        0.07   53623/107246      Ns_WriteConn [65]
                0.05        0.06   53623/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.01        0.05   53623/482605      Ns_SetIGet [39]
                0.03        0.00   53623/107246      Ns_ThreadYield [108]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.15        0.96   53622/53622       Ns_ParseRequest [13]
[17]     5.2    0.15        0.96   53622         SetUrl [17]
                0.17        0.22   53622/53635       Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.12        0.14   53622/53622       Ns_DecodeUrl [59]
                0.06        0.10  107244/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.01        0.03   53622/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.03        0.00   53622/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.03        0.00  107244/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.12        0.92   53623/53623       RunConnection [4]
[18]     4.9    0.12        0.92   53623         Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
                0.09        0.56   53623/53623       Ns_ConnFree [31]
                0.16        0.00  160866/268110      RunFilters [60]
                0.06        0.00   53623/53624       Ns_ConnClose [98]
                0.02        0.00   53622/428978      Ns_ConnSetState [75]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.16        0.34   53622/107245      Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
                0.16        0.34   53623/107245      Ns_ConnRun [7]
[19]     4.8    0.33        0.68  107245         Ns_ConnReadLine [19]
                0.34        0.00 1340551/1340551     Ns_ConnRead [46]
                0.33        0.00 1233306/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.08        0.88  268115/268115      Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[20]     4.5    0.08        0.88  268115         Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders [20]
                0.14        0.44  268115/375396      Ns_SetPut [22]
                0.07        0.23  268115/482605      Ns_SetIGet [39]


                0.11        0.74   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRun [7]
[21]     4.1    0.11        0.74   53622         Ns_ConnRunRequest [21]
                0.04        0.59   53622/53622       AllocateOp [34]
                0.07        0.03   53622/53622       DeAllocateOp [93]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_ConnServer [99]


                0.00        0.00       1/375396      ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00      18/375396      Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00      18/375396      Ns_SetCopy [312]
                0.06        0.18  107244/375396      Ns_ConnSetHeaders [52]
                0.14        0.44  268115/375396      Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders [20]
[22]     3.9    0.20        0.62  375396         Ns_SetPut [22]
                0.13        0.49  750792/858203      ns_strcopy [28]


[23]     3.7    0.03        0.75                 Ns_QueueConn [23]
                0.19        0.57   53623/53623       QueueConn [26]


                0.00        0.00       2/429281      Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
                0.00        0.00      23/429281      Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
                0.00        0.00     171/429281      Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.34        0.43  429085/429281      Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
[24]     3.7    0.34        0.43  429281         MkSeq [24]
                0.43        0.00 1610593/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                                  750817             TrieFind [25]
                0.44        0.32  429085/429085      JunctionFind [15]
[25]     3.6    0.44        0.32  429085+750817  TrieFind [25]
                0.32        0.00 1716122/1717264     Ns_IndexFind [50]
                                  750817             TrieFind [25]


                0.19        0.57   53623/53623       Ns_QueueConn [23]
[26]     3.6    0.19        0.57   53623         QueueConn [26]
                0.07        0.20  107246/107264      Ns_SetCreate [57]
                0.03        0.14   53623/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.05        0.00   53623/53625       Ns_ReleaseSemaphore [110]
                0.01        0.02   53623/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.03        0.00   53623/107246      Ns_ThreadYield [108]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      34/34          Ns_BeginDetachedServerThread [190]


                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     DbServerInit [411]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     Ns_RegisterFilter [400]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ExecNsd [380]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_readdir [354]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     TclRegComp [432]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     CreateIData [419]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_calloc [171]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_inet_ntoa [87]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     SimpleServeInit [301]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     Ns_SockCallback [392]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     Ns_InitializeCriticalSection [155]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     LookupVar [295]
                0.00        0.00       4/1400567     Ns_RegisterDriver [373]
                0.00        0.00       5/1400567     Ns_InitializeSemaphore [396]
                0.00        0.00       5/1400567     SetupAppendBuffer [390]
                0.00        0.00       7/1400567     RegisterCallback [387]
                0.00        0.00       8/1400567     Ns_ListCons [384]
                0.00        0.00       8/1400567     Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00      10/1400567     AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00      10/1400567     Tcl_Merge [375]
                0.00        0.00      12/1400567     Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00      12/1400567     Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00      13/1400567     Ns_IndexTrunc [364]
                0.00        0.00      15/1400567     RebuildTable [247]
                0.00        0.00      16/1400567     Tcl_TraceVar3 [361]
                0.00        0.00      18/1400567     Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00      20/1400567     Tcl_Concat [362]
                0.00        0.00      20/1400567     Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
                0.00        0.00      26/1400567     Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00      28/1400567     Tcl_DStringAppend [200]
                0.00        0.00      34/1400567     BeginServerThread [189]
                0.00        0.00      34/1400567     ns_gmtime [81]
                0.00        0.00      37/1400567     ns_localtime [111]
                0.00        0.00      41/1400567     CreateCtx [326]
                0.00        0.00      41/1400567     OneWordCreate [313]
                0.00        0.00      44/1400567     Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00      46/1400567     Tcl_CreateMathFunc [230]
                0.00        0.00     109/1400567     TclExpandParseValue [310]
                0.00        0.00     132/1400567     NewInterp [153]
                0.00        0.00     137/1400567     Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
                0.00        0.00     145/1400567     Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
                0.00        0.00     154/1400567     IndexNodeCreate [283]
                0.00        0.00     223/1400567     Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
                0.00        0.00     248/1400567     NewVar [292]
                0.00        0.00     355/1400567     TrieAdd [221]
                0.00        0.00     435/1400567     Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.00     491/1400567     Ns_IndexInit [275]
                0.00        0.00     687/1400567     Tcl_SplitList [191]
                0.00        0.00     881/1400567     Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
                0.00        0.00    1064/1400567     StringCreate [210]
                0.01        0.02   53622/1400567     FastReturnFile [6]
                0.01        0.02   53623/1400567     QueueConn [26]
                0.01        0.02   53623/1400567     Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.02        0.04  107267/1400567     Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.04        0.07  214528/1400567     Ns_SetCreate [57]
                0.16        0.32  912296/1400567     ns_strdup [29]
[27]     3.5    0.25        0.49 1400567         ns_malloc [27]
                0.49        0.00 1507857/1507858     ns_realloc [40]


                0.00        0.00      10/858203      Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00     137/858203      Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
                0.02        0.07  107264/858203      Ns_SetCreate [57]
                0.13        0.49  750792/858203      Ns_SetPut [22]
[28]     3.4    0.15        0.56  858203         ns_strcopy [28]
                0.17        0.39  750824/912181      ns_strdup [29]


                0.00        0.00       1/912181      CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/912181      LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       1/912181      JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00      10/912181      AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00      10/912181      ModuleCmd [266]
                0.00        0.00     137/912181      Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
                0.00        0.00     146/912181      AddType [232]
                0.00        0.00     185/912181      TrieAdd [221]
                0.01        0.03   53622/912181      SetUrl [17]
                0.02        0.06  107244/912181      Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.17        0.39  750824/912181      ns_strcopy [28]
[29]     3.2    0.20        0.48  912181         ns_strdup [29]
                0.16        0.32  912296/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       1/321890      directory_size [372]
                0.00        0.00       1/321890      ExecNsd [380]
                0.00        0.00       1/321890      Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
                0.00        0.00       3/321890      BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       8/321890      MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00      10/321890      MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00      12/321890      Ns_ModulePath [261]
                0.00        0.00      30/321890      Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.05        0.06   53623/321890      Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.05        0.06   53623/321890      Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
                0.05        0.06   53712/321890      Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.16        0.17  160866/321890      AllocateCa [33]
[30]     3.1    0.32        0.33  321890         Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.33        0.00 1233685/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.09        0.56   53623/53623       Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
[31]     3.1    0.09        0.56   53623         Ns_ConnFree [31]
                0.14        0.20  107246/107255      Ns_SetFree [47]
                0.04        0.17   53622/53623       Ns_FreeRequest [69]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.06        0.58   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRun [7]
[32]     3.0    0.06        0.58   53622         Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
                0.16        0.34   53622/107245      Ns_ConnReadLine [19]
                0.03        0.00   53622/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.04        0.18   53622/160866      Ns_CacheNewEntry [62]
                0.04        0.18   53622/160866      Ns_CacheDoStat [58]
                0.04        0.18   53622/160866      Ns_CacheLockURL [64]
[33]     3.0    0.11        0.53  160866         AllocateCa [33]
                0.16        0.17  160866/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.06        0.00  160866/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.06        0.00  160866/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.04        0.00  160866/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.03        0.00  160866/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.04        0.59   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRunRequest [21]
[34]     3.0    0.04        0.59   53622         AllocateOp [34]
                0.05        0.52   53622/268156      Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     ReturnNotice [298]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
                0.00        0.00       4/1555972     MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00       4/1555972     Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       8/1555972     MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00      16/1555972     ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00      18/1555972     MigrateSection [322]
                0.00        0.00      23/1555972     Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
                0.00        0.00      25/1555972     Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00      26/1555972     LogCmd [246]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555972     Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555972     AddType [232]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555972     JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555972     Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     ServerMimeType [61]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     UrlIsFile [11]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_ConnRun [7]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555972     Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555972     FastGet [1]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555972     FastReturnFile [6]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555972     DefaultUrlToFile [3]
                0.04        0.00  107267/1555972     Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.04        0.00  107270/1555972     Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.06        0.00  160866/1555972     AllocateCa [33]
                0.17        0.00  429085/1555972     Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
[35]     2.9    0.60        0.00 1555972         Ns_DStringFree [35]


                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     ExecNsd [380]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     ReturnNotice [298]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     directory_size [372]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
                0.00        0.00       4/1555965     MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00       6/1555965     Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       8/1555965     MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00      10/1555965     AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00      16/1555965     ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00      18/1555965     MigrateSection [322]
                0.00        0.00      23/1555965     Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
                0.00        0.00      25/1555965     Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00      26/1555965     LogCmd [246]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555965     Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555965     AddType [232]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555965     JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555965     Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     ServerMimeType [61]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     UrlIsFile [11]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_ConnRun [7]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.02        0.00   53623/1555965     Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     FastGet [1]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     FastReturnFile [6]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     SetUrl [17]
                0.04        0.00  107244/1555965     DefaultUrlToFile [3]
                0.04        0.00  107270/1555965     Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.06        0.00  160866/1555965     AllocateCa [33]
                0.16        0.00  429085/1555965     Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
[36]     2.7    0.58        0.00 1555965         Ns_DStringInit [36]


[37]     2.6    0.40        0.15                 WaitForSocks [37]
                0.08        0.03   53625/53629       Ns_InfoShutdownPending [88]
                0.03        0.00  107250/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.02        0.00  107250/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/36          Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
                0.00        0.00       3/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       1/40          Ns_SetThreadServer [461]


[38]     2.5    0.21        0.32                 StringFind [38]
                0.32        0.00  376868/378683      HashString [49]


                0.00        0.00       1/482605      ConfigRead [270]
                0.01        0.05   53622/482605      Ns_ConnModifiedSince [77]
                0.01        0.05   53623/482605      Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.03        0.09  107244/482605      Ns_ConnRun [7]
                0.07        0.23  268115/482605      Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders [20]
[39]     2.5    0.12        0.41  482605         Ns_SetIGet [39]
                0.15        0.25  482605/482605      Ns_SetGetCmp [41]


                0.00        0.00       1/1507858     Ns_IndexAdd [441]
                0.49        0.00 1507857/1507858     ns_malloc [27]
[40]     2.3    0.49        0.00 1507858         ns_realloc [40]


                0.15        0.25  482605/482605      Ns_SetIGet [39]
[41]     1.9    0.15        0.25  482605         Ns_SetGetCmp [41]
                0.25        0.00  482605/482715      Ns_SetFindCmp [63]


                0.00        0.00       2/53635       ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       3/53635       Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       8/53635       ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.17        0.22   53622/53635       SetUrl [17]
[42]     1.9    0.17        0.22   53635         Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.05        0.06   53712/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.04        0.00  107270/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.04        0.00  107270/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.03        0.00  107347/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StopAllServers [187]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_RegisterFilter [400]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_InfoServersStarted [433]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     ShutdownWait [303]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StopThread [115]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Watcher [437]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnscheduleProc [436]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     SockStart [410]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_SetThreadStackSize [434]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_RegisterDriver [373]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_WaitThread [394]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_RegisterServerShutdown [369]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_SockCallback [392]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     RegisterAt [385]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     ForeachServer [188]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.00        0.00       6/1341534     CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc [388]
                0.00        0.00       8/1341534     ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     GetSet [381]
                0.00        0.00      10/1341534     Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00      14/1341534     Tcl_CloseFiles [370]
                0.00        0.00      17/1341534     ServerLog [79]
                0.00        0.00      23/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
                0.00        0.00      24/1341534     Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00      36/1341534     Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
                0.00        0.00      39/1341534     DeleteCtx [329]
                0.00        0.00      40/1341534     BeginThread [193]
                0.00        0.00      41/1341534     CreateCtx [326]
                0.00        0.00      42/1341534     AttachServer [251]
                0.00        0.00      46/1341534     DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00     171/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     ServerMimeType [61]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     AllocateOp [34]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     QueueConn [26]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
                0.01        0.00   53625/1341534     ns_inet_ntoa [87]
                0.01        0.00   53629/1341534     Ns_InfoShutdownPending [88]
                0.01        0.00   53767/1341534     DeAllocateOp [93]
                0.03        0.00  107250/1341534     WaitForSocks [37]
                0.03        0.00  107314/1341534     RunConnection [4]
                0.04        0.00  160866/1341534     AllocateCa [33]
                0.04        0.00  160909/1341534     GetServer [68]
                0.12        0.00  429085/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
[43]     1.8    0.37        0.00 1341534         Ns_LockMutex [43]


                0.06        0.06   53622/160867      FastReturnFile [6]
                0.06        0.06   53622/160867      Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
                0.06        0.06   53623/160867      Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[44]     1.7    0.18        0.18  160867         Ns_HttpTime [44]
                0.08        0.06  160867/160867      ns_gmtime [81]
                0.04        0.00  160867/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.04        0.31   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[45]     1.6    0.04        0.31   53622         Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
                0.03        0.12   53622/107244      Ns_ConnSetHeaders [52]
                0.06        0.06   53622/160867      Ns_HttpTime [44]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.34        0.00 1340551/1340551     Ns_ConnReadLine [19]
[46]     1.6    0.34        0.00 1340551         Ns_ConnRead [46]


                0.00        0.00       9/107255      CleanupSet [330]
                0.14        0.20  107246/107255      Ns_ConnFree [31]
[47]     1.6    0.14        0.20  107255         Ns_SetFree [47]
                0.20        0.00 1072519/1614252     ns_free [51]


[48]     1.6    0.34        0.00                 CmpKeyWithBranch [48]


                0.00        0.00     672/378683      RebuildTable [247]
                0.00        0.00    1143/378683      StringCreate [210]
                0.32        0.00  376868/378683      StringFind [38]
[49]     1.5    0.32        0.00  378683         HashString [49]


                0.00        0.00       2/1717264     TrieBranchTrunc [141]
                0.00        0.00     101/1717264     TrieFindExact [185]
                0.00        0.00     171/1717264     JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     868/1717264     TrieAdd [221]
                0.32        0.00 1716122/1717264     TrieFind [25]
[50]     1.5    0.32        0.00 1717264         Ns_IndexFind [50]


                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     DestroyCgiCtx [442]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     InfoInit [294]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     CleanupVar [440]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
                0.00        0.00       2/1614252     Ns_SetDelete [439]
                0.00        0.00       2/1614252     DestroyInterp [243]
                0.00        0.00       2/1614252     Ns_DestroyCriticalSection [438]
                0.00        0.00       3/1614252     DestroyDbCtx [424]
                0.00        0.00       3/1614252     WaitForSocks [37]
                0.00        0.00       3/1614252     SetupAppendBuffer [390]
                0.00        0.00       4/1614252     DestroyCallbacks [420]
                0.00        0.00       4/1614252     Ns_DestroySemaphore [421]
                0.00        0.00       6/1614252     DestroyServer [240]
                0.00        0.00       6/1614252     DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       6/1614252     RebuildTable [247]
                0.00        0.00       7/1614252     Ns_DestroyMutex [417]
                0.00        0.00       8/1614252     Ns_ListFree [415]
                0.00        0.00       8/1614252     Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
                0.00        0.00      10/1614252     TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]
                0.00        0.00      10/1614252     Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00      11/1614252     Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                0.00        0.00      12/1614252     DestroyFpInfo [402]
                0.00        0.00      13/1614252     Ns_IndexTrunc [364]
                0.00        0.00      16/1614252     Ns_IndexStringDestroy [334]
                0.00        0.00      18/1614252     CleanupSet [330]
                0.00        0.00      20/1614252     ModuleCmd [266]
                0.00        0.00      26/1614252     Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00      28/1614252     Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      34/1614252     ServerThreadMain [149]
                0.00        0.00      39/1614252     DeleteArray [355]
                0.00        0.00      39/1614252     DeleteCtx [329]
                0.00        0.00      42/1614252     Tcl_DeleteHashEntry [366]
                0.00        0.00      59/1614252     TclExpandParseValue [310]
                0.00        0.00      69/1614252     Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
                0.00        0.00     146/1614252     DeAllocateOp [93]
                0.00        0.00     154/1614252     IndexNodeDestroy [293]
                0.00        0.00     170/1614252     NodeDestroy [331]
                0.00        0.00     176/1614252     DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00     303/1614252     Ns_IndexDestroy [315]
                0.00        0.00     411/1614252     FreeTclContext [306]
                0.00        0.00     442/1614252     TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00     616/1614252     Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00     666/1614252     Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
                0.00        0.00     881/1614252     CleanupProc [286]
                0.00        0.00    1026/1614252     Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1614252     FastReturnFile [6]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1614252     Ns_ConnFree [31]
                0.03        0.00  160866/1614252     FreeUrl [86]
                0.05        0.00  268115/1614252     Ns_FreeRequest [69]
                0.20        0.00 1072519/1614252     Ns_SetFree [47]
[51]     1.4    0.30        0.00 1614252         ns_free [51]


                0.03        0.12   53622/107244      FastReturnFile [6]
                0.03        0.12   53622/107244      Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
[52]     1.4    0.06        0.23  107244         Ns_ConnSetHeaders [52]
                0.06        0.18  107244/375396      Ns_SetPut [22]


                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StopAllServers [187]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_RegisterFilter [400]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_InfoServersStarted [433]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     ShutdownWait [303]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     StopThread [115]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Watcher [437]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnscheduleProc [436]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     SockStart [410]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_SetThreadStackSize [434]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_RegisterDriver [373]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_WaitThread [394]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_RegisterServerShutdown [369]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_SockCallback [392]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     RegisterAt [385]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     ForeachServer [188]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.00        0.00       6/1341534     CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc [388]
                0.00        0.00       8/1341534     ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     GetSet [381]
                0.00        0.00      10/1341534     Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00      14/1341534     Tcl_CloseFiles [370]
                0.00        0.00      17/1341534     ServerLog [79]
                0.00        0.00      23/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
                0.00        0.00      24/1341534     Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00      36/1341534     Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
                0.00        0.00      39/1341534     DeleteCtx [329]
                0.00        0.00      40/1341534     BeginThread [193]
                0.00        0.00      41/1341534     CreateCtx [326]
                0.00        0.00      42/1341534     AttachServer [251]
                0.00        0.00      46/1341534     DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00     171/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     ServerMimeType [61]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     AllocateOp [34]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     QueueConn [26]
                0.01        0.00   53623/1341534     Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
                0.01        0.00   53625/1341534     ns_inet_ntoa [87]
                0.01        0.00   53629/1341534     Ns_InfoShutdownPending [88]
                0.01        0.00   53767/1341534     DeAllocateOp [93]
                0.02        0.00  107250/1341534     WaitForSocks [37]
                0.02        0.00  107314/1341534     RunConnection [4]
                0.03        0.00  160866/1341534     AllocateCa [33]
                0.03        0.00  160909/1341534     GetServer [68]
                0.09        0.00  429085/1341534     Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
[53]     1.3    0.28        0.00 1341534         Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


[54]     1.3    0.27        0.00                 CmpIdWithNode [54]


                0.02        0.25   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[55]     1.3    0.02        0.25   53622         Ns_CacheLock [55]
                0.02        0.23   53622/53622       Ns_CacheLockURL [64]


                0.06        0.21   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[56]     1.3    0.06        0.21   53622         Ns_ConnSendFd [56]
                0.10        0.11   53622/53622       SimpleSendFd [66]


                0.00        0.00       9/107264      Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00       9/107264      Ns_SetCopy [312]
                0.07        0.20  107246/107264      QueueConn [26]
[57]     1.3    0.07        0.20  107264         Ns_SetCreate [57]
                0.04        0.07  214528/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.02        0.07  107264/858203      ns_strcopy [28]


                0.04        0.23   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[58]     1.3    0.04        0.23   53622         Ns_CacheDoStat [58]
                0.04        0.18   53622/160866      AllocateCa [33]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_ConnServer [99]


                0.12        0.14   53622/53622       SetUrl [17]
[59]     1.2    0.12        0.14   53622         Ns_DecodeUrl [59]
                0.14        0.00  536220/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.10        0.00  107244/268110      Ns_ConnRun [7]
                0.16        0.00  160866/268110      Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
[60]     1.2    0.26        0.00  268110         RunFilters [60]


                0.07        0.19   53622/53622       Ns_FastReturnFile [5]
[61]     1.2    0.07        0.19   53622         ServerMimeType [61]
                0.11        0.01   53622/53778       LowerDString [84]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.02        0.00   53622/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53622/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.03        0.23   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[62]     1.2    0.03        0.23   53622         Ns_CacheNewEntry [62]
                0.04        0.18   53622/160866      AllocateCa [33]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_ConnServer [99]


                0.00        0.00       3/482715      Ns_SetFind [414]
                0.00        0.00     107/482715      Ns_SetIFind [316]
                0.25        0.00  482605/482715      Ns_SetGetCmp [41]
[63]     1.2    0.25        0.00  482715         Ns_SetFindCmp [63]


                0.02        0.23   53622/53622       Ns_CacheLock [55]
[64]     1.2    0.02        0.23   53622         Ns_CacheLockURL [64]
                0.04        0.18   53622/160866      AllocateCa [33]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_ConnServer [99]


                0.00        0.00       1/107246      Ns_ConnReturnData [318]
                0.04        0.07   53622/107246      SimpleSendFd [66]
                0.04        0.07   53623/107246      Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
[65]     1.1    0.08        0.15  107246         Ns_WriteConn [65]
                0.08        0.06  107246/107246      Ns_ConnWrite [76]


                0.10        0.11   53622/53622       Ns_ConnSendFd [56]
[66]     1.0    0.10        0.11   53622         SimpleSendFd [66]
                0.04        0.07   53622/107246      Ns_WriteConn [65]


                0.08        0.13   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[67]     1.0    0.08        0.13   53622         ns_openread [67]
                0.03        0.04   53622/53624       ns_closeonexec [95]
                0.05        0.00   53622/53624       ns_duphigh [107]


                0.00        0.00       1/160909      Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      DbServerInit [411]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      Ns_FastpathInit [129]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      Ns_CountPageRootSize [342]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      Ns_RegisterFilter [400]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      Ns_RunServerShutdownProcs [357]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      Ns_RunAtStartup [397]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      Ns_RegisterDriver [373]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      Ns_SetRequestAuthorizeProc [398]
                0.00        0.00       3/160909      Ns_RegisterServerShutdown [369]
                0.00        0.00       7/160909      Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00      12/160909      Ns_TclGetServerData [353]
                0.04        0.03   53622/160909      Ns_AuthorizeRequest [83]
                0.08        0.05  107246/160909      Ns_PageRoot [71]
[68]     1.0    0.13        0.08  160909         GetServer [68]
                0.04        0.00  160909/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.03        0.00  160909/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/53623       Ns_ParseRequest [13]
                0.04        0.17   53622/53623       Ns_ConnFree [31]
[69]     1.0    0.04        0.17   53623         Ns_FreeRequest [69]
                0.09        0.03   53623/53623       FreeUrl [86]
                0.05        0.00  268115/1614252     ns_free [51]


                                     185             Tcl_StringMatch [70]
                0.00        0.00      16/429152      CmpMappings [368]
                0.00        0.00      23/429152      JunctionFindExact [184]
                0.00        0.00      28/429152      DoGlob [223]
                0.19        0.00  429085/429152      JunctionFind [15]
[70]     0.9    0.19        0.00  429152+185     Tcl_StringMatch [70]
                                     185             Tcl_StringMatch [70]


                0.00        0.00       2/107246      Ns_CountPageRootSize [342]
                0.05        0.14  107244/107246      DefaultUrlToFile [3]
[71]     0.9    0.05        0.14  107246         Ns_PageRoot [71]
                0.08        0.05  107246/160909      GetServer [68]


                0.00        0.00       3/107498      InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00      77/107498      Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00     173/107498      MakeSection [265]
                0.05        0.13  107245/107498      Ns_ParseRequest [13]
[72]     0.8    0.05        0.13  107498         Ns_StrTrim [72]
                0.09        0.00  107555/107555      Ns_StrTrimRight [92]
                0.04        0.00  107555/107555      Ns_StrTrimLeft [119]


                0.00        0.00       2/53985       Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.00        0.00       3/53985       Ns_CountPageRootSize [342]
                0.00        0.00       3/53985       Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
                0.00        0.00       3/53985       ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00       5/53985       IdMsg [343]
                0.00        0.00       6/53985       CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.00       7/53985       RunCallbacks [340]
                0.00        0.00      10/53985       AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00      26/53985       LogCmd [246]
                0.00        0.00     145/53985       Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
                0.00        0.00     146/53985       AddType [232]
                0.03        0.14   53623/53985       QueueConn [26]
[73]     0.8    0.03        0.14   53985         Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.13      19/19          ServerLog [79]


                0.00        0.00       1/107265      ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       1/107265      Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00       1/107265      ExecNsd [380]
                0.00        0.00       3/107265      Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       5/107265      InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00      10/107265      AddIcon [178]
                0.06        0.10  107244/107265      SetUrl [17]
[74]     0.8    0.06        0.10  107265         Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.02        0.04  107267/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.04        0.00  107267/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]


                0.02        0.00   53622/428978      Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
                0.14        0.00  375356/428978      Ns_ConnRun [7]
[75]     0.8    0.16        0.00  428978         Ns_ConnSetState [75]


                0.08        0.06  107246/107246      Ns_WriteConn [65]
[76]     0.7    0.08        0.06  107246         Ns_ConnWrite [76]
                0.06        0.00  107246/107246      Ns_ConnIncrContentSent [104]


                0.08        0.06   53622/53622       FastReturnFile [6]
[77]     0.6    0.08        0.06   53622         Ns_ConnModifiedSince [77]
                0.01        0.05   53622/482605      Ns_SetIGet [39]


[78]     0.6    0.01        0.13      57+2829    <cycle 1 as a whole>	[78]
                0.00        0.09     459             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
                0.00        0.03    1139             TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
                0.00        0.00     449             ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
                0.00        0.00      11             Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                0.00        0.00     153             ExprTopLevel <cycle 1> [229]
                0.00        0.00     144             TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]
                0.00        0.00     153+103         ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
                0.00        0.00      20             Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
                0.00        0.00      26             Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00     153             Tcl_ExprBoolean <cycle 1> [451]
                0.00        0.00     133             Tcl_IfCmd <cycle 1> [454]
                0.00        0.00      26             Tcl_SourceCmd <cycle 1> [465]
                0.00        0.00      20             Tcl_UplevelCmd <cycle 1> [470]


                0.00        0.13      19/19          Ns_Log [73]
[79]     0.6    0.00        0.13      19         ServerLog [79]
                0.09        0.04      19/19          Ns_LogTime [82]
                0.00        0.00      19/21          Ns_GetThreadServer [367]
                0.00        0.00      17/63          Ns_GetThreadId [338]
                0.00        0.00      17/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      17/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      19/19          Ns_InfoPid [471]


                0.00        0.00       1/214573      Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       2/214573      ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       3/214573      directory_size [372]
                0.00        0.00       5/214573      InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00       6/214573      MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00       8/214573      MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00       8/214573      Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00      50/214573      Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.03        0.00   53622/214573      Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
                0.03        0.00   53622/214573      SetUrl [17]
                0.07        0.00  107246/214573      Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[80]     0.6    0.14        0.00  214573         Ns_DStringTrunc [80]


                0.08        0.06  160867/160867      Ns_HttpTime [44]
[81]     0.6    0.08        0.06  160867         ns_gmtime [81]
                0.06        0.00  160867/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]
                0.00        0.00      34/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      34/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                0.09        0.04      19/19          ServerLog [79]
[82]     0.6    0.09        0.04      19         Ns_LogTime [82]
                0.02        0.02   53641/53641       ns_localtime [111]


                0.03        0.10   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRun [7]
[83]     0.6    0.03        0.10   53622         Ns_AuthorizeRequest [83]
                0.04        0.03   53622/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.03        0.00   53622/53622       AuthorizeRequest [122]


                0.00        0.00      10/53778       AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00     146/53778       AddType [232]
                0.11        0.01   53622/53778       ServerMimeType [61]
[84]     0.6    0.11        0.01   53778         LowerDString [84]
                0.01        0.00   53778/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


[85]     0.6    0.00        0.12                 InterpProc [85]
                0.01        0.11      49/57          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
                0.00        0.00      78/200         Tcl_SetVar [170]
                0.00        0.00      49/477         Tcl_DStringAppend [200]
                0.00        0.00      49/67          TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00      49/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      49/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00      49/296         Tcl_DStringInit [446]


                0.09        0.03   53623/53623       Ns_FreeRequest [69]
[86]     0.6    0.09        0.03   53623         FreeUrl [86]
                0.03        0.00  160866/1614252     ns_free [51]


[87]     0.5    0.06        0.05                 ns_inet_ntoa [87]
                0.02        0.00   53625/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]
                0.01        0.00   53625/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53625/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                0.00        0.00       4/53629       RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.08        0.03   53625/53629       WaitForSocks [37]
[88]     0.5    0.08        0.03   53629         Ns_InfoShutdownPending [88]
                0.01        0.00   53629/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53629/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00      10/268262      TclGetRegError [386]
                0.00        0.00      20/268262      Ns_GetThreadServer [367]
                0.00        0.00      37/268262      ns_readdir [354]
                0.00        0.00      63/268262      GetCtx [337]
                0.02        0.00   53625/268262      ns_inet_ntoa [87]
                0.02        0.00   53640/268262      ns_localtime [111]
                0.06        0.00  160867/268262      ns_gmtime [81]
[89]     0.5    0.10        0.00  268262         Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]


                                      20             Tcl_UplevelCmd <cycle 1> [470]
                                      20             Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
                                      26             Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                                      29             Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                                      62             ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
                                     101             Tcl_IfCmd <cycle 1> [454]
                                     144             TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]
                0.00        0.02       8/57          Tcl_GlobalEval [134]
                0.01        0.11      49/57          InterpProc [85]
[90]     0.5    0.00        0.09     459         Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
                0.00        0.03     137/137         Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
                0.00        0.02    1832/2951        UnlockInterp [117]
                0.00        0.02    1832/2951        LockInterp [125]
                0.00        0.01     215/215         Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
                0.00        0.00     115/115         Tcl_FileCmd [213]
                0.00        0.00      56/56          Tcl_SetCmd [216]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_GlobCmd [222]
                0.00        0.00      26/26          LogCmd [246]
                0.00        0.00      18/18          Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_RegsubCmd [264]
                0.00        0.00      15/15          ModuleCmd [266]
                0.00        0.00       7/7           Tcl_Ns_ShareCmd [268]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          LibraryCmd [269]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_StringCmd [273]
                0.00        0.00       5/5           Tcl_AppendCmd [281]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           Tcl_InfoCmd [288]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           InfoCmd [333]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_TclConfigCmd [351]
                0.00        0.00      69/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
                0.00        0.00      20/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                                    1139             TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
                                     133             Tcl_IfCmd <cycle 1> [454]
                                      26             Tcl_SourceCmd <cycle 1> [465]
                                      20             Tcl_UplevelCmd <cycle 1> [470]
                                      20             Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
                                      11             Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]


                0.00        0.00       2/429473      JunctionBranchTrunc [140]
                0.00        0.00      10/429473      DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00      23/429473      JunctionFindExact [184]
                0.00        0.00     170/429473      IndexNodeDestroy [293]
                0.00        0.00     183/429473      TrieTrunc [284]
                0.10        0.00  429085/429473      JunctionFind [15]
[91]     0.5    0.10        0.00  429473         Ns_IndexEl [91]


                0.09        0.00  107555/107555      Ns_StrTrim [72]
[92]     0.4    0.09        0.00  107555         Ns_StrTrimRight [92]


                0.07        0.03   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRunRequest [21]
[93]     0.4    0.07        0.03   53622         DeAllocateOp [93]
                0.01        0.00   53767/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.01        0.00   53767/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00     146/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/53625       CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/53625       BuildNotice [314]
                0.06        0.01   53623/53625       Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[94]     0.4    0.06        0.01   53625         Ns_DStringPrintf [94]
                0.01        0.00   53627/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.00        0.00       2/53624       FdInit [378]
                0.03        0.04   53622/53624       ns_openread [67]
[95]     0.4    0.03        0.04   53624         ns_closeonexec [95]
                0.04        0.00   53624/53627       Ns_CloseOnExec [113]


                0.00        0.03       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.03       1/2           StopThread [115]
[96]     0.3    0.00        0.07       2         ServersInit [96]
                0.00        0.06       1/1           StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           StopAllServers [187]


                0.07        0.00   53657/53657       RunConnection [4]
[97]     0.3    0.07        0.00   53657         Ns_WaitForSemaphore [97]


                0.00        0.00       1/53624       Ns_ConnReturnData [318]
                0.06        0.00   53623/53624       Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
[98]     0.3    0.06        0.00   53624         Ns_ConnClose [98]


                0.00        0.00       1/214489      ReturnNotice [298]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_CacheNewEntry [62]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_CacheDoStat [58]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_CacheLockURL [64]
                0.02        0.00   53622/214489      Ns_ConnRunRequest [21]
[99]     0.3    0.06        0.00  214489         Ns_ConnServer [99]


                0.00        0.06       1/1           ServersInit [96]
[100]    0.3    0.00        0.06       1         StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.06       2/2           Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00       2/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       2/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ModuleLoadGlobals [374]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_ScheduleProc [405]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InfoSetupMode [513]


                0.00        0.06       2/2           StartAllServers [100]
[101]    0.3    0.00        0.06       2         Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.06       2/2           FastInitialize [103]
                0.00        0.00      24/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00      14/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00      12/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       6/6           GetMode [309]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00      10/858203      ns_strcopy [28]
                0.00        0.00      12/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       8/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       4/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       4/5           Ns_InitializeSemaphore [396]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_RegisterAtException [407]
                0.00        0.00       2/21          Ns_GetThreadServer [367]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       4/40          Ns_SetThreadServer [461]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           StartDrivers [500]


                0.03        0.00   53622/107244      FastGet [1]
                0.03        0.00   53622/107244      FastReturnFile [6]
[102]    0.3    0.06        0.00  107244         AcceptsNvds [102]


                0.00        0.06       2/2           Ns_StartServer [101]
[103]    0.3    0.00        0.06       2         FastInitialize [103]
                0.00        0.06       2/2           InitializeServer [105]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]


                0.06        0.00  107246/107246      Ns_ConnWrite [76]
[104]    0.3    0.06        0.00  107246         Ns_ConnIncrContentSent [104]


                0.00        0.06       2/2           FastInitialize [103]
[105]    0.3    0.00        0.06       2         InitializeServer [105]
                0.02        0.00       1/1           Ns_FastpathInit [129]
                0.00        0.02       2/2           Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.01       2/2           InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.01       2/2           InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitAliases [211]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_CacheInit [250]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ModuleLoadServer [259]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_QuotaInit [262]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SetupInit [289]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ShtmlInit [328]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_AdpInit [346]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_RunAtStartup [397]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           DbServerInit [411]


                0.06        0.00   53622/53622       Ns_ConnRun [7]
[106]    0.3    0.06        0.00   53622         Ns_ConnPeer [106]


                0.00        0.00       2/53624       FdInit [378]
                0.05        0.00   53622/53624       ns_openread [67]
[107]    0.3    0.05        0.00   53624         ns_duphigh [107]
                0.00        0.00   53624/53624       Ns_DupHigh [192]


                0.03        0.00   53623/107246      QueueConn [26]
                0.03        0.00   53623/107246      Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
[108]    0.3    0.05        0.00  107246         Ns_ThreadYield [108]


                0.00        0.00       4/53627       IdMsg [343]
                0.05        0.00   53623/53627       Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[109]    0.2    0.05        0.00   53627         Ns_InfoServerName [109]


                0.00        0.00       2/53625       Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.05        0.00   53623/53625       QueueConn [26]
[110]    0.2    0.05        0.00   53625         Ns_ReleaseSemaphore [110]


                0.02        0.02   53641/53641       Ns_LogTime [82]
[111]    0.2    0.02        0.02   53641         ns_localtime [111]
                0.02        0.00   53640/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]
                0.00        0.00      37/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      37/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


[112]    0.2    0.04        0.00                 ns_WaitForSignal [112]


                0.00        0.00       1/53627       BinderInit [377]
                0.00        0.00       2/53627       SockInit [299]
                0.04        0.00   53624/53627       ns_closeonexec [95]
[113]    0.2    0.04        0.00   53627         Ns_CloseOnExec [113]


                0.04        0.00   53623/53623       Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[114]    0.2    0.04        0.00   53623         Ns_ConnKeepAlive [114]


[115]    0.2    0.00        0.04                 StopThread [115]
                0.00        0.03       1/2           ServersInit [96]
                0.01        0.00       1/2           CacheInit [156]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ConfigInit [291]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockInit [299]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SimpleServeInit [301]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SchedInit [302]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           CallbackInit [324]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           LogInit [344]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           DbInit [345]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/4           IdMsg [343]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           FdInit [378]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           RequestInit [399]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           AliasInit [403]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockStart [410]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           UrlSpaceInit [412]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           TclInit [423]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           TimeInit [428]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           CryptInit [425]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockListenInit [427]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ShtmlInit [426]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           AdpInit [496]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           Ns_BroadcastEvent [481]


[116]    0.2    0.00        0.04                 StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.03       1/2           ServersInit [96]
                0.01        0.00       1/2           CacheInit [156]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ConfigInit [291]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockInit [299]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SimpleServeInit [301]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SchedInit [302]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           CallbackInit [324]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           LogInit [344]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           DbInit [345]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/4           IdMsg [343]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           FdInit [378]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           RequestInit [399]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           AliasInit [403]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockStart [410]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           UrlSpaceInit [412]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           TclInit [423]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ShtmlInit [426]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockListenInit [427]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           CryptInit [425]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           TimeInit [428]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           AdpInit [496]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           Ns_BroadcastEvent [481]


                0.00        0.00       2/2951        Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00       3/2951        Tcl_InfoCmd [288]
                0.00        0.00      46/2951        Tcl_CreateMathFunc [230]
                0.00        0.01     435/2951        Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.01     633/2951        UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.02    1832/2951        Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[117]    0.2    0.00        0.04    2951         UnlockInterp [117]
                0.04        0.00    2951/2951        Ns_LeaveCriticalSection [118]


                0.04        0.00    2951/2951        UnlockInterp [117]
[118]    0.2    0.04        0.00    2951         Ns_LeaveCriticalSection [118]


                0.04        0.00  107555/107555      Ns_StrTrim [72]
[119]    0.2    0.04        0.00  107555         Ns_StrTrimLeft [119]


                0.00        0.00       7/144         Ns_FastpathInit [129]
                0.00        0.03     137/144         Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
[120]    0.2    0.00        0.03     144         Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
                0.02        0.01     145/147         Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.00        0.00     145/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00     145/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       2/147         Ns_ServerSpecificSet [258]
                0.02        0.01     145/147         Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
[121]    0.2    0.02        0.01     147         Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
                0.01        0.00     171/171         JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     171/429281      MkSeq [24]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00     171/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00     171/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.03        0.00   53622/53622       Ns_AuthorizeRequest [83]
[122]    0.2    0.03        0.00   53622         AuthorizeRequest [122]


                0.00        0.00       1/107263      LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       2/107263      Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00      16/107263      ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.03        0.00  107244/107263      DefaultUrlToFile [3]
[123]    0.2    0.03        0.00  107263         Ns_PathIsAbsolute [123]


                0.00        0.03     137/137         Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[124]    0.2    0.00        0.03     137         Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
                0.00        0.03     137/144         Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
                0.00        0.00     137/858203      ns_strcopy [28]
                0.00        0.00     137/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00     137/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00     137/138         Ns_TclInterpServer [453]


                0.00        0.00       2/2951        Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00       3/2951        Tcl_InfoCmd [288]
                0.00        0.00      46/2951        Tcl_CreateMathFunc [230]
                0.00        0.00     435/2951        Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.01     633/2951        LockVars [172]
                0.00        0.02    1832/2951        Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[125]    0.1    0.00        0.03    2951         LockInterp [125]
                0.03        0.00    2951/2951        Ns_EnterCriticalSection [126]


                0.03        0.00    2951/2951        LockInterp [125]
[126]    0.1    0.03        0.00    2951         Ns_EnterCriticalSection [126]


                                    1139             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[127]    0.1    0.00        0.03    1139         TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
                0.02        0.00     746/746         TclParseBraces [143]
                0.00        0.01     289/326         Tcl_ParseVar [160]
                0.00        0.00      35/71          TclParseQuotes [241]
                0.00        0.00      60/1302        Tcl_Backslash [217]
                                     144             TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]


                0.03        0.00   53623/53623       RunConnection [4]
[128]    0.1    0.03        0.00   53623         Ns_ConnSetOwner [128]


                0.02        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[129]    0.1    0.02        0.00       1         Ns_FastpathInit [129]
                0.00        0.00       7/144         Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      GetServer [68]


[130]    0.1    0.02        0.00                 DeAllocateProt [130]


                0.02        0.00   53623/53623       RunConnection [4]
[131]    0.1    0.02        0.00   53623         Ns_ConnGetOwner [131]


[132]    0.1    0.02        0.00                 SaveFile [132]


                0.00        0.00       4/44          Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       6/44          CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.02      34/44          ServerThreadMain [149]
[133]    0.1    0.00        0.02      44         DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.02       2/2           Ns_ServerSpecificDestroy [138]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyServer [240]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_RunServerShutdownProcs [357]
                0.00        0.00      46/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      46/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Tcl_DeleteHashEntry [366]
                0.00        0.00       2/18          Ns_SetEvent [472]


                0.00        0.02       8/8           GlobalEval [135]
[134]    0.1    0.00        0.02       8         Tcl_GlobalEval [134]
                0.00        0.02       8/57          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


[135]    0.1    0.00        0.02                 GlobalEval [135]
                0.00        0.02       8/8           Tcl_GlobalEval [134]


[136]    0.1    0.02        0.00                 Ns_IndexDel [136]


                0.00        0.02       2/2           InitializeServer [105]
[137]    0.1    0.00        0.02       2         Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.01       2/2           Tcl_CreateInterp2 [154]
                0.00        0.01       2/2           Ns_TclCreateCmds [182]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           Ns_TclInitModule [225]
                0.00        0.00       2/10          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00       3/10          Ns_ModulePath [261]
                0.00        0.00       4/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       2/427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.00       4/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       3/53635       Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.00        0.00       2/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       8/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       3/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       6/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       4/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           CreateIData [419]
                0.00        0.00       2/107263      Ns_PathIsAbsolute [123]
                0.00        0.00       8/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           Ns_PathSetSlash [492]


                0.00        0.02       2/2           DetachServer [133]
[138]    0.1    0.00        0.02       2         Ns_ServerSpecificDestroy [138]
                0.00        0.02       2/2           Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]


                0.00        0.02       2/2           Ns_ServerSpecificDestroy [138]
[139]    0.1    0.00        0.02       2         Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
                0.00        0.02       2/2           JunctionBranchTrunc [140]
                0.00        0.00       2/429281      MkSeq [24]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.02       2/2           Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
[140]    0.1    0.00        0.02       2         JunctionBranchTrunc [140]
                0.02        0.00       2/2           TrieBranchTrunc [141]
                0.00        0.00       2/429473      Ns_IndexEl [91]


                                       2             TrieBranchTrunc [141]
                0.02        0.00       2/2           JunctionBranchTrunc [140]
[141]    0.1    0.02        0.00       2+2       TrieBranchTrunc [141]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           TrieTrunc [284]
                0.00        0.00       2/1717264     Ns_IndexFind [50]
                                       2             TrieBranchTrunc [141]


[142]    0.1    0.02        0.00                 Ns_SockSetBlocking [142]


                0.02        0.00     746/746         TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
[143]    0.1    0.02        0.00     746         TclParseBraces [143]
                0.00        0.00    1242/1302        Tcl_Backslash [217]
                0.00        0.00     104/109         TclExpandParseValue [310]


[144]    0.1    0.02        0.00                 Tcl_HashStats [144]


                0.02        0.00   53623/53623       Ns_ConnRun [7]
[145]    0.1    0.02        0.00   53623         Ns_ConnInit [145]


                0.00        0.02       1/1           __start [148]
[146]    0.1    0.00        0.02       1         main [146]
                0.00        0.02       1/1           ns_main [147]


                0.00        0.02       1/1           main [146]
[147]    0.1    0.00        0.02       1         ns_main [147]
                0.00        0.02       1/1           LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           InfoInit [294]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ShutdownWait [303]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           BeginStartup [304]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ThreadsInit [341]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           UnixInit [347]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitDstring [350]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           SigInit [352]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitUmask [360]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           IdMsg [343]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ExecNsd [380]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SigCatch [435]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           InitStdFd [491]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_DestroyThreads [512]


[149]    0.1    0.00        0.02                 ServerThreadMain [149]
                0.00        0.02      34/44          DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00      34/36          Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
                0.00        0.00      34/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00      34/40          Ns_SetThreadServer [461]


                0.00        0.02       1/1           ns_main [147]
[150]    0.1    0.00        0.02       1         LogOpen [150]
                0.02        0.00       1/1           LogReOpen [151]
                0.00        0.00       7/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       1/107263      Ns_PathIsAbsolute [123]


                0.02        0.00       1/1           LogOpen [150]
[151]    0.1    0.02        0.00       1         LogReOpen [151]


[152]    0.1    0.02        0.00                 Ns_ConnReplaceHeaders [152]


                0.00        0.01       2/2           Tcl_CreateInterp2 [154]
[153]    0.1    0.00        0.01       2         NewInterp [153]
                0.01        0.00       2/2           Ns_InitializeCriticalSection [155]
                0.00        0.00       2/16          TclInitGlobalVars [207]
                0.00        0.00     132/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           TclSetupEnv [321]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Tcl_MTInit [413]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       8/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00       2/296         Tcl_DStringInit [446]


                0.00        0.01       2/2           Ns_TclInit [137]
[154]    0.1    0.00        0.01       2         Tcl_CreateInterp2 [154]
                0.00        0.01       2/2           NewInterp [153]


                0.01        0.00       2/2           NewInterp [153]
[155]    0.1    0.01        0.00       2         Ns_InitializeCriticalSection [155]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.01        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.01        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[156]    0.1    0.01        0.00       2         CacheInit [156]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


[157]    0.1    0.01        0.00                 Ns_EncodeUrl [157]


                0.01        0.00     171/171         Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
[158]    0.1    0.01        0.00     171         JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     171/171         TrieAdd [221]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00     171/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00     171/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00     171/1717264     Ns_IndexFind [50]
                0.00        0.00       1/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00       1/186         TrieInit [300]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/367         Ns_IndexAdd [441]


                0.00        0.00       1/427         CacheInitInterp [335]
                0.00        0.00       1/427         QuotaInitInterp [336]
                0.00        0.00       2/427         Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       2/427         TclSetupEnv [321]
                0.00        0.01     206/427         Ns_TclCreateCmds [182]
                0.00        0.01     215/427         Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
[159]    0.1    0.00        0.01     427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.01     435/2951        UnlockInterp [117]
                0.00        0.00     435/2951        LockInterp [125]
                0.00        0.00     435/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00      16/326         ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
                0.00        0.00      21/326         TclParseQuotes [241]
                0.00        0.01     289/326         TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
[160]    0.0    0.00        0.01     326         Tcl_ParseVar [160]
                0.00        0.01     326/329         Tcl_GetVar2 [165]


[161]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_ConnSetDriver [161]


[162]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_SetUpdate [162]


                0.00        0.01     215/215         Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[163]    0.0    0.00        0.01     215         Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
                0.00        0.01     215/427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.00     666/687         Tcl_SplitList [191]
                0.00        0.00     881/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00     666/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       5/261         Tcl_AppendCmd [281]
                0.00        0.00      56/261         Tcl_SetCmd [216]
                0.00        0.01     200/261         Tcl_SetVar [170]
[164]    0.0    0.00        0.01     261         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]
                0.00        0.00     261/633         UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.00     261/261         Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
                0.00        0.00     261/633         LockVars [172]


                0.00        0.00       3/329         Tcl_GetVar [305]
                0.00        0.01     326/329         Tcl_ParseVar [160]
[165]    0.0    0.00        0.01     329         Tcl_GetVar2 [165]
                0.00        0.00     329/633         UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.00     329/633         LockVars [172]
                0.00        0.00     329/329         Tcl_GetVar3 [224]


[166]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_ConnResponseStatus [166]


                0.00        0.00      13/633         MakeUpvar [267]
                0.00        0.00      14/633         Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
                0.00        0.00      16/633         Tcl_TraceVar2 [260]
                0.00        0.00     261/633         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]
                0.00        0.00     329/633         Tcl_GetVar2 [165]
[167]    0.0    0.00        0.01     633         UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.01     633/2951        UnlockInterp [117]


[168]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_NullWriteFd [168]


                0.00        0.01       2/2           InitializeServer [105]
[169]    0.0    0.00        0.01       2         InitFastpath [169]
                0.01        0.00       2/2           ns_calloc [171]
                0.00        0.00       7/10          Ns_ModulePath [261]
                0.00        0.00      18/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00      12/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       5/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.00        0.00       3/107498      Ns_StrTrim [72]
                0.00        0.00       5/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       9/200         Tcl_RegsubCmd [264]
                0.00        0.00      20/200         Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
                0.00        0.00      29/200         Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                0.00        0.00      64/200         TclInitGlobalVars [207]
                0.00        0.00      78/200         InterpProc [85]
[170]    0.0    0.00        0.01     200         Tcl_SetVar [170]
                0.00        0.01     200/261         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]


                0.01        0.00       2/2           InitFastpath [169]
[171]    0.0    0.01        0.00       2         ns_calloc [171]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00      13/633         MakeUpvar [267]
                0.00        0.00      14/633         Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
                0.00        0.00      16/633         Tcl_TraceVar2 [260]
                0.00        0.00     261/633         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]
                0.00        0.00     329/633         Tcl_GetVar2 [165]
[172]    0.0    0.00        0.01     633         LockVars [172]
                0.00        0.01     633/2951        LockInterp [125]


                0.00        0.01       2/2           InitializeServer [105]
[173]    0.0    0.00        0.01       2         InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.01        0.00      10/10          AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00     146/146         AddType [232]
                0.00        0.00       4/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       4/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       4/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       2/438         Ns_IndexInit [275]
                0.00        0.00       2/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


[174]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_ConnSetLengthHeader [174]


[175]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_ConnContentSent [175]


[176]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_ConnSendFp [176]


[177]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_SockSetNonBlocking [177]


                0.01        0.00      10/10          InitMimeTypes [173]
[178]    0.0    0.01        0.00      10         AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00      10/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00      10/53778       LowerDString [84]
                0.00        0.00      10/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.00        0.00      10/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00      10/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      10/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00      10/367         Ns_IndexAdd [441]


[179]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_CacheGetSection [179]


[180]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_ConnGets [180]


[181]    0.0    0.01        0.00                 Ns_IndexDup [181]


                0.00        0.01       2/2           Ns_TclInit [137]
[182]    0.0    0.00        0.01       2         Ns_TclCreateCmds [182]
                0.00        0.01     206/427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
                0.00        0.00       2/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]


[183]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
                0.00        0.00      23/23          JunctionFindExact [184]
                0.00        0.00      23/429281      MkSeq [24]
                0.00        0.00      23/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00      23/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00      23/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      23/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00      23/23          Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact [183]
[184]    0.0    0.00        0.00      23         JunctionFindExact [184]
                0.00        0.00      23/23          TrieFindExact [185]
                0.00        0.00      23/429152      Tcl_StringMatch [70]
                0.00        0.00      23/429473      Ns_IndexEl [91]


                                      79             TrieFindExact [185]
                0.00        0.00      23/23          JunctionFindExact [184]
[185]    0.0    0.00        0.00      23+79      TrieFindExact [185]
                0.00        0.00     101/1717264     Ns_IndexFind [50]
                                      79             TrieFindExact [185]


[186]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_IndexFindInf [186]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ServersInit [96]
[187]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         StopAllServers [187]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ForeachServer [188]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_UnscheduleProc [436]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/3           Ns_WaitForEvent [493]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           StopAllServers [187]
[188]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ForeachServer [188]
                0.00        0.00       6/6           CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       8/8           Ns_ListCons [384]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_ListFree [415]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       8/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00       4/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]


                0.00        0.00      34/34          Ns_BeginDetachedServerThread [190]
[189]    0.0    0.00        0.00      34         BeginServerThread [189]
                0.00        0.00      34/38          Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]
                0.00        0.00      34/42          AttachServer [251]
                0.00        0.00      34/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00      34/34          QueueConn [26]
[190]    0.0    0.00        0.00      34         Ns_BeginDetachedServerThread [190]
                0.00        0.00      34/34          BeginServerThread [189]


                0.00        0.00      10/687         Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00      11/687         Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                0.00        0.00     666/687         Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
[191]    0.0    0.00        0.00     687         Tcl_SplitList [191]
                0.00        0.00     943/943         TclCopyAndCollapse [236]
                0.00        0.00     687/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00     972/972         TclFindElement [444]


                0.00        0.00   53624/53624       ns_duphigh [107]
[192]    0.0    0.00        0.00   53624         Ns_DupHigh [192]


                0.00        0.00       2/40          Ns_BeginThread [282]
                0.00        0.00      38/40          Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]
[193]    0.0    0.00        0.00      40         BeginThread [193]
                0.00        0.00      40/40          BeginThread2 [196]
                0.00        0.00      40/41          CreateCtx [326]
                0.00        0.00      40/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      40/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00     261/261         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]
[194]    0.0    0.00        0.00     261         Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
                0.00        0.00     261/587         PrivateVar [204]
                0.00        0.00     223/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00     261/619         LookupVar [295]
                0.00        0.00       8/1614252     ns_free [51]


[195]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_UrlIsMiniWeb [195]


                0.00        0.00      40/40          BeginThread [193]
[196]    0.0    0.00        0.00      40         BeginThread2 [196]
                0.00        0.00      40/40          PthreadAttrInit [197]


                0.00        0.00      40/40          BeginThread2 [196]
[197]    0.0    0.00        0.00      40         PthreadAttrInit [197]


                0.00        0.00       1/38          Ns_QuotaInit [262]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          BeginStartup [304]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          ShutdownWait [303]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          SimpleServeInit [301]
                0.00        0.00      34/38          BeginServerThread [189]
[198]    0.0    0.00        0.00      38         Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]
                0.00        0.00      38/40          BeginThread [193]


                0.00        0.00       2/14          DestroyInterp [243]
                0.00        0.00      12/14          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
[199]    0.0    0.00        0.00      14         Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
                0.00        0.00      14/14          Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
                0.00        0.00      28/209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]
                0.00        0.00      42/44          CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00      14/14          Tcl_CloseFiles [370]
                0.00        0.00      14/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]
                0.00        0.00      14/16          InitIData [474]


                0.00        0.00      49/477         InterpProc [85]
                0.00        0.00     157/477         PrivateVar [204]
                0.00        0.00     271/477         DoGlob [223]
[200]    0.0    0.00        0.00     477         Tcl_DStringAppend [200]
                0.00        0.00      28/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       4/53627       IdMsg [343]
                0.00        0.00   53623/53627       Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
[201]    0.0    0.00        0.00   53627         Ns_InfoServerVersion [201]


[202]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_CacheGetMaxExpires [202]


[203]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 UrlToNvd [203]


                0.00        0.00     261/587         Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
                0.00        0.00     326/587         Tcl_GetVar3 [224]
[204]    0.0    0.00        0.00     587         PrivateVar [204]
                0.00        0.00     157/477         Tcl_DStringAppend [200]
                0.00        0.00     157/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]


                                     449             ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
[205]    0.0    0.00        0.00     449         ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
                0.00        0.00     114/209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]
                0.00        0.00      16/326         Tcl_ParseVar [160]
                0.00        0.00      36/71          TclParseQuotes [241]
                0.00        0.00     296/394         ExprLooksLikeInt [445]
                0.00        0.00     114/114         ExprParseString [456]
                                      62             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                0.00        0.00      14/14          Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
[206]    0.0    0.00        0.00      14         Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
                0.00        0.00      14/16          TclInitGlobalVars [207]
                0.00        0.00      14/633         UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.00      14/633         LockVars [172]
                0.00        0.00      14/67          TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00      14/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       2/16          NewInterp [153]
                0.00        0.00      14/16          Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
[207]    0.0    0.00        0.00      16         TclInitGlobalVars [207]
                0.00        0.00      64/200         Tcl_SetVar [170]
                0.00        0.00      16/16          Tcl_TraceVar2 [260]


                0.00        0.00       6/6           ForeachServer [188]
[208]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.00       6/44          DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00       6/42          AttachServer [251]
                0.00        0.00       6/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       6/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       6/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_CacheInit [250]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_QuotaInit [262]
                0.00        0.00       2/10          Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       6/10          Ns_TclInitModule [225]
[209]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00      12/14          Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
                0.00        0.00      12/12          Ns_TclGetServerData [353]
                0.00        0.00      24/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      24/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      12/63          Ns_GetThreadId [338]
                0.00        0.00      12/18          Ns_SetEvent [472]


[210]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 StringCreate [210]
                0.00        0.00    1143/378683      HashString [49]
                0.00        0.00    1064/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      14/15          RebuildTable [247]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[211]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitAliases [211]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]


                0.00        0.00       1/79          InfoCmd [333]
                0.00        0.00       9/79          Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
                0.00        0.00       9/79          Tcl_StringCmd [273]
                0.00        0.00      10/79          LibraryCmd [269]
                0.00        0.00      10/79          ModuleCmd [266]
                0.00        0.00      40/79          Tcl_FileCmd [213]
[212]    0.0    0.00        0.00      79         Tcl_SetResult [212]


                0.00        0.00     115/115         Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[213]    0.0    0.00        0.00     115         Tcl_FileCmd [213]
                0.00        0.00      40/79          Tcl_SetResult [212]
                0.00        0.00     115/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00     115/151         Tcl_TildeSubst [452]


                0.00        0.00     208/208         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
[214]    0.0    0.00        0.00     208         ConfigGet [214]
                0.00        0.00     107/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00     107/107         Ns_SetIFind [316]


                0.00        0.00       1/180         ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         InitUmask [360]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_SetupInit [289]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         InitAliases [211]
                0.00        0.00       2/180         Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       2/180         Ns_TclCreateCmds [182]
                0.00        0.00       3/180         BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       4/180         InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.00        0.00       4/180         Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       6/180         GetMode [309]
                0.00        0.00      12/180         Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00      18/180         InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00      54/180         Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00      68/180         Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
[215]    0.0    0.00        0.00     180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00     208/208         ConfigGet [214]


                0.00        0.00      56/56          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[216]    0.0    0.00        0.00      56         Tcl_SetCmd [216]
                0.00        0.00      56/261         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]


                0.00        0.00      60/1302        TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
                0.00        0.00    1242/1302        TclParseBraces [143]
[217]    0.0    0.00        0.00    1302         Tcl_Backslash [217]


                0.00        0.00      10/209         Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00      11/209         Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                0.00        0.00      20/209         Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
                0.00        0.00      26/209         Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00      28/209         Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
                0.00        0.00     114/209         ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
[218]    0.0    0.00        0.00     209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]


[219]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 __F3drv [219]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           ForeachServer [188]
[220]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       4/44          DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          AttachServer [251]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       2/53625       Ns_ReleaseSemaphore [110]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                                     851             TrieAdd [221]
                0.00        0.00     171/171         JunctionAdd [158]
[221]    0.0    0.00        0.00     171+851     TrieAdd [221]
                0.00        0.00     355/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00     154/154         IndexNodeCreate [283]
                0.00        0.00     868/1717264     Ns_IndexFind [50]
                0.00        0.00     185/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00     185/186         TrieInit [300]
                0.00        0.00     355/367         Ns_IndexAdd [441]
                                     851             TrieAdd [221]


                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[222]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Tcl_GlobCmd [222]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          DoGlob [223]
                0.00        0.00      10/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      10/151         Tcl_TildeSubst [452]


                                      85             DoGlob [223]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_GlobCmd [222]
[223]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10+85      DoGlob [223]
                0.00        0.00     271/477         Tcl_DStringAppend [200]
                0.00        0.00      37/37          ns_readdir [354]
                0.00        0.00      28/429152      Tcl_StringMatch [70]
                0.00        0.00      20/29          Tcl_AppendElement [395]
                0.00        0.00      88/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      88/296         Tcl_DStringInit [446]
                                      85             DoGlob [223]


                0.00        0.00     329/329         Tcl_GetVar2 [165]
[224]    0.0    0.00        0.00     329         Tcl_GetVar3 [224]
                0.00        0.00     326/587         PrivateVar [204]
                0.00        0.00     329/619         LookupVar [295]
                0.00        0.00       3/4           CleanupVar [440]


                0.00        0.00       1/6           Ns_CacheInit [250]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       3/6           Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
[225]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         Ns_TclInitModule [225]
                0.00        0.00       6/10          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00       6/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_DStringAppendElement [478]
                0.00        0.00       6/296         Tcl_DStringInit [446]


[226]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_UrlSpecificGetFast [226]


                0.00        0.00       1/3           Ns_ModuleLoadServer [259]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           FastInitialize [103]
[227]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
                0.00        0.00       3/6           Ns_TclInitModule [225]
                0.00        0.00       3/4           Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
                0.00        0.00       3/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       3/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       3/53985       Ns_Log [73]


                                      11             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[228]    0.0    0.00        0.00      11         Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
                0.00        0.00      29/200         Tcl_SetVar [170]
                0.00        0.00      11/209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]
                0.00        0.00      11/687         Tcl_SplitList [191]
                0.00        0.00      11/1614252     ns_free [51]
                                      29             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                                     153             Tcl_ExprBoolean <cycle 1> [451]
[229]    0.0    0.00        0.00     153         ExprTopLevel <cycle 1> [229]
                0.00        0.00      46/46          Tcl_CreateMathFunc [230]
                                     153             ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]


                0.00        0.00      46/46          ExprTopLevel <cycle 1> [229]
[230]    0.0    0.00        0.00      46         Tcl_CreateMathFunc [230]
                0.00        0.00      46/2951        UnlockInterp [117]
                0.00        0.00      46/2951        LockInterp [125]
                0.00        0.00      46/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


[231]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 ThreadMain [231]
                0.00        0.00      39/39          ThreadExit [332]
                0.00        0.00      40/41          EnterCtx [460]


                0.00        0.00     146/146         InitMimeTypes [173]
[232]    0.0    0.00        0.00     146         AddType [232]
                0.00        0.00     146/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00     146/53778       LowerDString [84]
                0.00        0.00     146/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       1/36          RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.00        0.00       1/36          WaitForSocks [37]
                0.00        0.00      34/36          ServerThreadMain [149]
[233]    0.0    0.00        0.00      36         Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
                0.00        0.00      36/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      36/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           Ns_WaitForEvent [493]


                                     144             TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
[234]    0.0    0.00        0.00     144         TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]
                0.00        0.00       4/109         TclExpandParseValue [310]
                0.00        0.00      10/1614252     ns_free [51]
                                     144             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                                     103             ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
                                     153             ExprTopLevel <cycle 1> [229]
[235]    0.0    0.00        0.00     153+103     ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ExprMakeString [422]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ns_free [51]
                                     449             ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
                                     103             ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]


                0.00        0.00     943/943         Tcl_SplitList [191]
[236]    0.0    0.00        0.00     943         TclCopyAndCollapse [236]


                                      20             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[237]    0.0    0.00        0.00      20         Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
                0.00        0.00      20/200         Tcl_SetVar [170]
                0.00        0.00      20/209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]
                                      20             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_AdpInit [346]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         ConfigInit [291]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ModuleLoadGlobals [374]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ShtmlInit [328]
                0.00        0.00       2/157         MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00       2/157         Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       3/157         ValidSection [348]
                0.00        0.00       3/157         Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
                0.00        0.00       4/157         MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00       4/157         InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.00        0.00      25/157         Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00     107/157         ConfigGet [214]
[238]    0.0    0.00        0.00     157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00     146/173         MakeSection [265]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00     146/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       1/50          IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          InfoInit [294]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          LogInit [344]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          InitDstring [350]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          SigInit [352]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_TclConfigCmd [351]
                0.00        0.00       2/50          CallbackInit [324]
                0.00        0.00       2/50          StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       3/50          Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       4/50          Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       7/50          LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00      12/50          InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00      14/50          Ns_StartServer [101]
[239]    0.0    0.00        0.00      50         Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00      68/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DetachServer [133]
[240]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DestroyServer [240]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyFpInfo [402]
                0.00        0.00       6/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_DestroySemaphore [421]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyDbCtx [424]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           Ns_DestroyMutex [417]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyCgiCtx [442]


                0.00        0.00      35/71          TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
                0.00        0.00      36/71          ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
[241]    0.0    0.00        0.00      71         TclParseQuotes [241]
                0.00        0.00      21/326         Tcl_ParseVar [160]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyServer [240]
[242]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyInterp [243]
                0.00        0.00       2/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00       2/44          CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00       6/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           Ns_DestroyMutex [417]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DetachTclData [242]
[243]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DestroyInterp [243]
                0.00        0.00       2/14          Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00       6/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00       2/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       2/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]


                0.00        0.00       1/37          ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          UnixInit [347]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          ThreadsInit [341]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          SockInit [299]
                0.00        0.00       2/37          StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       2/37          IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       2/37          InfoInit [294]
                0.00        0.00       3/37          Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00      24/37          Ns_StartServer [101]
[244]    0.0    0.00        0.00      37         Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00      54/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]


                0.00        0.00       1/10          CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          LogOpen [150]
                0.00        0.00       8/10          ModuleInitSymbol [249]
[245]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00      10/107254      Ns_MakePath [9]
                0.00        0.00      10/107276      MakePath [10]
                0.00        0.00      10/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00      10/24          Ns_InfoHomePath [466]


                0.00        0.00      26/26          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[246]    0.0    0.00        0.00      26         LogCmd [246]
                0.00        0.00    1769/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00      26/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00      20/20          Tcl_Concat [362]
                0.00        0.00      26/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00      26/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       1/15          OneWordCreate [313]
                0.00        0.00      14/15          StringCreate [210]
[247]    0.0    0.00        0.00      15         RebuildTable [247]
                0.00        0.00     672/378683      HashString [49]
                0.00        0.00      15/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       6/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/4           Ns_SetupInit [289]
                0.00        0.00       3/4           Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
[248]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
                0.00        0.00       4/8           ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_ModuleSymbol [272]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_StaticLoadModule [488]
                0.00        0.00       3/6           Ns_BroadcastEvent [481]


                0.00        0.00       4/8           Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
                0.00        0.00       4/8           ModuleSymbol [271]
[249]    0.0    0.00        0.00       8         ModuleInitSymbol [249]
                0.00        0.00       8/10          Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00       8/53635       Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.00        0.00       3/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00      16/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00      16/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00      16/107263      Ns_PathIsAbsolute [123]
                0.00        0.00       8/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       8/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[250]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_CacheInit [250]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           Ns_TclInitModule [225]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]


                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_StopServer [220]
                0.00        0.00       6/42          CheckServer [208]
                0.00        0.00      34/42          BeginServerThread [189]
[251]    0.0    0.00        0.00      42         AttachServer [251]
                0.00        0.00      42/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      42/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


[252]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_ConnHeaders [252]


[253]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_ConnLocation [253]


[254]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_ConnResetReturn [254]


[255]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_ConnStateName [255]


[256]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_LibPath [256]


[257]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_ServerSpecificGet [257]
                0.00        0.00      46/268156      Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]


[258]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_ServerSpecificSet [258]
                0.00        0.00       2/147         Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[259]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ModuleLoadServer [259]
                0.00        0.00       1/3           Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]


                0.00        0.00      16/16          TclInitGlobalVars [207]
[260]    0.0    0.00        0.00      16         Tcl_TraceVar2 [260]
                0.00        0.00      16/633         UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.00      16/633         LockVars [172]
                0.00        0.00      16/16          Tcl_TraceVar3 [361]


                0.00        0.00       3/10          Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       7/10          InitFastpath [169]
[261]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Ns_ModulePath [261]
                0.00        0.00      12/107276      MakePath [10]
                0.00        0.00      12/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00      24/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00      12/24          Ns_InfoHomePath [466]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[262]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_QuotaInit [262]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]


                0.00        0.00      18/18          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[263]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
                0.00        0.00       9/79          Tcl_SetResult [212]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           Ns_SetCopy [312]
                0.00        0.00       9/18          Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00      18/18          Ns_TclGetSet2 [383]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[264]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         Tcl_RegsubCmd [264]
                0.00        0.00       9/200         Tcl_SetVar [170]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_RegExpExec [389]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]


                0.00        0.00       9/173         Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00      18/173         MigrateSection [322]
                0.00        0.00     146/173         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
[265]    0.0    0.00        0.00     173         MakeSection [265]
                0.00        0.00     173/107498      Ns_StrTrim [72]
                0.00        0.00     173/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.00        0.00      15/15          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[266]    0.0    0.00        0.00      15         ModuleCmd [266]
                0.00        0.00      10/79          Tcl_SetResult [212]
                0.00        0.00      10/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00      20/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00      15/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]


                0.00        0.00      13/13          Tcl_Ns_ShareCmd [268]
[267]    0.0    0.00        0.00      13         MakeUpvar [267]
                0.00        0.00      13/633         UnlockVars [167]
                0.00        0.00      13/633         LockVars [172]
                0.00        0.00      13/13          MakeUpvar2 [363]


                0.00        0.00       7/7           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[268]    0.0    0.00        0.00       7         Tcl_Ns_ShareCmd [268]
                0.00        0.00      13/13          MakeUpvar [267]


                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[269]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         LibraryCmd [269]
                0.00        0.00      10/79          Tcl_SetResult [212]
                0.00        0.00      10/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[270]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       2/53635       Ns_NormalizePath [42]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       1/375396      Ns_SetPut [22]
                0.00        0.00       1/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.00        0.00       2/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       1/482605      Ns_SetIGet [39]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           Ns_SetFind [414]
                0.00        0.00       3/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SetDelete [439]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_ModuleSymbol [272]
[271]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         ModuleSymbol [271]
                0.00        0.00       4/8           ModuleInitSymbol [249]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
[272]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         Ns_ModuleSymbol [272]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           ModuleSymbol [271]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[273]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         Tcl_StringCmd [273]
                0.00        0.00       9/79          Tcl_SetResult [212]


                                      26             Tcl_SourceCmd <cycle 1> [465]
[274]    0.0    0.00        0.00      26         Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00      26/209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]
                0.00        0.00      26/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      26/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00      26/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      26/151         Tcl_TildeSubst [452]
                0.00        0.00      26/26          TclOpen [463]
                0.00        0.00      26/26          TclRead [464]
                                      26             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                0.00        0.00       2/438         InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.00        0.00       2/438         JunctionInit [418]
                0.00        0.00      94/438         Ns_IndexStringInit [317]
                0.00        0.00     154/438         IndexNodeCreate [283]
                0.00        0.00     186/438         TrieInit [300]
[275]    0.0    0.00        0.00     438         Ns_IndexInit [275]
                0.00        0.00     491/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ConfigRead [270]
[276]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ConfigRead [276]
                0.00        0.00      77/107498      Ns_StrTrim [72]
                0.00        0.00      18/375396      Ns_SetPut [22]
                0.00        0.00      50/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       9/107264      Ns_SetCreate [57]
                0.00        0.00       9/173         MakeSection [265]
                0.00        0.00      41/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       4/67          Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00      14/67          Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
                0.00        0.00      49/67          InterpProc [85]
[277]    0.0    0.00        0.00      67         TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00      67/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00     442/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           DeleteArray [355]
                0.00        0.00       1/4           CleanupVar [440]
                0.00        0.00     229/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00      67/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]
                0.00        0.00      16/16          CallTraces [473]


                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_AdpInit [346]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_ShtmlInit [328]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          InitFastpath [169]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       2/19          InitAliases [211]
                0.00        0.00       3/19          Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
                0.00        0.00       4/19          InitMimeTypes [173]
[278]    0.0    0.00        0.00      19         Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00      25/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00      30/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00      51/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00      25/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00      25/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       2/86          CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00       2/86          DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00       2/86          DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       3/86          DeleteArray [355]
                0.00        0.00       4/86          Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00       6/86          DestroyInterp [243]
                0.00        0.00      67/86          TclDeleteVars [277]
[279]    0.0    0.00        0.00      86         Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00    1026/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyInterp [243]
[280]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00     616/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       2/2951        UnlockInterp [117]
                0.00        0.00       2/2951        LockInterp [125]
                0.00        0.00       4/67          TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00       4/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           Ns_DestroyMutex [417]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_DestroyCriticalSection [438]
                0.00        0.00       2/453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00     608/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00       4/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]


                0.00        0.00       5/5           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[281]    0.0    0.00        0.00       5         Tcl_AppendCmd [281]
                0.00        0.00       5/261         Tcl_SetVar2 [164]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           SchedInit [302]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockInit [299]
[282]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_BeginThread [282]
                0.00        0.00       2/40          BeginThread [193]


                0.00        0.00     154/154         TrieAdd [221]
[283]    0.0    0.00        0.00     154         IndexNodeCreate [283]
                0.00        0.00     154/438         Ns_IndexInit [275]
                0.00        0.00     154/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                                     183             TrieTrunc [284]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           TrieBranchTrunc [141]
[284]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2+183     TrieTrunc [284]
                0.00        0.00     154/154         IndexNodeDestroy [293]
                0.00        0.00     183/429473      Ns_IndexEl [91]
                                     183             TrieTrunc [284]


                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[285]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
                0.00        0.00      10/209         Tcl_ResetResult [218]
                0.00        0.00      10/687         Tcl_SplitList [191]
                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_Merge [375]
                0.00        0.00      10/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      10/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      10/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00     215/215         ProcDeleteProc [287]
[286]    0.0    0.00        0.00     215         CleanupProc [286]
                0.00        0.00     881/1614252     ns_free [51]


[287]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 ProcDeleteProc [287]
                0.00        0.00     215/215         CleanupProc [286]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[288]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         Tcl_InfoCmd [288]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           Tcl_GetVar [305]
                0.00        0.00       3/2951        UnlockInterp [117]
                0.00        0.00       3/2951        LockInterp [125]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[289]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SetupInit [289]
                0.00        0.00       1/4           Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SetRequestAuthorizeProc [398]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[290]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_CgiInit [290]
                0.00        0.00       3/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       3/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       2/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       1/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[291]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         ConfigInit [291]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       1/3           Ns_SetFind [414]


                0.00        0.00      13/248         MakeUpvar2 [363]
                0.00        0.00     235/248         LookupVar [295]
[292]    0.0    0.00        0.00     248         NewVar [292]
                0.00        0.00     248/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00     154/154         TrieTrunc [284]
[293]    0.0    0.00        0.00     154         IndexNodeDestroy [293]
                0.00        0.00     170/429473      Ns_IndexEl [91]
                0.00        0.00     170/170         NodeDestroy [331]
                0.00        0.00     154/294         Ns_IndexDestroy [315]
                0.00        0.00     154/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           ns_main [147]
[294]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         InfoInit [294]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       2/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00      13/619         MakeUpvar2 [363]
                0.00        0.00      16/619         Tcl_TraceVar3 [361]
                0.00        0.00     261/619         Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
                0.00        0.00     329/619         Tcl_GetVar3 [224]
[295]    0.0    0.00        0.00     619         LookupVar [295]
                0.00        0.00     235/248         NewVar [292]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       3/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnRun [7]
[296]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice [297]
                0.00        0.00       1/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       1/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
[297]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice [297]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ReturnNotice [298]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice [297]
[298]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ReturnNotice [298]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnHtml [319]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       1/214489      Ns_ConnServer [99]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_ConnPort [498]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[299]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         SockInit [299]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_BeginThread [282]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           BinderInit [377]
                0.00        0.00       2/53627       Ns_CloseOnExec [113]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SockPipe [515]


                0.00        0.00       1/186         JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00     185/186         TrieAdd [221]
[300]    0.0    0.00        0.00     186         TrieInit [300]
                0.00        0.00     186/438         Ns_IndexInit [275]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[301]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         SimpleServeInit [301]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[302]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         SchedInit [302]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_BeginThread [282]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[303]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ShutdownWait [303]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Watcher [437]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[304]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         BeginStartup [304]
                0.00        0.00       1/38          Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           Tcl_InfoCmd [288]
[305]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         Tcl_GetVar [305]
                0.00        0.00       3/329         Tcl_GetVar2 [165]


[306]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 FreeTclContext [306]
                0.00        0.00     411/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InfoInit [294]
[307]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         CreatePidFile [307]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/53625       Ns_DStringPrintf [94]
                0.00        0.00       1/912181      ns_strdup [29]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           ConfigInit [291]
[308]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00       4/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       4/9           MigrateSection [322]
                0.00        0.00       8/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00       8/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       8/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       8/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       6/6           Ns_StartServer [101]
[309]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         GetMode [309]
                0.00        0.00       6/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]


                0.00        0.00       1/109         ExprMakeString [422]
                0.00        0.00       4/109         TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]
                0.00        0.00     104/109         TclParseBraces [143]
[310]    0.0    0.00        0.00     109         TclExpandParseValue [310]
                0.00        0.00     109/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      59/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           ConfigInit [291]
[311]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         MigrateDb [311]
                0.00        0.00       5/9           MigrateSection [322]
                0.00        0.00      10/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00       2/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       6/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       4/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       4/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
[312]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         Ns_SetCopy [312]
                0.00        0.00      18/375396      Ns_SetPut [22]
                0.00        0.00       9/107264      Ns_SetCreate [57]


[313]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 OneWordCreate [313]
                0.00        0.00       1/15          RebuildTable [247]
                0.00        0.00      41/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ReturnNotice [298]
[314]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         BuildNotice [314]
                0.00        0.00       3/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       3/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00       1/53625       Ns_DStringPrintf [94]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       2/294         DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00     138/294         Ns_IndexStringDestroy [334]
                0.00        0.00     154/294         IndexNodeDestroy [293]
[315]    0.0    0.00        0.00     294         Ns_IndexDestroy [315]
                0.00        0.00     303/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00     107/107         ConfigGet [214]
[316]    0.0    0.00        0.00     107         Ns_SetIFind [316]
                0.00        0.00     107/482715      Ns_SetFindCmp [63]


[317]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_IndexStringInit [317]
                0.00        0.00      94/438         Ns_IndexInit [275]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnHtml [319]
[318]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ConnReturnData [318]
                0.00        0.00       1/53623       Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
                0.00        0.00       1/53623       Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
                0.00        0.00       1/107246      Ns_WriteConn [65]
                0.00        0.00       1/53624       Ns_ConnClose [98]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ReturnNotice [298]
[319]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ConnReturnHtml [319]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConnReturnData [318]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[320]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       2/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       3/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_ScheduleProc [405]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           NewInterp [153]
[321]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         TclSetupEnv [321]
                0.00        0.00       2/427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]


                0.00        0.00       4/9           MigrateServers [308]
                0.00        0.00       5/9           MigrateDb [311]
[322]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         MigrateSection [322]
                0.00        0.00      18/173         MakeSection [265]
                0.00        0.00      18/1555972     Ns_DStringFree [35]
                0.00        0.00      18/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyServer [240]
[323]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00     176/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       2/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00      10/429473      Ns_IndexEl [91]
                0.00        0.00       2/294         Ns_IndexDestroy [315]
                0.00        0.00     146/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00       2/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[324]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         CallbackInit [324]
                0.00        0.00       2/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           RunCallbacks [340]
                0.00        0.00       5/5           DestroyCallbacks [420]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitMalloc [514]


[325]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.00        0.00       1/36          Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
                0.00        0.00       4/53629       Ns_InfoShutdownPending [88]
                0.00        0.00       2/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       4/8           Ns_TimedWaitForEvent [480]
                0.00        0.00       3/5           NextRun [485]
                0.00        0.00       1/40          Ns_SetThreadServer [461]


                0.00        0.00       1/41          Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00      40/41          BeginThread [193]
[326]    0.0    0.00        0.00      41         CreateCtx [326]
                0.00        0.00      41/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      41/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      41/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       2/44          DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00      42/44          Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
[327]    0.0    0.00        0.00      44         CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00      18/18          CleanupSet [330]
                0.00        0.00       2/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00      44/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]
                0.00        0.00      18/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00       2/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[328]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ShtmlInit [328]
                0.00        0.00       7/7           Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]


                0.00        0.00       2/39          Ns_WaitThread [394]
                0.00        0.00      37/39          ThreadExit [332]
[329]    0.0    0.00        0.00      39         DeleteCtx [329]
                0.00        0.00      39/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      39/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      39/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00      39/42          Tcl_DeleteHashEntry [366]


                0.00        0.00      18/18          CleanupTable [327]
[330]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         CleanupSet [330]
                0.00        0.00       9/107255      Ns_SetFree [47]
                0.00        0.00      18/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00     170/170         IndexNodeDestroy [293]
[331]    0.0    0.00        0.00     170         NodeDestroy [331]
                0.00        0.00     170/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00      39/39          ThreadMain [231]
[332]    0.0    0.00        0.00      39         ThreadExit [332]
                0.00        0.00      37/39          DeleteCtx [329]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[333]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         InfoCmd [333]
                0.00        0.00       1/79          Tcl_SetResult [212]
                0.00        0.00       9/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]
                0.00        0.00       2/24          Ns_InfoHomePath [466]
                0.00        0.00       1/138         Ns_TclInterpServer [453]


[334]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_IndexStringDestroy [334]
                0.00        0.00     138/294         Ns_IndexDestroy [315]
                0.00        0.00      16/1614252     ns_free [51]


[335]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 CacheInitInterp [335]
                0.00        0.00       1/427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]


[336]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 QuotaInitInterp [336]
                0.00        0.00       1/427         Tcl_CreateCommand [159]


                0.00        0.00      63/63          Ns_GetThreadId [338]
[337]    0.0    0.00        0.00      63         GetCtx [337]
                0.00        0.00      63/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]


                0.00        0.00      12/63          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
                0.00        0.00      17/63          ServerLog [79]
                0.00        0.00      34/63          RunConnection [4]
[338]    0.0    0.00        0.00      63         Ns_GetThreadId [338]
                0.00        0.00      63/63          GetCtx [337]


                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_AdpInit [346]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          BinderInit [377]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          CacheInit [156]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          CallbackInit [324]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          CryptInit [425]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          SockListenInit [427]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          LogInit [344]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          ns_main [147]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          SchedInit [302]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          ShtmlInit [426]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          SimpleServeInit [301]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          TimeInit [428]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          UrlSpaceInit [412]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          InitTls [429]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          DbInit [345]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          RequestInit [399]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          SockInit [299]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          NewInterp [153]
                0.00        0.00       3/42          IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       3/42          Tcl_MTInit [413]
                0.00        0.00       8/42          Ns_StartServer [101]
[339]    0.0    0.00        0.00      42         Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00      44/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       2/4           CallbackInit [324]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           Ns_RunServerShutdownProcs [357]
[340]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         RunCallbacks [340]
                0.00        0.00       7/53985       Ns_Log [73]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[341]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ThreadsInit [341]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]


[342]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_CountPageRootSize [342]
                0.00        0.00       3/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           directory_size [372]
                0.00        0.00       2/107246      Ns_PageRoot [71]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           Ns_BroadcastEvent [481]


                0.00        0.00       1/4           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/4           StopThread [115]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           ns_main [147]
[343]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         IdMsg [343]
                0.00        0.00       5/53985       Ns_Log [73]
                0.00        0.00       4/53627       Ns_InfoServerName [109]
                0.00        0.00       4/53627       Ns_InfoServerVersion [201]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[344]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         LogInit [344]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_RegisterAtSignal [408]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[345]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DbInit [345]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           ValidSection [348]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       2/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_DbInitDbTypes [511]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[346]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_AdpInit [346]
                0.00        0.00       1/19          Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[347]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         UnixInit [347]
                0.00        0.00       1/37          Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           SetSid [516]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           DbInit [345]
[348]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         ValidSection [348]
                0.00        0.00       3/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]


                0.00        0.00       7/7           Ns_ShtmlInit [328]
[349]    0.0    0.00        0.00       7         Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00       7/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       8/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[350]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitDstring [350]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[351]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_TclConfigCmd [351]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[352]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         SigInit [352]
                0.00        0.00       1/50          Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ns_sigmask [502]


                0.00        0.00      12/12          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
[353]    0.0    0.00        0.00      12         Ns_TclGetServerData [353]
                0.00        0.00      12/160909      GetServer [68]


                0.00        0.00      37/37          DoGlob [223]
[354]    0.0    0.00        0.00      37         ns_readdir [354]
                0.00        0.00      37/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           TclDeleteVars [277]
[355]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         DeleteArray [355]
                0.00        0.00      39/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       3/86          Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
                0.00        0.00      18/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           DeleteSearches [490]
                0.00        0.00       3/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]


                0.00        0.00       9/18          Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
                0.00        0.00       9/18          Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
[356]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00      18/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      18/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DetachServer [133]
[357]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_RunServerShutdownProcs [357]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           RunCallbacks [340]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[358]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[359]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
                0.00        0.00       9/18          Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00       9/29          Tcl_AppendElement [395]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[360]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitUmask [360]
                0.00        0.00       1/180         Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]


                0.00        0.00      16/16          Tcl_TraceVar2 [260]
[361]    0.0    0.00        0.00      16         Tcl_TraceVar3 [361]
                0.00        0.00      16/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      16/619         LookupVar [295]


                0.00        0.00      20/20          LogCmd [246]
[362]    0.0    0.00        0.00      20         Tcl_Concat [362]
                0.00        0.00      20/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00      13/13          MakeUpvar [267]
[363]    0.0    0.00        0.00      13         MakeUpvar2 [363]
                0.00        0.00      13/248         NewVar [292]
                0.00        0.00      13/619         LookupVar [295]


                0.00        0.00       8/8           Ns_IndexStringTrunc [365]
[364]    0.0    0.00        0.00       8         Ns_IndexTrunc [364]
                0.00        0.00      13/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      13/1614252     ns_free [51]


[365]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_IndexStringTrunc [365]
                0.00        0.00       8/8           Ns_IndexTrunc [364]


                0.00        0.00       1/42          CleanupVar [440]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00      39/42          DeleteCtx [329]
[366]    0.0    0.00        0.00      42         Tcl_DeleteHashEntry [366]
                0.00        0.00      42/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       2/21          Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00      19/21          ServerLog [79]
[367]    0.0    0.00        0.00      21         Ns_GetThreadServer [367]
                0.00        0.00      20/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]


[368]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 CmpMappings [368]
                0.00        0.00      16/429152      Tcl_StringMatch [70]


[369]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_RegisterServerShutdown [369]
                0.00        0.00       3/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       3/7           RegisterCallback [387]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00      14/14          Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
[370]    0.0    0.00        0.00      14         Tcl_CloseFiles [370]
                0.00        0.00      14/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00      14/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/11          StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          DbInit [345]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          ns_main [147]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          SchedInit [302]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          SockInit [299]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          TclInit [423]
                0.00        0.00       4/11          Ns_StartServer [101]
[371]    0.0    0.00        0.00      11         Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00      12/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_CountPageRootSize [342]
[372]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         directory_size [372]
                0.00        0.00       1/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00       3/214573      Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
                0.00        0.00       4/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       2/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       5/5           is_dotpath [486]


[373]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_RegisterDriver [373]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       4/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      24/24          SetDriverProc [467]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           StartAllServers [100]
[374]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ModuleLoadGlobals [374]
                0.00        0.00       1/157         Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]


                0.00        0.00      10/10          Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
[375]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Tcl_Merge [375]
                0.00        0.00      10/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00      20/59          Tcl_ScanElement [459]
                0.00        0.00      20/59          Tcl_ConvertElement [458]


                0.00        0.00       2/453         Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00       6/453         Ns_TclInitModule [225]
                0.00        0.00      10/453         Tcl_GlobCmd [222]
                0.00        0.00      26/453         Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00      49/453         InterpProc [85]
                0.00        0.00      88/453         DoGlob [223]
                0.00        0.00     115/453         Tcl_FileCmd [213]
                0.00        0.00     157/453         PrivateVar [204]
[376]    0.0    0.00        0.00     453         Tcl_DStringFree [376]
                0.00        0.00      28/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           SockInit [299]
[377]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         BinderInit [377]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SockCallback [392]
                0.00        0.00       1/53627       Ns_CloseOnExec [113]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/5           Ns_InitializeSemaphore [396]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[378]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         FdInit [378]
                0.00        0.00       2/53624       ns_closeonexec [95]
                0.00        0.00       2/53624       ns_duphigh [107]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
[379]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00      10/13786208     Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
                0.00        0.00       1/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]
                0.00        0.00       9/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
                0.00        0.00       1/125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[380]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ExecNsd [380]
                0.00        0.00       1/321890      Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
                0.00        0.00       1/107265      Ns_DStringExport [74]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/1555965     Ns_DStringInit [36]


                0.00        0.00      18/18          Ns_TclGetSet [382]
[381]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         GetSet [381]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       9/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00      18/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]


                0.00        0.00      18/18          Ns_TclGetSet2 [383]
[382]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         Ns_TclGetSet [382]
                0.00        0.00      18/18          GetSet [381]


                0.00        0.00      18/18          Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
[383]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         Ns_TclGetSet2 [383]
                0.00        0.00      18/18          Ns_TclGetSet [382]


                0.00        0.00       8/8           ForeachServer [188]
[384]    0.0    0.00        0.00       8         Ns_ListCons [384]
                0.00        0.00       8/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       2/4           Ns_RegisterAtException [407]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           Ns_RegisterAtSignal [408]
[385]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         RegisterAt [385]
                0.00        0.00       4/7           RegisterCallback [387]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       4/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/10          Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]
                0.00        0.00       9/10          Tcl_RegExpExec [389]
[386]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         TclGetRegError [386]
                0.00        0.00      10/268262      Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]


                0.00        0.00       3/7           Ns_RegisterServerShutdown [369]
                0.00        0.00       4/7           RegisterAt [385]
[387]    0.0    0.00        0.00       7         RegisterCallback [387]
                0.00        0.00       7/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       2/5           RequestInit [399]
                0.00        0.00       3/5           Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc [404]
[388]    0.0    0.00        0.00       5         Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc [388]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       7/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_RegsubCmd [264]
[389]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         Tcl_RegExpExec [389]
                0.00        0.00       9/10          TclGetRegError [386]
                0.00        0.00       9/10          TclRegError [477]
                0.00        0.00       9/9           TclRegExec [479]


                0.00        0.00       1/6           Tcl_AppendResult [430]
                0.00        0.00       5/6           Tcl_AppendElement [395]
[390]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         SetupAppendBuffer [390]
                0.00        0.00       5/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       3/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ThreadsInit [341]
[391]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/41          CreateCtx [326]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitTls [429]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SetThreadStackSize [434]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitCs [508]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitMutex [510]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitEvents [509]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00       1/41          EnterCtx [460]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           BinderInit [377]
[392]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SockCallback [392]
                0.00        0.00       3/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       3/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       3/4           SockSignal [489]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           SockStart [410]
[393]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_WaitForThread [393]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_WaitThread [394]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_WaitForThread [393]
[394]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_WaitThread [394]
                0.00        0.00       2/39          DeleteCtx [329]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       9/29          Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
                0.00        0.00      20/29          DoGlob [223]
[395]    0.0    0.00        0.00      29         Tcl_AppendElement [395]
                0.00        0.00       5/6           SetupAppendBuffer [390]
                0.00        0.00      29/59          Tcl_ScanElement [459]
                0.00        0.00      29/39          TclNeedSpace [462]
                0.00        0.00      29/59          Tcl_ConvertElement [458]


                0.00        0.00       1/5           BinderInit [377]
                0.00        0.00       4/5           Ns_StartServer [101]
[396]    0.0    0.00        0.00       5         Ns_InitializeSemaphore [396]
                0.00        0.00       5/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           InitializeServer [105]
[397]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_RunAtStartup [397]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SetupInit [289]
[398]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SetRequestAuthorizeProc [398]
                0.00        0.00       2/160909      GetServer [68]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[399]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         RequestInit [399]
                0.00        0.00       2/5           Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc [388]
                0.00        0.00       2/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_RegisterServerTrace [401]
[400]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_RegisterFilter [400]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


[401]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 Ns_RegisterServerTrace [401]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_RegisterFilter [400]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyServer [240]
[402]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DestroyFpInfo [402]
                0.00        0.00      12/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[403]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         AliasInit [403]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc [404]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           AliasInit [403]
[404]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc [404]
                0.00        0.00       3/5           Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc [388]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           IdInit [320]
[405]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_ScheduleProc [405]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_ScheduleProc [405]
[406]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       2/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       2/5           NextRun [485]
                0.00        0.00       2/18          Ns_SetEvent [472]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_StartServer [101]
[407]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_RegisterAtException [407]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           RegisterAt [385]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           LogInit [344]
[408]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_RegisterAtSignal [408]
                0.00        0.00       2/4           RegisterAt [385]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[409]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_WaitForThread [393]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/18          Ns_SetEvent [472]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[410]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         SockStart [410]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_WaitForThread [393]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/4           SockSignal [489]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitializeServer [105]
[411]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         DbServerInit [411]
                0.00        0.00       1/160909      GetServer [68]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[412]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         UrlSpaceInit [412]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           JunctionInit [418]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           NewInterp [153]
[413]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Tcl_MTInit [413]
                0.00        0.00       3/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]


                0.00        0.00       1/3           ConfigInit [291]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           ConfigRead [270]
[414]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         Ns_SetFind [414]
                0.00        0.00       3/482715      Ns_SetFindCmp [63]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           ForeachServer [188]
[415]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         Ns_ListFree [415]
                0.00        0.00       8/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_RegsubCmd [264]
[416]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           TclRegComp [432]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          TclGetRegError [386]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          TclRegError [477]


                0.00        0.00       2/6           DestroyServer [240]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           DetachTclData [242]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
[417]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         Ns_DestroyMutex [417]
                0.00        0.00       7/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           UrlSpaceInit [412]
[418]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         JunctionInit [418]
                0.00        0.00       2/438         Ns_IndexInit [275]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_TclInit [137]
[419]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         CreateIData [419]
                0.00        0.00       2/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       6/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
                0.00        0.00       2/16          InitIData [474]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           Tcl_SetInterpData [501]


                0.00        0.00       5/5           CallbackInit [324]
[420]    0.0    0.00        0.00       5         DestroyCallbacks [420]
                0.00        0.00       4/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           DestroyServer [240]
[421]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         Ns_DestroySemaphore [421]
                0.00        0.00       4/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
[422]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ExprMakeString [422]
                0.00        0.00       1/109         TclExpandParseValue [310]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[423]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         TclInit [423]
                0.00        0.00       1/11          Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyServer [240]
[424]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DestroyDbCtx [424]
                0.00        0.00       3/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[425]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         CryptInit [425]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[426]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         ShtmlInit [426]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[427]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         SockListenInit [427]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[428]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         TimeInit [428]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
[429]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitTls [429]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
                0.00        0.00       5/10          Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           InitModCmd [431]
[430]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Tcl_AppendResult [430]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           SetupAppendBuffer [390]


[431]    0.0    0.00        0.00                 InitModCmd [431]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Tcl_AppendResult [430]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]
[432]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         TclRegComp [432]
                0.00        0.00       1/1400567     ns_malloc [27]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regc [482]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           reg [504]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           regnext [483]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SigCatch [435]
[433]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_InfoServersStarted [433]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
[434]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SetThreadStackSize [434]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[435]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SigCatch [435]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InfoServersStarted [433]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           ns_signal [503]
                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_sigwait [517]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           ns_sigmask [502]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           StopAllServers [187]
[436]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_UnscheduleProc [436]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/18          Ns_SetEvent [472]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ShutdownWait [303]
[437]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Watcher [437]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_LockMutex [43]
                0.00        0.00       1/1341534     Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
                0.00        0.00       1/8           Ns_TimedWaitForEvent [480]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
[438]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_DestroyCriticalSection [438]
                0.00        0.00       2/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ConfigRead [270]
[439]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SetDelete [439]
                0.00        0.00       2/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       1/4           TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00       3/4           Tcl_GetVar3 [224]
[440]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         CleanupVar [440]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ns_free [51]
                0.00        0.00       1/42          Tcl_DeleteHashEntry [366]


                0.00        0.00       2/367         JunctionAdd [158]
                0.00        0.00      10/367         AddIcon [178]
                0.00        0.00     355/367         TrieAdd [221]
[441]    0.0    0.00        0.00     367         Ns_IndexAdd [441]
                0.00        0.00       1/1507858     ns_realloc [40]
                0.00        0.00     178/178         binsearch [449]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           DestroyServer [240]
[442]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         DestroyCgiCtx [442]
                0.00        0.00       1/1614252     ns_free [51]


                0.00        0.00       8/1161        ForeachServer [188]
                0.00        0.00       9/1161        Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00      18/1161        CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00      18/1161        DeleteArray [355]
                0.00        0.00     125/1161        Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]
                0.00        0.00     146/1161        DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00     229/1161        TclDeleteVars [277]
                0.00        0.00     608/1161        Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
[443]    0.0    0.00        0.00    1161         Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]


                0.00        0.00     972/972         Tcl_SplitList [191]
[444]    0.0    0.00        0.00     972         TclFindElement [444]


                0.00        0.00      98/394         ExprParseString [456]
                0.00        0.00     296/394         ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
[445]    0.0    0.00        0.00     394         ExprLooksLikeInt [445]


                0.00        0.00       2/296         NewInterp [153]
                0.00        0.00       6/296         Ns_TclInitModule [225]
                0.00        0.00      49/296         InterpProc [85]
                0.00        0.00      88/296         DoGlob [223]
                0.00        0.00     151/296         Tcl_TildeSubst [452]
[446]    0.0    0.00        0.00     296         Tcl_DStringInit [446]


                0.00        0.00       2/224         DestroyInterp [243]
                0.00        0.00       9/224         InfoCmd [333]
                0.00        0.00      10/224         LibraryCmd [269]
                0.00        0.00      14/224         Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
                0.00        0.00      15/224         ModuleCmd [266]
                0.00        0.00      18/224         Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
                0.00        0.00      18/224         GetSet [381]
                0.00        0.00     138/224         Ns_TclInterpServer [453]
[447]    0.0    0.00        0.00     224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]
                0.00        0.00     224/224         Tcl_GetInterpData [448]


                0.00        0.00     224/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]
[448]    0.0    0.00        0.00     224         Tcl_GetInterpData [448]


                0.00        0.00     178/178         Ns_IndexAdd [441]
[449]    0.0    0.00        0.00     178         binsearch [449]


                0.00        0.00       1/165         ns_readdir [354]
                0.00        0.00       2/165         ns_inet_ntoa [87]
                0.00        0.00      10/165         TclRegError [477]
                0.00        0.00      34/165         ns_gmtime [81]
                0.00        0.00      37/165         ns_localtime [111]
                0.00        0.00      40/165         Ns_SetThreadServer [461]
                0.00        0.00      41/165         EnterCtx [460]
[450]    0.0    0.00        0.00     165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                                     153             Tcl_IfCmd <cycle 1> [454]
[451]    0.0    0.00        0.00     153         Tcl_ExprBoolean <cycle 1> [451]
                                     153             ExprTopLevel <cycle 1> [229]


                0.00        0.00      10/151         Tcl_GlobCmd [222]
                0.00        0.00      26/151         Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
                0.00        0.00     115/151         Tcl_FileCmd [213]
[452]    0.0    0.00        0.00     151         Tcl_TildeSubst [452]
                0.00        0.00     151/296         Tcl_DStringInit [446]


                0.00        0.00       1/138         InfoCmd [333]
                0.00        0.00     137/138         Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
[453]    0.0    0.00        0.00     138         Ns_TclInterpServer [453]
                0.00        0.00     138/224         Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]


                                     133             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[454]    0.0    0.00        0.00     133         Tcl_IfCmd <cycle 1> [454]
                                     153             Tcl_ExprBoolean <cycle 1> [451]
                                     101             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                0.00        0.00       1/125         Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
                0.00        0.00       2/125         DestroyMimeTypes [323]
                0.00        0.00       3/125         DeleteArray [355]
                0.00        0.00       4/125         ForeachServer [188]
                0.00        0.00       4/125         Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
                0.00        0.00      44/125         CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00      67/125         TclDeleteVars [277]
[455]    0.0    0.00        0.00     125         Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]
                0.00        0.00     125/1161        Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]


                0.00        0.00     114/114         ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
[456]    0.0    0.00        0.00     114         ExprParseString [456]
                0.00        0.00      98/394         ExprLooksLikeInt [445]


                0.00        0.00       1/103         CacheInit [156]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         StartAllServers [100]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         ConfigRead [270]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         IdInit [320]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         SockListenInit [427]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         ModulesInit [358]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         ShtmlInit [426]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
                0.00        0.00       1/103         Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00       2/103         DbInit [345]
                0.00        0.00       2/103         InitMimeTypes [173]
                0.00        0.00       2/103         CleanupTable [327]
                0.00        0.00       3/103         LookupVar [295]
                0.00        0.00       6/103         CreateIData [419]
                0.00        0.00       8/103         Ns_TclInit [137]
                0.00        0.00       8/103         NewInterp [153]
                0.00        0.00      14/103         Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
                0.00        0.00      49/103         InterpProc [85]
[457]    0.0    0.00        0.00     103         Tcl_InitHashTable [457]


                0.00        0.00      10/59          Tcl_DStringAppendElement [478]
                0.00        0.00      20/59          Tcl_Merge [375]
                0.00        0.00      29/59          Tcl_AppendElement [395]
[458]    0.0    0.00        0.00      59         Tcl_ConvertElement [458]


                0.00        0.00      10/59          Tcl_DStringAppendElement [478]
                0.00        0.00      20/59          Tcl_Merge [375]
                0.00        0.00      29/59          Tcl_AppendElement [395]
[459]    0.0    0.00        0.00      59         Tcl_ScanElement [459]


                0.00        0.00       1/41          Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00      40/41          ThreadMain [231]
[460]    0.0    0.00        0.00      41         EnterCtx [460]
                0.00        0.00      41/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                0.00        0.00       1/40          RunScheduledProcs [325]
                0.00        0.00       1/40          WaitForSocks [37]
                0.00        0.00       4/40          Ns_StartServer [101]
                0.00        0.00      34/40          ServerThreadMain [149]
[461]    0.0    0.00        0.00      40         Ns_SetThreadServer [461]
                0.00        0.00      40/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                0.00        0.00      10/39          Tcl_DStringAppendElement [478]
                0.00        0.00      29/39          Tcl_AppendElement [395]
[462]    0.0    0.00        0.00      39         TclNeedSpace [462]


                0.00        0.00      26/26          Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
[463]    0.0    0.00        0.00      26         TclOpen [463]


                0.00        0.00      26/26          Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
[464]    0.0    0.00        0.00      26         TclRead [464]


                                      26             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[465]    0.0    0.00        0.00      26         Tcl_SourceCmd <cycle 1> [465]
                                      26             Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]


                0.00        0.00       2/24          InfoCmd [333]
                0.00        0.00      10/24          Ns_HomePath [245]
                0.00        0.00      12/24          Ns_ModulePath [261]
[466]    0.0    0.00        0.00      24         Ns_InfoHomePath [466]


                0.00        0.00      24/24          Ns_RegisterDriver [373]
[467]    0.0    0.00        0.00      24         SetDriverProc [467]


                0.00        0.00      20/20          Tcl_UplevelCmd <cycle 1> [470]
[468]    0.0    0.00        0.00      20         TclGetFrame [468]
                0.00        0.00      20/20          Tcl_GetInt [469]


                0.00        0.00      20/20          TclGetFrame [468]
[469]    0.0    0.00        0.00      20         Tcl_GetInt [469]


                                      20             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
[470]    0.0    0.00        0.00      20         Tcl_UplevelCmd <cycle 1> [470]
                0.00        0.00      20/20          TclGetFrame [468]
                                      20             Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]


                0.00        0.00      19/19          ServerLog [79]
[471]    0.0    0.00        0.00      19         Ns_InfoPid [471]


                0.00        0.00       1/18          SchedStart [409]
                0.00        0.00       1/18          Ns_UnscheduleProc [436]
                0.00        0.00       2/18          DetachServer [133]
                0.00        0.00       2/18          Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
                0.00        0.00      12/18          Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
[472]    0.0    0.00        0.00      18         Ns_SetEvent [472]


                0.00        0.00      16/16          TclDeleteVars [277]
[473]    0.0    0.00        0.00      16         CallTraces [473]
                0.00        0.00      16/16          TclPrecTraceProc [475]


                0.00        0.00       2/16          CreateIData [419]
                0.00        0.00      14/16          Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
[474]    0.0    0.00        0.00      16         InitIData [474]


                0.00        0.00      16/16          CallTraces [473]
[475]    0.0    0.00        0.00      16         TclPrecTraceProc [475]


                0.00        0.00       1/10          AdpInit [496]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          ThreadsInit [341]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          TclInit [423]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Tcl_MTInit [413]
                0.00        0.00       5/10          InitTls [429]
[476]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]


                0.00        0.00       1/10          Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]
                0.00        0.00       9/10          Tcl_RegExpExec [389]
[477]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         TclRegError [477]
                0.00        0.00      10/165         Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]


                0.00        0.00      10/10          Ns_TclInitModule [225]
[478]    0.0    0.00        0.00      10         Tcl_DStringAppendElement [478]
                0.00        0.00      10/59          Tcl_ScanElement [459]
                0.00        0.00      10/39          TclNeedSpace [462]
                0.00        0.00      10/59          Tcl_ConvertElement [458]


                0.00        0.00       9/9           Tcl_RegExpExec [389]
[479]    0.0    0.00        0.00       9         TclRegExec [479]


                0.00        0.00       1/8           Watcher [437]
                0.00        0.00       3/8           Ns_WaitForEvent [493]
                0.00        0.00       4/8           RunScheduledProcs [325]
[480]    0.0    0.00        0.00       8         Ns_TimedWaitForEvent [480]


                0.00        0.00       1/6           Ns_CountPageRootSize [342]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/6           StopThread [115]
                0.00        0.00       3/6           Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
[481]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         Ns_BroadcastEvent [481]


                0.00        0.00       2/6           TclRegComp [432]
                0.00        0.00       4/6           regatom [505]
[482]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         regc [482]


                0.00        0.00       1/6           TclRegComp [432]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regtail [495]
                0.00        0.00       3/6           reg [504]
[483]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         regnext [483]


                0.00        0.00       2/6           reg [504]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regbranch [506]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regatom [505]
[484]    0.0    0.00        0.00       6         regnode [484]


                0.00        0.00       2/5           Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
                0.00        0.00       3/5           RunScheduledProcs [325]
[485]    0.0    0.00        0.00       5         NextRun [485]


                0.00        0.00       5/5           directory_size [372]
[486]    0.0    0.00        0.00       5         is_dotpath [486]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_BindSock [497]
[487]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         Ns_ClearSockErrno [487]


                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
[488]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         Ns_StaticLoadModule [488]


                0.00        0.00       1/4           SockStart [410]
                0.00        0.00       3/4           Ns_SockCallback [392]
[489]    0.0    0.00        0.00       4         SockSignal [489]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           DeleteArray [355]
[490]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         DeleteSearches [490]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           ns_main [147]
[491]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         InitStdFd [491]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           Ns_TclInit [137]
[492]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         Ns_PathSetSlash [492]


                0.00        0.00       1/3           StopAllServers [187]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
[493]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         Ns_WaitForEvent [493]
                0.00        0.00       3/8           Ns_TimedWaitForEvent [480]


                0.00        0.00       3/3           reg [504]
[494]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         regoptail [494]
                0.00        0.00       1/3           regtail [495]


                0.00        0.00       1/3           regoptail [494]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           reg [504]
[495]    0.0    0.00        0.00       3         regtail [495]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regnext [483]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           StartThread [116]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           StopThread [115]
[496]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         AdpInit [496]
                0.00        0.00       1/10          Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_SockListen [943]
[497]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_BindSock [497]
                0.00        0.00       4/4           Ns_ClearSockErrno [487]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           ReturnNotice [298]
[498]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_ConnPort [498]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_SockListen [943]
[499]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Ns_GetSockAddr [499]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_StartServer [101]
[500]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         StartDrivers [500]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           CreateIData [419]
[501]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         Tcl_SetInterpData [501]


                0.00        0.00       1/2           SigInit [352]
                0.00        0.00       1/2           Ns_SigCatch [435]
[502]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         ns_sigmask [502]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           Ns_SigCatch [435]
[503]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         ns_signal [503]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           TclRegComp [432]
[504]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         reg [504]
                0.00        0.00       3/3           regoptail [494]
                0.00        0.00       3/6           regnext [483]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           regbranch [506]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regnode [484]
                0.00        0.00       2/3           regtail [495]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           regpiece [507]
[505]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         regatom [505]
                0.00        0.00       4/6           regc [482]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regnode [484]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           reg [504]
[506]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         regbranch [506]
                0.00        0.00       2/6           regnode [484]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           regpiece [507]


                0.00        0.00       2/2           regbranch [506]
[507]    0.0    0.00        0.00       2         regpiece [507]
                0.00        0.00       2/2           regatom [505]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
[508]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitCs [508]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
[509]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitEvents [509]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
[510]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         InitMutex [510]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           DbInit [345]
[511]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_DbInitDbTypes [511]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           ns_main [147]
[512]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_DestroyThreads [512]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           StartAllServers [100]
[513]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_InfoSetupMode [513]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           CallbackInit [324]
[514]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_InitMalloc [514]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           SockInit [299]
[515]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         Ns_SockPipe [515]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           UnixInit [347]
[516]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         SetSid [516]


                0.00        0.00       1/1           Ns_SigCatch [435]
[517]    0.0    0.00        0.00       1         ns_sigwait [517]


flat profile:							
 %         the percentage of the total running time of the	
time       program used by this function.			
cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accounted	
 seconds   for by this function and those listed above it.	
 self      the number of seconds accounted for by this		
seconds    function alone.  This is the major sort for this	
calls      the number of times this function was invoked, if	
           this function is profiled, else blank.		
 self      the average number of milliseconds spent in this	
ms/call    function per call, if this function is profiled,	
	   else blank.						
 total     the average number of milliseconds spent in this	
ms/call    function and its descendents per call, if this 	
	   function is profiled, else blank.			
name       the name of the function.  This is the minor sort	
           for this listing. The index shows the location of	
	   the function in the gprof listing. If the index is	
	   in parenthesis it shows where it would appear in	
	   the gprof listing if it were to be printed.		

granularity: each sample hit covers 8 byte(s) for 0.00% of 21.05 seconds

  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
 17.7       3.72     3.72 13786208     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringNAppend [8]
  6.1       5.00     1.28   107276     0.01     0.03  MakePath [10]
  2.9       5.60     0.60  1555972     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringFree [35]
  2.7       6.18     0.58  1555965     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringInit [36]
  2.3       6.67     0.49  1507858     0.00     0.00  ns_realloc [40]
  2.3       7.15     0.48    53622     0.01     0.10  FastReturnFile [6]
  2.1       7.59     0.44   429085     0.00     0.00  TrieFind [25]
  2.0       8.01     0.42    53623     0.01     0.02  Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [16]
  1.9       8.42     0.40                             WaitForSocks [37]
  1.8       8.79     0.37  1341534     0.00     0.00  Ns_LockMutex [43]
  1.6       9.13     0.34  1340551     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnRead [46]
  1.6       9.47     0.34   429281     0.00     0.00  MkSeq [24]
  1.6       9.81     0.34                             CmpKeyWithBranch [48]
  1.6      10.14     0.33   107245     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConnReadLine [19]
  1.5      10.46     0.32   378683     0.00     0.00  HashString [49]
  1.5      10.78     0.32   321890     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringVarAppend [30]
  1.5      11.10     0.32  1717264     0.00     0.00  Ns_IndexFind [50]
  1.4      11.40     0.30  1614252     0.00     0.00  ns_free [51]
  1.3      11.68     0.28  1341534     0.00     0.00  Ns_UnlockMutex [53]
  1.3      11.95     0.27                             CmpIdWithNode [54]
  1.2      12.21     0.26   268110     0.00     0.00  RunFilters [60]
  1.2      12.47     0.25   482715     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetFindCmp [63]
  1.2      12.72     0.25  1400567     0.00     0.00  ns_malloc [27]
  1.1      12.95     0.23   268156     0.00     0.01  Ns_UrlSpecificGet [12]
  1.1      13.18     0.23    53623     0.00     0.03  Ns_ParseRequest [13]
  1.1      13.40     0.22   429085     0.00     0.00  JunctionFind [15]
  1.0      13.61     0.21                             StringFind [38]
  1.0      13.81     0.20   912181     0.00     0.00  ns_strdup [29]
  1.0      14.01     0.20   375396     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetPut [22]
  0.9      14.21     0.20                             RunConnection [4]
  0.9      14.40     0.19   429152     0.00     0.00  Tcl_StringMatch [70]
  0.9      14.59     0.19    53623     0.00     0.01  QueueConn [26]
  0.8      14.77     0.18    53623     0.00     0.08  Ns_ConnRun [7]
  0.8      14.94     0.18   160867     0.00     0.00  Ns_HttpTime [44]
  0.8      15.12     0.17    53635     0.00     0.01  Ns_NormalizePath [42]
  0.8      15.28     0.16   428978     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnSetState [75]
  0.7      15.43     0.15   482605     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetGetCmp [41]
  0.7      15.58     0.15   107244     0.00     0.06  DefaultUrlToFile [3]
  0.7      15.72     0.15    53622     0.00     0.02  SetUrl [17]
  0.7      15.87     0.15   858203     0.00     0.00  ns_strcopy [28]
  0.7      16.01     0.14   107255     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetFree [47]
  0.7      16.15     0.14                             FastGet [1]
  0.6      16.29     0.14   214573     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringTrunc [80]
  0.6      16.42     0.13   160909     0.00     0.00  GetServer [68]
  0.6      16.54     0.12   482605     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetIGet [39]
  0.6      16.66     0.12    53623     0.00     0.02  Ns_ConnShutdown [18]
  0.6      16.78     0.12    53623     0.00     0.03  Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders [14]
  0.6      16.89     0.12    53622     0.00     0.00  Ns_DecodeUrl [59]
  0.5      17.00     0.11    53622     0.00     0.02  Ns_ConnRunRequest [21]
  0.5      17.11     0.11    53778     0.00     0.00  LowerDString [84]
  0.5      17.22     0.11   160866     0.00     0.00  AllocateCa [33]
  0.5      17.32     0.10   268262     0.00     0.00  Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage [89]
  0.5      17.42     0.10    53622     0.00     0.00  SimpleSendFd [66]
  0.5      17.52     0.10   429473     0.00     0.00  Ns_IndexEl [91]
  0.4      17.61     0.09   107555     0.00     0.00  Ns_StrTrimRight [92]
  0.4      17.70     0.09    53623     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConnFree [31]
  0.4      17.79     0.09       19     4.65     6.99  Ns_LogTime [82]
  0.4      17.88     0.09    53623     0.00     0.00  FreeUrl [86]
  0.4      17.96     0.08   107246     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnWrite [76]
  0.4      18.04     0.08    53622     0.00     0.11  Ns_FastReturnFile [5]
  0.4      18.12     0.08    53622     0.00     0.00  ns_openread [67]
  0.4      18.20     0.08    53622     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnModifiedSince [77]
  0.4      18.28     0.08   107246     0.00     0.00  Ns_WriteConn [65]
  0.4      18.35     0.08    53629     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoShutdownPending [88]
  0.4      18.43     0.08   268115     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders [20]
  0.4      18.50     0.08   160867     0.00     0.00  ns_gmtime [81]
  0.3      18.57     0.07   107264     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetCreate [57]
  0.3      18.64     0.07    53622     0.00     0.00  DeAllocateOp [93]
  0.3      18.71     0.07    53657     0.00     0.00  Ns_WaitForSemaphore [97]
  0.3      18.77     0.07    53622     0.00     0.06  UrlIsFile [11]
  0.3      18.84     0.07    53622     0.00     0.00  ServerMimeType [61]
  0.3      18.90     0.06    53624     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnClose [98]
  0.3      18.97     0.06   107265     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringExport [74]
  0.3      19.03     0.06   214489     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnServer [99]
  0.3      19.09     0.06   107244     0.00     0.00  AcceptsNvds [102]
  0.3      19.16     0.06    53625     0.00     0.00  Ns_DStringPrintf [94]
  0.3      19.22     0.06    53622     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConnSendFd [56]
  0.3      19.28     0.06   107246     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnIncrContentSent [104]
  0.3      19.34     0.06   107244     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnSetHeaders [52]
  0.3      19.40     0.06    53622     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConnReadHeaders [32]
  0.3      19.46     0.06                             ns_inet_ntoa [87]
  0.3      19.52     0.06    53622     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnPeer [106]
  0.3      19.57     0.05   107246     0.00     0.00  Ns_ThreadYield [108]
  0.2      19.62     0.05    53624     0.00     0.00  ns_duphigh [107]
  0.2      19.67     0.05    53627     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoServerName [109]
  0.2      19.72     0.05    53625     0.00     0.00  Ns_ReleaseSemaphore [110]
  0.2      19.76     0.05   107246     0.00     0.00  Ns_PageRoot [71]
  0.2      19.81     0.05   107498     0.00     0.00  Ns_StrTrim [72]
  0.2      19.85     0.04   107244     0.00     0.06  UrlToFile [2]
  0.2      19.90     0.04   107254     0.00     0.03  Ns_MakePath [9]
  0.2      19.94     0.04    53622     0.00     0.01  AllocateOp [34]
  0.2      19.99     0.04                             ns_WaitForSignal [112]
  0.2      20.03     0.04    53627     0.00     0.00  Ns_CloseOnExec [113]
  0.2      20.07     0.04    53623     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnKeepAlive [114]
  0.2      20.11     0.04    53622     0.00     0.01  Ns_CacheDoStat [58]
  0.2      20.15     0.04    53622     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader [45]
  0.2      20.19     0.04    53623     0.00     0.00  Ns_FreeRequest [69]
  0.2      20.23     0.04     2951     0.01     0.01  Ns_LeaveCriticalSection [118]
  0.2      20.26     0.04   107555     0.00     0.00  Ns_StrTrimLeft [119]
  0.2      20.30     0.03    53622     0.00     0.00  AuthorizeRequest [122]
  0.2      20.33     0.03                             Ns_QueueConn [23]
  0.2      20.36     0.03   107263     0.00     0.00  Ns_PathIsAbsolute [123]
  0.1      20.39     0.03    53624     0.00     0.00  ns_closeonexec [95]
  0.1      20.42     0.03     2951     0.01     0.01  Ns_EnterCriticalSection [126]
  0.1      20.45     0.03    53985     0.00     0.00  Ns_Log [73]
  0.1      20.48     0.03    53622     0.00     0.00  Ns_AuthorizeRequest [83]
  0.1      20.51     0.03    53622     0.00     0.00  Ns_CacheNewEntry [62]
  0.1      20.54     0.03    53623     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnSetOwner [128]
  0.1      20.56     0.02    53641     0.00     0.00  ns_localtime [111]
  0.1      20.58     0.02    53622     0.00     0.00  Ns_CacheLockURL [64]
  0.1      20.61     0.02        1    22.46    24.08  Ns_FastpathInit [129]
  0.1      20.63     0.02      147     0.15     0.23  Ns_UrlSpecificSet [121]
  0.1      20.65     0.02    53622     0.00     0.01  Ns_CacheLock [55]
  0.1      20.67     0.02                             DeAllocateProt [130]
  0.1      20.69     0.02    53623     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnGetOwner [131]
  0.1      20.71     0.02                             SaveFile [132]
  0.1      20.73     0.02                             Ns_IndexDel [136]
  0.1      20.75     0.02        2     9.28     9.36  TrieBranchTrunc [141]
  0.1      20.76     0.02                             Ns_SockSetBlocking [142]
  0.1      20.78     0.02                             Tcl_HashStats [144]
  0.1      20.80     0.02    53623     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnInit [145]
  0.1      20.82     0.02      746     0.02     0.02  TclParseBraces [143]
  0.1      20.83     0.02        1    15.63    15.63  LogReOpen [151]
  0.1      20.85     0.02                             Ns_ConnReplaceHeaders [152]
  0.1      20.86     0.01        2     5.86     5.86  Ns_InitializeCriticalSection [155]
  0.1      20.87     0.01        2     5.37     5.37  CacheInit [156]
  0.1      20.88     0.01                             Ns_EncodeUrl [157]
  0.0      20.89     0.01                             Ns_ConnSetDriver [161]
  0.0      20.90     0.01                             Ns_SetUpdate [162]
  0.0      20.91     0.01                             Ns_ConnResponseStatus [166]
  0.0      20.92     0.01      171     0.05     0.06  JunctionAdd [158]
  0.0      20.93     0.01                             Ns_NullWriteFd [168]
  0.0      20.93     0.01        2     3.42     3.42  ns_calloc [171]
  0.0      20.94     0.01                             Ns_ConnSetLengthHeader [174]
  0.0      20.94     0.01                             Ns_ConnContentSent [175]
  0.0      20.95     0.01                             Ns_ConnSendFp [176]
  0.0      20.96     0.01                             Ns_SockSetNonBlocking [177]
  0.0      20.96     0.01       10     0.54     0.55  AddIcon [178]
  0.0      20.97     0.01                             Ns_CacheGetSection [179]
  0.0      20.97     0.01                             Ns_ConnGets [180]
  0.0      20.98     0.01                             Ns_IndexDup [181]
  0.0      20.98     0.00       23     0.21     0.21  TrieFindExact [185]
  0.0      20.99     0.00                             Ns_IndexFindInf [186]
  0.0      20.99     0.00    53624     0.00     0.00  Ns_DupHigh [192]
  0.0      21.00     0.00       40     0.09     0.09  PthreadAttrInit [197]
  0.0      21.00     0.00       19     0.18     7.17  ServerLog [79]
  0.0      21.00     0.00                             Ns_UrlIsMiniWeb [195]
  0.0      21.00     0.00    53627     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoServerVersion [201]
  0.0      21.01     0.00     1139     0.00     0.03  TclParseWords <cycle 1> [127]
  0.0      21.01     0.00      687     0.00     0.01  Tcl_SplitList [191]
  0.0      21.01     0.00      477     0.01     0.01  Tcl_DStringAppend [200]
  0.0      21.02     0.00                             Ns_CacheGetMaxExpires [202]
  0.0      21.02     0.00                             UrlToNvd [203]
  0.0      21.02     0.00       79     0.03     0.03  Tcl_SetResult [212]
  0.0      21.02     0.00        1     2.44     2.48  InitAliases [211]
  0.0      21.03     0.00     2951     0.00     0.01  UnlockInterp [117]
  0.0      21.03     0.00     1302     0.00     0.00  Tcl_Backslash [217]
  0.0      21.03     0.00      587     0.00     0.00  PrivateVar [204]
  0.0      21.03     0.00      459     0.00     0.21  Tcl_Eval <cycle 1> [90]
  0.0      21.03     0.00      261     0.01     0.01  Tcl_SetVar3 [194]
  0.0      21.04     0.00      209     0.01     0.01  Tcl_ResetResult [218]
  0.0      21.04     0.00                             __F3drv [219]
  0.0      21.04     0.00      208     0.01     0.01  ConfigGet [214]
  0.0      21.04     0.00                             Ns_UrlSpecificGetFast [226]
  0.0      21.04     0.00      943     0.00     0.00  TclCopyAndCollapse [236]
  0.0      21.04     0.00      449     0.00     0.01  ExprLex <cycle 1> [205]
  0.0      21.04     0.00      326     0.00     0.03  Tcl_ParseVar [160]
  0.0      21.04     0.00      171     0.01     0.01  TrieAdd [221]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      153     0.01     0.01  ExprGetValue <cycle 1> [235]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      144     0.01     0.01  TclParseNestedCmd <cycle 1> [234]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      115     0.01     0.02  Tcl_FileCmd [213]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       36     0.03     0.03  Ns_WaitForStartup [233]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       34     0.03     0.13  BeginServerThread [189]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             ThreadMain [231]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      157     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConfigGetSection [238]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       42     0.01     0.01  AttachServer [251]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             Ns_ConnHeaders [252]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             Ns_ConnLocation [253]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             Ns_ConnResetReturn [254]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             Ns_ConnStateName [255]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             Ns_LibPath [256]
  0.0      21.05     0.00                             StringCreate [210]
  0.0      21.05     0.00     2951     0.00     0.01  LockInterp [125]
  0.0      21.05     0.00     1161     0.00     0.00  Tcl_NextHashEntry [443]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      972     0.00     0.00  TclFindElement [444]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      633     0.00     0.01  LockVars [172]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      633     0.00     0.01  UnlockVars [167]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      619     0.00     0.00  LookupVar [295]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      453     0.00     0.00  Tcl_DStringFree [376]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      438     0.00     0.00  Ns_IndexInit [275]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      427     0.00     0.02  Tcl_CreateCommand [159]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      394     0.00     0.00  ExprLooksLikeInt [445]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      367     0.00     0.00  Ns_IndexAdd [441]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      329     0.00     0.03  Tcl_GetVar2 [165]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      329     0.00     0.01  Tcl_GetVar3 [224]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      296     0.00     0.00  Tcl_DStringInit [446]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      294     0.00     0.00  Ns_IndexDestroy [315]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      261     0.00     0.04  Tcl_SetVar2 [164]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      248     0.00     0.00  NewVar [292]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      224     0.00     0.00  Ns_TclGetInterpData [447]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      224     0.00     0.00  Tcl_GetInterpData [448]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      215     0.00     0.00  CleanupProc [286]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      215     0.00     0.05  Tcl_ProcCmd [163]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      200     0.00     0.04  Tcl_SetVar [170]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      186     0.00     0.00  TrieInit [300]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      180     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConfigGetValue [215]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      178     0.00     0.00  binsearch [449]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      173     0.00     0.00  MakeSection [265]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      170     0.00     0.00  NodeDestroy [331]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      165     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage [450]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      154     0.00     0.00  IndexNodeCreate [283]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      154     0.00     0.00  IndexNodeDestroy [293]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      153     0.00     0.01  ExprTopLevel <cycle 1> [229]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      153     0.00     0.00  Tcl_ExprBoolean <cycle 1> [451]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      151     0.00     0.00  Tcl_TildeSubst [452]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      146     0.00     0.01  AddType [232]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      144     0.00     0.23  Ns_RegisterRequest [120]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      138     0.00     0.00  Ns_TclInterpServer [453]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      137     0.00     0.23  Ns_TclRegisterCmd [124]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      133     0.00     0.00  Tcl_IfCmd <cycle 1> [454]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      125     0.00     0.00  Tcl_FirstHashEntry [455]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      114     0.00     0.00  ExprParseString [456]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      109     0.00     0.00  TclExpandParseValue [310]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      107     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetIFind [316]
  0.0      21.05     0.00      103     0.00     0.00  Tcl_InitHashTable [457]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       86     0.00     0.00  Tcl_DeleteHashTable [279]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       71     0.00     0.01  TclParseQuotes [241]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       67     0.00     0.00  TclDeleteVars [277]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       63     0.00     0.00  GetCtx [337]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       63     0.00     0.00  Ns_GetThreadId [338]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       59     0.00     0.00  Tcl_ConvertElement [458]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       59     0.00     0.00  Tcl_ScanElement [459]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       56     0.00     0.04  Tcl_SetCmd [216]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       50     0.00     0.02  Ns_ConfigGetBool [239]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       46     0.00     0.02  Tcl_CreateMathFunc [230]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       44     0.00     0.00  CleanupTable [327]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       44     0.00     0.44  DetachServer [133]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       42     0.00     0.00  Ns_InitializeMutex [339]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       42     0.00     0.00  Tcl_DeleteHashEntry [366]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       41     0.00     0.00  CreateCtx [326]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       41     0.00     0.00  EnterCtx [460]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       40     0.00     0.09  BeginThread [193]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       40     0.00     0.09  BeginThread2 [196]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       40     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetThreadServer [461]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       39     0.00     0.00  DeleteCtx [329]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       39     0.00     0.00  TclNeedSpace [462]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       39     0.00     0.00  ThreadExit [332]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       38     0.00     0.09  Ns_BeginDetachedThread [198]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       37     0.00     0.02  Ns_ConfigGetInt [244]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       37     0.00     0.00  ns_readdir [354]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       34     0.00     0.13  Ns_BeginDetachedServerThread [190]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       29     0.00     0.00  Tcl_AppendElement [395]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       26     0.00     0.02  LogCmd [246]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       26     0.00     0.00  TclOpen [463]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       26     0.00     0.00  TclRead [464]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       26     0.00     0.01  Tcl_EvalFile <cycle 1> [274]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       26     0.00     0.00  Tcl_SourceCmd <cycle 1> [465]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       24     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoHomePath [466]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       24     0.00     0.00  SetDriverProc [467]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       23     0.00     0.21  JunctionFindExact [184]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       21     0.00     0.00  Ns_GetThreadServer [367]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       20     0.00     0.00  TclGetFrame [468]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       20     0.00     0.05  Tcl_CatchCmd <cycle 1> [237]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       20     0.00     0.00  Tcl_Concat [362]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       20     0.00     0.00  Tcl_GetInt [469]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       20     0.00     0.00  Tcl_UplevelCmd <cycle 1> [470]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       19     0.00     0.01  Ns_ConfigGetPath [278]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       19     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoPid [471]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.00  CleanupSet [330]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.00  GetSet [381]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetEvent [472]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.00  Ns_TclEnterSet [356]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.00  Ns_TclGetSet [382]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.00  Ns_TclGetSet2 [383]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       18     0.00     0.02  Ns_TclSetCmd [263]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       16     0.00     0.00  CallTraces [473]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       16     0.00     0.00  InitIData [474]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       16     0.00     0.17  TclInitGlobalVars [207]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       16     0.00     0.00  TclPrecTraceProc [475]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       16     0.00     0.02  Tcl_TraceVar2 [260]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       16     0.00     0.00  Tcl_TraceVar3 [361]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       15     0.00     0.02  ModuleCmd [266]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       15     0.00     0.04  RebuildTable [247]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       14     0.00     0.22  Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp [199]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       14     0.00     0.00  Tcl_CloseFiles [370]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       14     0.00     0.20  Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars [206]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       13     0.00     0.02  MakeUpvar [267]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       13     0.00     0.00  MakeUpvar2 [363]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       12     0.00     0.00  Ns_TclGetServerData [353]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       11     0.00     0.00  Ns_InitializeEvent [371]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       11     0.00     0.11  Tcl_ForeachCmd <cycle 1> [228]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.17  DoGlob [223]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.03  LibraryCmd [269]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage [476]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.06  Ns_HomePath [245]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.04  Ns_ModulePath [261]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.27  Ns_TclInitInterps [209]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  TclGetRegError [386]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  TclRegError [477]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  Tcl_DStringAppendElement [478]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.17  Tcl_GlobCmd [222]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.02  Tcl_LsortCmd [285]
  0.0      21.05     0.00       10     0.00     0.00  Tcl_Merge [375]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.00  InfoCmd [333]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.01  MigrateSection [322]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.01  Ns_SetCopy [312]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.00  TclRegExec [479]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.00  Tcl_RegExpCompile [416]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.00  Tcl_RegExpExec [389]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.04  Tcl_RegsubCmd [264]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        9     0.00     0.03  Tcl_StringCmd [273]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        8     0.00     0.07  ModuleInitSymbol [249]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        8     0.00     0.00  Ns_IndexTrunc [364]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        8     0.00     0.00  Ns_ListCons [384]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        8     0.00     0.00  Ns_TimedWaitForEvent [480]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        8     0.00     2.39  Tcl_GlobalEval [134]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        7     0.00     0.00  Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [349]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        7     0.00     0.00  RegisterCallback [387]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        7     0.00     0.05  Tcl_Ns_ShareCmd [268]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.46  CheckServer [208]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.01  GetMode [309]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  Ns_BroadcastEvent [481]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  Ns_DestroyMutex [417]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.27  Ns_TclInitModule [225]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  SetupAppendBuffer [390]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  regc [482]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  regnext [483]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  regnode [484]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        5     0.00     0.00  DestroyCallbacks [420]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        5     0.00     0.00  NextRun [485]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        5     0.00     0.00  Ns_InitializeSemaphore [396]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        5     0.00     0.00  Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc [388]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        5     0.00     0.04  Tcl_AppendCmd [281]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        5     0.00     0.00  is_dotpath [486]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  CleanupVar [440]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  IdMsg [343]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.02  MigrateServers [308]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.07  ModuleSymbol [271]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  Ns_ClearSockErrno [487]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  Ns_DestroySemaphore [421]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  Ns_ListFree [415]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.14  Ns_ModuleLoad [248]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.07  Ns_ModuleSymbol [272]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  Ns_StaticLoadModule [488]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  RegisterAt [385]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.01  RunCallbacks [340]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        4     0.00     0.00  SockSignal [489]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  DeleteArray [355]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  DeleteSearches [490]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  InitStdFd [491]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.43  Ns_ModuleLoadSection [227]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  Ns_PathSetSlash [492]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetFind [414]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  Ns_WaitForEvent [493]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.03  Tcl_GetVar [305]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.05  Tcl_InfoCmd [288]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.01  ValidSection [348]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  regoptail [494]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        3     0.00     0.00  regtail [495]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  AdpInit [496]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  AliasInit [403]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  BinderInit [377]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.02  CallbackInit [324]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.07  ConfigInit [291]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  CreateIData [419]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  CryptInit [425]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.01  DbInit [345]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  DestroyCgiCtx [442]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  DestroyDbCtx [424]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  DestroyFpInfo [402]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.32  DestroyInterp [243]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.02  DestroyMimeTypes [323]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.35  DestroyServer [240]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.33  DetachTclData [242]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00    31.00  FastInitialize [103]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  FdInit [378]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.03  IdInit [320]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.06  InfoInit [294]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     3.78  InitFastpath [169]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     3.29  InitMimeTypes [173]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00    30.57  InitializeServer [105]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     9.36  JunctionBranchTrunc [140]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.01  LogInit [344]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.03  MigrateDb [311]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.01  ModulesInit [358]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     6.09  NewInterp [153]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.09  Ns_BeginThread [282]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_BindSock [497]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConnPort [498]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_DestroyCriticalSection [438]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_GetSockAddr [499]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_RegisterAtException [407]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_RunAtStartup [397]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.01  Ns_RunServerShutdownProcs [357]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_ScheduleProc [405]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_ScheduleProcEx [406]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     9.37  Ns_ServerSpecificDestroy [138]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00    31.45  Ns_StartServer [101]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.90  Ns_StopServer [220]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     2.57  Ns_TclCreateCmds [182]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     9.38  Ns_TclInit [137]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     9.37  Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy [139]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_WaitForThread [393]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Ns_WaitThread [394]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  RequestInit [399]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.04  SchedInit [302]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  SchedStart [409]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00    33.77  ServersInit [96]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  ShtmlInit [426]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.04  SimpleServeInit [301]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.06  SockInit [299]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  SockListenInit [427]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  SockStart [410]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  StartDrivers [500]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  TclInit [423]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.02  TclSetupEnv [321]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     6.09  Tcl_CreateInterp2 [154]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.09  Tcl_DeleteInterp [280]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Tcl_MTInit [413]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Tcl_SetInterpData [501]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  TimeInit [428]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.08  TrieTrunc [284]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  UrlSpaceInit [412]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  ns_sigmask [502]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  ns_signal [503]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  reg [504]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  regatom [505]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  regbranch [506]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  regpiece [507]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.09  BeginStartup [304]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.06  BuildNotice [314]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.31  ConfigRead [270]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.07  CreatePidFile [307]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  DbServerInit [411]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  ExecNsd [380]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  ExprMakeString [422]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     4.56  ForeachServer [188]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  InitCs [508]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.02  InitDstring [350]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  InitEvents [509]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  InitMutex [510]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  InitTls [429]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.01  InitUmask [360]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  JunctionInit [418]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00    15.81  LogOpen [150]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.02  Ns_AdpInit [346]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.54  Ns_CacheInit [250]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.14  Ns_CgiInit [290]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_ConfigGetSections [379]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.25  Ns_ConfigRead [276]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.11  Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice [297]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.12  Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest [296]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.05  Ns_ConnReturnData [318]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.05  Ns_ConnReturnHtml [319]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_DbInitDbTypes [511]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_DestroyThreads [512]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoServersStarted [433]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_InfoSetupMode [513]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_InitMalloc [514]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_InitializeThreads [391]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.01  Ns_ModuleLoadGlobals [374]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.43  Ns_ModuleLoadServer [259]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.36  Ns_QuotaInit [262]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_RegisterAtSignal [408]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_RegisterFilter [400]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc [404]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetDelete [439]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetRequestAuthorizeProc [398]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_SetThreadStackSize [434]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.16  Ns_SetupInit [289]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.03  Ns_ShtmlInit [328]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_SigCatch [435]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_SockCallback [392]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_SockPipe [515]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.02  Ns_TclConfigCmd [351]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.01  Ns_TclConfigSectionsCmd [359]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Ns_UnscheduleProc [436]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.11  ReturnNotice [298]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  SetSid [516]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.09  ShutdownWait [303]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.02  SigInit [352]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00    62.99  StartAllServers [100]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     4.56  StopAllServers [187]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  TclRegComp [432]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Tcl_AppendResult [430]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.02  ThreadsInit [341]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.02  UnixInit [347]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Watcher [437]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.01  directory_size [372]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00    16.52  main [146]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00    16.52  ns_main [147]
  0.0      21.05     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  ns_sigwait [517]

Index by function name

 [102] AcceptsNvds         [318] Ns_ConnReturnData   [298] ReturnNotice       
 [178] AddIcon             [319] Ns_ConnReturnHtml   [340] RunCallbacks       
 [232] AddType               [7] Ns_ConnRun            [4] RunConnection      
 [496] AdpInit              [21] Ns_ConnRunRequest    [60] RunFilters         
 [403] AliasInit            [56] Ns_ConnSendFd       [132] SaveFile           
  [33] AllocateCa          [176] Ns_ConnSendFp       [302] SchedInit          
  [34] AllocateOp           [99] Ns_ConnServer       [409] SchedStart         
 [251] AttachServer        [161] Ns_ConnSetDriver     [79] ServerLog          
 [122] AuthorizeRequest     [52] Ns_ConnSetHeaders    [61] ServerMimeType     
 [189] BeginServerThread    [45] Ns_ConnSetLastModif  [96] ServersInit        
 [304] BeginStartup        [174] Ns_ConnSetLengthHea [467] SetDriverProc      
 [193] BeginThread         [128] Ns_ConnSetOwner     [516] SetSid             
 [196] BeginThread2         [14] Ns_ConnSetRequiredH  [17] SetUrl             
 [377] BinderInit           [75] Ns_ConnSetState     [390] SetupAppendBuffer  
 [314] BuildNotice          [18] Ns_ConnShutdown     [426] ShtmlInit          
 [156] CacheInit           [255] Ns_ConnStateName    [303] ShutdownWait       
 [473] CallTraces           [76] Ns_ConnWrite        [352] SigInit            
 [324] CallbackInit         [74] Ns_DStringExport     [66] SimpleSendFd       
 [208] CheckServer          [35] Ns_DStringFree      [301] SimpleServeInit    
 [286] CleanupProc          [36] Ns_DStringInit      [299] SockInit           
 [330] CleanupSet            [8] Ns_DStringNAppend   [427] SockListenInit     
 [327] CleanupTable         [94] Ns_DStringPrintf    [489] SockSignal         
 [440] CleanupVar           [80] Ns_DStringTrunc     [410] SockStart          
  [54] CmpIdWithNode        [30] Ns_DStringVarAppend [100] StartAllServers    
  [48] CmpKeyWithBranch    [511] Ns_DbInitDbTypes    [500] StartDrivers       
 [214] ConfigGet            [59] Ns_DecodeUrl        [187] StopAllServers     
 [291] ConfigInit          [438] Ns_DestroyCriticalS [210] StringCreate       
 [270] ConfigRead          [417] Ns_DestroyMutex      [38] StringFind         
 [326] CreateCtx           [421] Ns_DestroySemaphore [236] TclCopyAndCollapse 
 [419] CreateIData         [512] Ns_DestroyThreads   [277] TclDeleteVars      
 [307] CreatePidFile       [192] Ns_DupHigh          [310] TclExpandParseValue
 [425] CryptInit           [157] Ns_EncodeUrl        [444] TclFindElement     
 [345] DbInit              [126] Ns_EnterCriticalSec [468] TclGetFrame        
 [411] DbServerInit          [5] Ns_FastReturnFile   [386] TclGetRegError     
  [93] DeAllocateOp        [129] Ns_FastpathInit     [423] TclInit            
 [130] DeAllocateProt       [69] Ns_FreeRequest      [207] TclInitGlobalVars  
   [3] DefaultUrlToFile    [499] Ns_GetSockAddr      [462] TclNeedSpace       
 [355] DeleteArray         [338] Ns_GetThreadId      [463] TclOpen            
 [329] DeleteCtx            [89] Ns_GetThreadLocalSt [143] TclParseBraces     
 [490] DeleteSearches      [367] Ns_GetThreadServer  [234] TclParseNestedCmd  
 [420] DestroyCallbacks    [245] Ns_HomePath         [241] TclParseQuotes     
 [442] DestroyCgiCtx        [44] Ns_HttpTime         [127] TclParseWords      
 [424] DestroyDbCtx        [441] Ns_IndexAdd         [475] TclPrecTraceProc   
 [402] DestroyFpInfo       [136] Ns_IndexDel         [464] TclRead            
 [243] DestroyInterp       [315] Ns_IndexDestroy     [432] TclRegComp         
 [323] DestroyMimeTypes    [181] Ns_IndexDup         [477] TclRegError        
 [240] DestroyServer        [91] Ns_IndexEl          [479] TclRegExec         
 [133] DetachServer         [50] Ns_IndexFind        [321] TclSetupEnv        
 [242] DetachTclData       [186] Ns_IndexFindInf     [281] Tcl_AppendCmd      
 [223] DoGlob              [275] Ns_IndexInit        [395] Tcl_AppendElement  
 [460] EnterCtx            [364] Ns_IndexTrunc       [430] Tcl_AppendResult   
 [380] ExecNsd             [466] Ns_InfoHomePath     [217] Tcl_Backslash      
 [235] ExprGetValue        [471] Ns_InfoPid          [237] Tcl_CatchCmd       
 [205] ExprLex             [109] Ns_InfoServerName   [370] Tcl_CloseFiles     
 [445] ExprLooksLikeInt    [201] Ns_InfoServerVersio [362] Tcl_Concat         
 [422] ExprMakeString      [433] Ns_InfoServersStart [458] Tcl_ConvertElement 
 [456] ExprParseString     [513] Ns_InfoSetupMode    [159] Tcl_CreateCommand  
 [229] ExprTopLevel         [88] Ns_InfoShutdownPend [154] Tcl_CreateInterp2  
   [1] FastGet             [514] Ns_InitMalloc       [230] Tcl_CreateMathFunc 
 [103] FastInitialize      [155] Ns_InitializeCritic [200] Tcl_DStringAppend  
   [6] FastReturnFile      [371] Ns_InitializeEvent  [478] Tcl_DStringAppendEl
 [378] FdInit              [339] Ns_InitializeMutex  [376] Tcl_DStringFree    
 [188] ForeachServer       [396] Ns_InitializeSemaph [446] Tcl_DStringInit    
  [86] FreeUrl             [391] Ns_InitializeThread [366] Tcl_DeleteHashEntry
 [337] GetCtx              [118] Ns_LeaveCriticalSec [279] Tcl_DeleteHashTable
 [309] GetMode             [256] Ns_LibPath          [280] Tcl_DeleteInterp   
  [68] GetServer           [384] Ns_ListCons          [90] Tcl_Eval           
 [381] GetSet              [415] Ns_ListFree         [274] Tcl_EvalFile       
  [49] HashString           [43] Ns_LockMutex        [451] Tcl_ExprBoolean    
 [320] IdInit               [73] Ns_Log              [213] Tcl_FileCmd        
 [343] IdMsg                [82] Ns_LogTime          [455] Tcl_FirstHashEntry 
 [283] IndexNodeCreate       [9] Ns_MakePath         [228] Tcl_ForeachCmd     
 [293] IndexNodeDestroy    [248] Ns_ModuleLoad       [469] Tcl_GetInt         
 [333] InfoCmd             [374] Ns_ModuleLoadGlobal [448] Tcl_GetInterpData  
 [294] InfoInit            [227] Ns_ModuleLoadSectio [305] Tcl_GetVar         
 [211] InitAliases         [259] Ns_ModuleLoadServer [165] Tcl_GetVar2        
 [508] InitCs              [261] Ns_ModulePath       [224] Tcl_GetVar3        
 [350] InitDstring         [272] Ns_ModuleSymbol     [222] Tcl_GlobCmd        
 [509] InitEvents           [42] Ns_NormalizePath    [134] Tcl_GlobalEval     
 [169] InitFastpath        [168] Ns_NullWriteFd      [144] Tcl_HashStats      
 [474] InitIData            [71] Ns_PageRoot         [454] Tcl_IfCmd          
 [173] InitMimeTypes        [13] Ns_ParseRequest     [288] Tcl_InfoCmd        
 [510] InitMutex           [123] Ns_PathIsAbsolute   [457] Tcl_InitHashTable  
 [491] InitStdFd           [492] Ns_PathSetSlash     [285] Tcl_LsortCmd       
 [429] InitTls              [23] Ns_QueueConn        [413] Tcl_MTInit         
 [360] InitUmask           [262] Ns_QuotaInit        [375] Tcl_Merge          
 [105] InitializeServer    [407] Ns_RegisterAtExcept [443] Tcl_NextHashEntry  
 [158] JunctionAdd         [408] Ns_RegisterAtSignal [268] Tcl_Ns_ShareCmd    
 [140] JunctionBranchTrunc [400] Ns_RegisterFilter   [160] Tcl_ParseVar       
  [15] JunctionFind        [120] Ns_RegisterRequest  [163] Tcl_ProcCmd        
 [184] JunctionFindExact   [349] Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd [416] Tcl_RegExpCompile  
 [418] JunctionInit        [110] Ns_ReleaseSemaphore [389] Tcl_RegExpExec     
 [269] LibraryCmd          [397] Ns_RunAtStartup     [264] Tcl_RegsubCmd      
 [125] LockInterp          [357] Ns_RunServerShutdow [218] Tcl_ResetResult    
 [172] LockVars            [405] Ns_ScheduleProc     [459] Tcl_ScanElement    
 [246] LogCmd              [406] Ns_ScheduleProcEx   [216] Tcl_SetCmd         
 [344] LogInit             [404] Ns_ServerSpecificAl [501] Tcl_SetInterpData  
 [150] LogOpen             [138] Ns_ServerSpecificDe [212] Tcl_SetResult      
 [151] LogReOpen           [312] Ns_SetCopy          [170] Tcl_SetVar         
 [295] LookupVar            [57] Ns_SetCreate        [164] Tcl_SetVar2        
  [84] LowerDString        [439] Ns_SetDelete        [194] Tcl_SetVar3        
  [10] MakePath            [472] Ns_SetEvent         [465] Tcl_SourceCmd      
 [265] MakeSection         [414] Ns_SetFind          [191] Tcl_SplitList      
 [267] MakeUpvar            [63] Ns_SetFindCmp       [273] Tcl_StringCmd      
 [363] MakeUpvar2           [47] Ns_SetFree           [70] Tcl_StringMatch    
 [311] MigrateDb            [41] Ns_SetGetCmp        [452] Tcl_TildeSubst     
 [322] MigrateSection      [316] Ns_SetIFind         [260] Tcl_TraceVar2      
 [308] MigrateServers       [39] Ns_SetIGet          [361] Tcl_TraceVar3      
  [24] MkSeq                [22] Ns_SetPut           [206] Tcl_UnsetGlobalVars
 [266] ModuleCmd           [398] Ns_SetRequestAuthor [470] Tcl_UplevelCmd     
 [249] ModuleInitSymbol    [450] Ns_SetThreadLocalSt [332] ThreadExit         
 [271] ModuleSymbol        [461] Ns_SetThreadServer  [231] ThreadMain         
 [358] ModulesInit         [434] Ns_SetThreadStackSi [341] ThreadsInit        
 [153] NewInterp           [162] Ns_SetUpdate        [428] TimeInit           
 [292] NewVar              [289] Ns_SetupInit        [221] TrieAdd            
 [485] NextRun             [328] Ns_ShtmlInit        [141] TrieBranchTrunc    
 [331] NodeDestroy         [435] Ns_SigCatch          [25] TrieFind           
 [346] Ns_AdpInit          [392] Ns_SockCallback     [185] TrieFindExact      
 [476] Ns_AllocThreadLocal [515] Ns_SockPipe         [300] TrieInit           
  [83] Ns_AuthorizeRequest [142] Ns_SockSetBlocking  [284] TrieTrunc          
 [190] Ns_BeginDetachedSer [177] Ns_SockSetNonBlocki [347] UnixInit           
 [198] Ns_BeginDetachedThr [101] Ns_StartServer      [117] UnlockInterp       
 [282] Ns_BeginThread      [488] Ns_StaticLoadModule [167] UnlockVars         
 [497] Ns_BindSock         [220] Ns_StopServer        [11] UrlIsFile          
 [481] Ns_BroadcastEvent    [72] Ns_StrTrim          [412] UrlSpaceInit       
  [58] Ns_CacheDoStat      [119] Ns_StrTrimLeft        [2] UrlToFile          
 [202] Ns_CacheGetMaxExpir  [92] Ns_StrTrimRight     [203] UrlToNvd           
 [179] Ns_CacheGetSection  [351] Ns_TclConfigCmd     [348] ValidSection       
 [250] Ns_CacheInit        [359] Ns_TclConfigSection  [37] WaitForSocks       
  [55] Ns_CacheLock        [182] Ns_TclCreateCmds    [437] Watcher            
  [64] Ns_CacheLockURL     [199] Ns_TclDeAllocateInt [219] __F3drv            
  [62] Ns_CacheNewEntry    [356] Ns_TclEnterSet      [449] binsearch          
 [290] Ns_CgiInit          [447] Ns_TclGetInterpData [372] directory_size     
 [487] Ns_ClearSockErrno   [353] Ns_TclGetServerData [486] is_dotpath         
 [113] Ns_CloseOnExec      [382] Ns_TclGetSet        [146] main               
 [239] Ns_ConfigGetBool    [383] Ns_TclGetSet2       [112] ns_WaitForSignal   
 [244] Ns_ConfigGetInt     [137] Ns_TclInit          [171] ns_calloc          
 [278] Ns_ConfigGetPath    [209] Ns_TclInitInterps    [95] ns_closeonexec     
 [238] Ns_ConfigGetSection [225] Ns_TclInitModule    [107] ns_duphigh         
 [379] Ns_ConfigGetSection [453] Ns_TclInterpServer   [51] ns_free            
 [215] Ns_ConfigGetValue   [124] Ns_TclRegisterCmd    [81] ns_gmtime          
 [276] Ns_ConfigRead       [263] Ns_TclSetCmd         [87] ns_inet_ntoa       
  [98] Ns_ConnClose        [108] Ns_ThreadYield      [111] ns_localtime       
  [20] Ns_ConnCondSetHeade [480] Ns_TimedWaitForEven [147] ns_main            
 [175] Ns_ConnContentSent   [53] Ns_UnlockMutex       [27] ns_malloc          
  [16] Ns_ConnFlushHeaders [436] Ns_UnscheduleProc    [67] ns_openread        
  [31] Ns_ConnFree         [195] Ns_UrlIsMiniWeb     [354] ns_readdir         
 [131] Ns_ConnGetOwner     [388] Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc  [40] ns_realloc         
 [180] Ns_ConnGets         [139] Ns_UrlSpecificDestr [502] ns_sigmask         
 [252] Ns_ConnHeaders       [12] Ns_UrlSpecificGet   [503] ns_signal          
 [104] Ns_ConnIncrContentS [226] Ns_UrlSpecificGetFa [517] ns_sigwait         
 [145] Ns_ConnInit         [121] Ns_UrlSpecificSet    [28] ns_strcopy         
 [114] Ns_ConnKeepAlive    [493] Ns_WaitForEvent      [29] ns_strdup          
 [253] Ns_ConnLocation      [97] Ns_WaitForSemaphore [504] reg                
  [77] Ns_ConnModifiedSinc [233] Ns_WaitForStartup   [505] regatom            
 [106] Ns_ConnPeer         [393] Ns_WaitForThread    [506] regbranch          
 [498] Ns_ConnPort         [394] Ns_WaitThread       [482] regc               
  [46] Ns_ConnRead          [65] Ns_WriteConn        [483] regnext            
  [32] Ns_ConnReadHeaders  [204] PrivateVar          [484] regnode            
  [19] Ns_ConnReadLine     [197] PthreadAttrInit     [494] regoptail          
 [152] Ns_ConnReplaceHeade  [26] QueueConn           [507] regpiece           
 [254] Ns_ConnResetReturn  [247] RebuildTable        [495] regtail            
 [166] Ns_ConnResponseStat [385] RegisterAt           [78] <cycle 1>          
 [297] Ns_ConnReturnAdminN [387] RegisterCallback   
 [296] Ns_ConnReturnBadReq [399] RequestInit        

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