cvs annotate samples

a part of MarkD's Guide to CVS
Here are some samples from the cvs annotate command for a couple of files from ACS. You can see the corresponding cvs log results for these files for comparison.


% cvs annotate insert-msg.tcl

1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if {[ad_read_only_p]} {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ad_return_read_only_maintenance_message
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): ad_handle_spammers
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # bboard_already_notified_p
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # Returns 1 if the user is already queued to be emailed. 0 if not.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # "to_email" is the email address of the user receiving the email
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # "email_queue" is a list of ns_set id's
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # The target email address for the alert is associated with the
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # "to" key of each ns_set in $email_queue
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # This proc compares "to_email" with all the
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # values in the "to" key of each ns_set in email_queue and
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # returns 1 if there is a match, or 0 if not
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): proc bboard_already_notified_p { to_email email_queue } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     foreach email $email_queue {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if { [string compare $to_email [ns_set get $email to]] == 0 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # email matched
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    return 1
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # we've search all the ns_sets and have not found a match
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return 0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # Returns ns_set specifying a message to be sent to a user somewhere 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # regarding a new message posting on the bboard.  We enqueue everything
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # so that the production thread can release the database handle and not
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # bring down the Web server if the mail transfer agent is down.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): proc bboard_build_email_queue_entry {to from subject body user_message {extra_headers ""}} {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set email_ns_set [ns_set create email_queue_entry]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_set put $email_ns_set to $to
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_set put $email_ns_set from $from
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_set put $email_ns_set subject $subject
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_set put $email_ns_set body $body
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_set put $email_ns_set user_message $user_message
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if ![empty_string_p $extra_headers] {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ns_set put $email_ns_set extraheaders $extra_headers
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return $email_ns_set
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # we use notify_if_requested_build to build up a list
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # of emails to be sent to users who previously posted
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # a message in this thread
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # new_msg_id is the msg_id of the message we are inserting
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # notify_msg_id is the msg_id of a previous post
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # email_queue is a list of ns_sets that store the email information
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # notify_if_requested_build returns email_queue with additional
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # ns_set's appended if necessary
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # "Called recursively up the list of bboard postings that 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # are related to a new posting.  Returns email queue (list of ns_sets)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): proc notify_if_requested_build { db new_msg_id notify_msg_id from subject_line body email_queue }  {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set selection [ns_db 1row $db "select,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): refers_to, notify, bboard.user_id as prior_poster_user_id  
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): from bboard,  users_alertable
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): where msg_id = '$notify_msg_id'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and  users_alertable.user_id(+) = bboard.user_id"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if { $notify == "t" && ![empty_string_p $prior_poster_user_id] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# user asked to be notified 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set shut_up_url "[bboard_url_stub]shut-up.tcl?msg_id=$notify_msg_id"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if { ![bboard_already_notified_p $email $email_queue] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # user isn't queued to receive the email yet
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set customized_body  "$body
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -------------
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): If you are no longer interested in this thread, simply go to the
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): following URL and you will no longer get these notifications:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): $shut_up_url
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -------------
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Note:  this message was sent by a robot.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set email_queue_entry [bboard_build_email_queue_entry $email $from $subject_line $customized_body "<li>sent a note to $email, to whose message you are responding.\n"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    lappend email_queue $email_queue_entry
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):        }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if { ![empty_string_p $refers_to] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# recurse with all the same args except NOTIFY_MSG_ID
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set email_queue [notify_if_requested_build $db $new_msg_id $refers_to $from $subject_line $body $email_queue]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return $email_queue
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set_the_usual_form_variables
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # body, one_line, notify, html_p
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # topic was a hidden var
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # q_and_a_p is an optional variable, if set to "t" then this is from 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # the Q&A forum version
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # refers_to is "NEW" or a msg_id (six characters)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): # we MAY get an image or other file along with this msg, which means
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): # we'd get the file name in "upload_file" and can get out the temp file
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): # with ns_queryget
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # we're going to need to subquery for instant keyword matching
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # and/or looking around for state and county from tri_id
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set db_pools [ns_db gethandle [philg_server_default_pool] 2]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set db [lindex $db_pools 0]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set db_sub [lindex $db_pools 1]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if {[bboard_get_topic_info] == -1} {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set return_url [bboard_raw_backlink $topic $presentation_type 1]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if { $presentation_type == "usgeospatial" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if { $refers_to == "NEW" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if { [info exists tri_id] && ![empty_string_p $tri_id] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # we have a tri_id, have to look up epa region
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set selection [ns_db 1row $db_sub "select st as usps_abbrev, sema_zip as zip_code, fips_county_code from rel_search_fac where tri_id = '$QQtri_id'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set epa_region [database_to_tcl_string $db_sub "select epa_region from bboard_epa_regions where usps_abbrev = '$usps_abbrev'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# we'll send them back to the region level
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set full_anchor "<a href=\"usgeospatial-2.tcl?[export_url_vars topic epa_region]\">the $topic (Region $epa_region) forum</a>"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# a reply, try to send them back to their thread
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set full_anchor [bboard_usgeospatial_about_link $db $refers_to]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set full_anchor "<a href=\"[bboard_raw_backlink $topic $presentation_type 0]\">$topic forum</a>"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ## I moved the helper functions into defs.tcl
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # check the user input first
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set exception_text ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set exception_count 0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if { ![info exists one_line] || [empty_string_p $one_line] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     append exception_text "<li>You need to type a subject line\n"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     incr exception_count
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if { ![info exists message] || [empty_string_p $message] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     append exception_text "<li>You need to type a message; there is no \"Man/woman of Few Words Award\" here. \n"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     incr exception_count
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): set selection [ns_db select $db "select the_regexp, scope, message_to_user
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): from bboard_bozo_patterns
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): where topic = '$QQtopic'"]
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99):     set_variables_after_query
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99):     if { $scope == "one_line" || $scope == "both" } {
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	# let's check the subject line for this regexp
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	if [regexp -nocase $the_regexp $one_line] {
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    incr exception_count
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    append exception_text "<li>$message_to_user\n"
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    # you can only be a bozo once
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    break 
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	}
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99):     }
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99):     if { $scope == "message" || $scope == "both" } {
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	if [regexp -nocase $the_regexp $message] {
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    incr exception_count
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    append exception_text "<li>$message_to_user\n"
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    # you can only be a bozo once
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	    break 
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 	}
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99):     }
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): }
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if [catch { set n_previous [database_to_tcl_string $db "select count(*) from bboard 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): where topic = '$QQtopic'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and one_line = '$QQone_line'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and dbms_lob.instr(message,'$QQmessage') > 0"]} errmsg] {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_log Notice "failed trying to look up previous posting: $errmsg"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # lookup succeeded
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if { $n_previous > 0 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	incr exception_count
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	append exception_text "<li>There are already $n_previous messages in the database with the same subject line and body.  Perhaps you already posted this?  Here are the messages:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <ul>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         set selection [ns_db select $db "select u.first_names, u.last_name,, bb.posting_time 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): from bboard bb, users u
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): where bb.user_id= u.user_id
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and bb.topic = '$QQtopic'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and bb.one_line = '$QQone_line'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and dbms_lob.instr(message,'$QQmessage') > 0"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    append exception_text "<li>$posting_time by $first_names $last_name ($email)\n"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	append exception_text "</ul>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): If you are sure that you also want to post this message, then back up and change at least one character in the subject or message area, then resubmit."
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if { $exception_count> 0 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return 0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # if we get here, the user input checked OK
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # before we overwrite all of these user inputs, let's cat them
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): # together so that we can do instant keyword-specific alerts 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): #check for the user cookie
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): if { $user_id == 0 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_returnredirect "/register/index.tcl"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): # for people who are looking for a user's name or email,
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): # we need to get this from the users table
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): set selection [ns_db 1row $db "select first_names, last_name, email
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): from users
1.3          (philg    19-Apr-99): where user_id=$user_id"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set name "$first_names $last_name"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): set indexed_stuff "$name $email $one_line $message"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ReturnHeaders
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ns_write "[ad_header  "Inserting Message"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <h2>Inserting Message</h2>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): into the $full_anchor
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <hr>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): We're going to try the insert now...
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <p>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): if [catch { ns_db dml $db "begin transaction"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             # this will grab the exclusive lock on the msg_id_generator table
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             # that will keep another copy of this same script from doing anything
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             # more than waiting here.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             set last_id [ns_set value [ns_db 1row $db "select last_msg_id from msg_id_generator for update of last_msg_id"] 0]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             set new_id [increment_six_char_digits $last_id]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             ns_db dml $db "update msg_id_generator set last_msg_id = '$new_id'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             if { $refers_to == "NEW" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# this is a new message
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set sort_key $new_id
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set final_refers_to "NULL"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# we are referring to some older message
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set final_refers_to "'$refers_to'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set sort_key_of_referred_to_msg [database_to_tcl_string $db "select unique sort_key from bboard where msg_id = '$refers_to'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set new_sort_key_form [new_sort_key_form $sort_key_of_referred_to_msg]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set highest_current_sort_key_at_this_level [database_to_tcl_string $db "select max(sort_key) from bboard where sort_key like '$new_sort_key_form'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set sort_key [new_sort_key $sort_key_of_referred_to_msg $highest_current_sort_key_at_this_level]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # sometimes an optional $category variable is included
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    if { [info exists category] && $category != "" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set category_target ",category"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set category_value ",'$QQcategory'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set category_target ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set category_value ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # sometimes an optional custom_sort_key and custom_sort_key_pretty
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    if { ([info exists custom_sort_key] && $custom_sort_key != "") || ($custom_sort_key_p == "t" && $custom_sort_solicit_p == "t" && $custom_sort_key_type == "date") } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# there was a form var called "custom_sort_key" or we're looking 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# for a magically encoded date
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set custom_target ",custom_sort_key"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		if { $custom_sort_key_type == "date" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    # have to decode from widget
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    ns_dbformvalue [ns_conn form] custom_sort_key date custom_sort_key
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set custom_value ",'[DoubleApos $custom_sort_key]'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		if { [info exists custom_sort_key_pretty] && $custom_sort_key_pretty != "" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    append custom_target ",custom_sort_key_pretty"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    append custom_value ",'$QQcustom_sort_key_pretty'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set custom_target ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set custom_value ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set usgeospatial_target ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set usgeospatial_value ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    if { $presentation_type == "usgeospatial" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		if { ![info exists usgeospatial_p] || $usgeospatial_p != "t" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    # we only want to accept postings from a specially
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    # constructed form
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    ns_write "<h3>Sorry</h3>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): We're sorry but you've somehow managed to post to a geospatialized
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): forum without using the requisite form.  This is almost certainly
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): our programming error.  Please send us email to let us know how you
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): got here.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_footer]"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    # stop execution of this thread
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    return
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		if { $refers_to == "NEW" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    if { [info exists tri_id] && ![empty_string_p $tri_id] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			# we have a tri_id, let's fill out everything else from 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			# that (i.e., look up region, state, usps_abbrev, zip)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set selection [ns_db 1row $db_sub "select st as usps_abbrev, sema_zip as zip_code, fips_county_code from rel_search_fac where tri_id = '$QQtri_id'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set epa_region [database_to_tcl_string $db_sub "select epa_region from bboard_epa_regions where usps_abbrev = '$usps_abbrev'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set usgeospatial_target ", epa_region, usps_abbrev, fips_county_code, zip_code, tri_id"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set usgeospatial_value ", [ns_dbquotevalue $epa_region integer], [ns_dbquotevalue $usps_abbrev text], [ns_dbquotevalue $fips_county_code text], [ns_dbquotevalue $zip_code text], [ns_dbquotevalue $tri_id text]"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set usgeospatial_target ", epa_region, usps_abbrev"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			set usgeospatial_value ", $epa_region, '$QQusps_abbrev'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			if [info exists fips_county_code] {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			    append usgeospatial_target ", fips_county_code"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			    append usgeospatial_value ", '$QQfips_county_code'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			if [info exists zip_code] {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			    append usgeospatial_target ", zip_code"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			    append usgeospatial_value ", '$QQzip_code'"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 			}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		} else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    # this is a reply
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    # pull all the geospatial columns from the preceding row
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    set selection [ns_db 1row $db_sub "select epa_region, usps_abbrev, fips_county_code, zip_code, tri_id from bboard where msg_id = '$QQrefers_to'"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    set usgeospatial_target ", epa_region, usps_abbrev, fips_county_code, zip_code, tri_id"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		    set usgeospatial_value ", [ns_dbquotevalue $epa_region integer], [ns_dbquotevalue $usps_abbrev text], [ns_dbquotevalue $fips_county_code text], [ns_dbquotevalue $zip_code text], [ns_dbquotevalue $tri_id text]"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # to provide some SPAM-proofing, we record the IP address
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set originating_ip [ns_conn peeraddr]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # Work around inability of Oracle to handle string literals > 4k
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    if { [string length $QQmessage] < 4000 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	        ns_db dml $db "insert into bboard (user_id,msg_id,refers_to,topic,originating_ip,one_line,message,html_p,notify,sort_key,posting_time${category_target}${custom_target}${usgeospatial_target})
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		values ($user_id,'$new_id',$final_refers_to,'$QQtopic','$originating_ip','$QQone_line','$QQmessage', '$html_p','$notify','$sort_key',sysdate${category_value}${custom_value}${usgeospatial_value})"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		ns_ora clob_dml $db "insert into bboard (msg_id,refers_to,topic,originating_ip,user_id,one_line,message,html_p,notify,sort_key,posting_time${category_target}${custom_target}${usgeospatial_target})
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): values ('$new_id',$final_refers_to,'$QQtopic','$originating_ip',$user_id,'$QQone_line',empty_clob(),'$html_p','$notify','$sort_key',sysdate${category_value}${custom_value}${usgeospatial_value})
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): returning message into :1" $message
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # Handle image uploading
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 	    if {[bboard_file_uploading_enabled_p] && [info exists upload_file] && ![empty_string_p $upload_file]} {
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): 		set tmp_filename [ns_queryget upload_file.tmpfile]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set new_upload_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select bboard_upload_id_sequence.nextval from dual"]
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): 		set local_filename [bboard_generate_upload_filename $new_id $new_upload_id $upload_file]
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): 		set full_local_path "[bboard_file_path]/$local_filename"
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): 		ns_log Notice "Received $upload_file for upload; going to try to put it in $full_local_path"
1.5          (philg    23-May-99):                 set n_bytes [file size $tmp_filename]
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		if { $n_bytes > 0 } {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    # we have a real image
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    ns_cp $tmp_filename $full_local_path
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    if { [info exists caption] && ![empty_string_p $caption] } {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			# we have a photo 
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set extra_uf_columns ", caption"
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set extra_uf_values ", [ns_dbquotevalue $caption text]"
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set file_type "photo"
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    } else {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set extra_uf_columns ""
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set extra_uf_values ""
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set file_type "not a photo"
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    }
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    # make sure to lowercase it so we don't have to 
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    # deal with JPG and JPEG
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    set file_extension [string tolower [file extension $upload_file]]
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    # remove the first . from the file extension
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    regsub "\." $file_extension "" file_extension
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    set what_aolserver_told_us ""
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    if { $file_extension == "jpeg" || $file_extension == "jpg" } {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			catch { set what_aolserver_told_us [ns_jpegsize $full_local_path] }
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    } elseif { $file_extension == "gif" } {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			catch { set what_aolserver_told_us [ns_gifsize $full_local_path] }
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    }
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 		    # the AOLserver jpegsize command has some bugs where the height comes 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 		    # through as 1 or 2 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 		    if { ![empty_string_p $what_aolserver_told_us] && [lindex $what_aolserver_told_us 0] > 10 && [lindex $what_aolserver_told_us 1] > 10 } {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set original_width [lindex $what_aolserver_told_us 0]
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set original_height [lindex $what_aolserver_told_us 1]
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    } else {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set original_width ""
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set original_height ""
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    }
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    # strip off the C:\directories... crud and just get the file name
1.7          (jsc      07-Sep-99): 		    if ![regexp {([^\\/]+)$} $upload_file match client_filename] {
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			# couldn't find a match
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 			set client_filename $upload_file
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): 		    ns_db dml $db "insert into bboard_uploaded_files
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): (bboard_upload_id, msg_id, file_type, file_extension, n_bytes, client_filename, filename_stub$extra_uf_columns,original_width,original_height)
1.2          (philg    05-Mar-99): VALUES
1.5          (philg    23-May-99): ($new_upload_id, '$new_id', '$file_type', '$file_extension', $n_bytes, '[DoubleApos $client_filename]', '/$local_filename'$extra_uf_values,[ns_dbquotevalue $original_width number],[ns_dbquotevalue $original_height number])"
1.5          (philg    23-May-99):                }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             ns_db dml $db "end transaction"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): } errmsg] {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# something went a bit wrong during the insert
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     	ns_db dml $db "abort transaction"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ns_write "<h3>Ouch!!</h3>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Here was the bad news from the database:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <pre>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): $errmsg $QQrefers_to
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): </pre>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Don't quit your browser.  You might be able to resubmit your posting
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): five or ten minutes from now.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_footer]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_write "<h3>Success!!</h3>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Your posting is now in the database.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): One of the big points of <a href=\"\">this software</a> is to support collaboration
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): using the best mix of Web and email.  Now that we've done the Web part,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): we will notify the people who have requested an
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <a href=\"add-alert.tcl?topic=[ns_urlencode $topic]\">email alert</a>.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): You may move to a different url if you don't want to wait for this process
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): to complete.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <P>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <ul>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <li> Generating alerts...
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <p>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # email_queue is a list; each elementof the list is an ns_set 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # containing information about an email to be sent
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):       
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # The keys in each ns_set:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # to: to email
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # from: from email
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # subject:  subject heading
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # body:  body
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # user_message: message to output to the Web user about this email
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # extraheaders: ns_set containing header name/content pairs for ns_sendmail
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set email_queue [list]
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):     # the WRAP=HARD in our form's TEXTAREA should have wrapped but 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):     # let's make sure (in case user's browser wasn't being nice to us)
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):     # also, let's try to 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):     if { $html_p == "t" } { 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	set message_wrapped [wrap_string [util_striphtml $message]]
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):     } else {
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	set message_wrapped [wrap_string $message]
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if { $notify_of_new_postings_p == "t" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# administrator has requested notification of every new posting
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set maintainer_body "$name ($email) added a message to the $topic bboard:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Subject:  $one_line
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): $message_wrapped
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ----------
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): If you want to delete the message, come to the administration page:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_url_stub]admin-home.tcl?topic=[ns_urlencode $topic]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):      set email_queue_entry [bboard_build_email_queue_entry $maintainer_email $email $one_line $maintainer_body "<li>sent email to the forum maintainer:  $maintainer_email"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         lappend email_queue $email_queue_entry
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):      } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	 ns_write "<li>the forum maintainer ($maintainer_email) must be busy because he/she has disabled email notification of new postings\n\n<p>\n\n"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):      }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):      if { $refers_to != "NEW" } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         # try to send email to all the previous posters
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	# set up top, conditionally
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): #	set return_url "[bboard_url_stub]main-frame.tcl?topic=[ns_urlencode $topic]"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set from "$email"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if { ![regexp {Response} $one_line] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set subject_line "Response to your posting: $one_line"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	} else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set subject_line $one_line
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set body "$name ($email) responded to a message you left
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): in the $topic bboard:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Subject:  $one_line
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): $message_wrapped
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -----------------
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): To post a response, come back to the bulletin board at
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): $return_url
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         # kick off recursion
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         set email_queue [notify_if_requested_build $db $new_id $refers_to $from $subject_line $body $email_queue]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # now we have to deal with all of the people who've requested instant notification of new postings
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # comment this out to avoid an AOLserver/Hearst mailer bug
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     #    set from "$name <$email>"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set from $email
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     if { [string length $topic] < 10 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set subject_line "$topic forum:  $one_line"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set subject_line "$one_line"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set body "
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): $message_wrapped
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ---------
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): To post a response, come back to the forum at
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): $return_url
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): (which is also the place to go if you want to edit your alerts and
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): stop these robotically sent messages)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # **** Null/empty string problem for "keywords" (Oracle 9?)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     set selection [ns_db select $db "select distinct bboard_email_alerts.user_id,bboard_email_alerts.rowid, email from bboard_email_alerts, users_alertable 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): where topic='$QQtopic' 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and frequency='instant'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and valid_p = 't'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and keywords is null
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and bboard_email_alerts.user_id = users_alertable.user_id"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if { ![bboard_already_notified_p $email $email_queue] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # user hasn't been queued recieved the note yet
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    set customized_body "$body
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): If you are annoyed by this message then just enter the following URL
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): into a browser and you'll disable the alert that generated this mail:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_hardwired_url_stub]alert-disable.tcl?rowid=[ns_urlencode $rowid]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             set extraheaders [ns_set create extraheaders]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             ns_set put $extraheaders Reply-To $from
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             lappend email_queue [bboard_build_email_queue_entry $email [bboard_sender_email] $subject_line $customized_body "<li>sent a note to $email \n" $extraheaders]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):        }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    } 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    set selection [ns_db select $db "select distinct bboard_email_alerts.user_id, keywords, bboard_email_alerts.rowid, email 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): from bboard_email_alerts, users_alertable
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): where topic='$QQtopic'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and frequency='instant'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and valid_p = 't'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and keywords is not null
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): and users_alertable.user_id = bboard_email_alerts.user_id"]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set_variables_after_query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set keyword_list [split $keywords " "]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	set found_p 0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	foreach word $keyword_list {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # turns out that "" is never found in a search, so we
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # don't really have to special case $word == ""
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    if { $word != "" && [string first [string toupper $word] [string toupper $indexed_stuff]] != -1 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# found it!
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set found_p 1
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	}
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ns_log Notice "looked for \"$keyword_list\" in $new_id; found_p = $found_p"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if { $found_p == 1 && ![bboard_already_notified_p $email $email_queue] } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# word is found and user hasn't been
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	        # queued to receive the email yet
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		set customized_body "$body
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): If you are annoyed by this message then just enter the following URL
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): into a browser and you'll disable the alert that generated this mail:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_hardwired_url_stub]alert-disable.tcl?rowid=[ns_urlencode $rowid]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             set extraheaders [ns_set create extraheaders]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             ns_set put $extraheaders Reply-To $from
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):             lappend email_queue [bboard_build_email_queue_entry $email [bboard_sender_email] $subject_line $customized_body "<li>sent a note to $email \n" $extraheaders]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     } 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # we release the database handle in case the mailer is down; we 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # don't want other threads to block waiting for a db handle tied
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # down by us 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_db releasehandle $db
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # send out the email
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     foreach email $email_queue {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	if [catch {ns_sendmail [ns_set get $email to] [ns_set get $email from] [ns_set get $email subject] [ns_set get $email body] [ns_set get $email extraheaders] } errmsg] {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # email failed, let's see if it is because mail 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # service is completely wedged on this box
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    if { [string first "timed out" errmsg] != -1 } {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# looks like we couldn't even talk to mail server
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# let's just give up and return so that this thread
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		# doesn't have around for 10 minutes 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		ns_log Notice "timed out sending email; giving up on email alerts.  Here's what ns_sendmail returned:\n$errmsg"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		ns_write "</ul>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): Something is horribly wrong with the email handler on this computer so
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): we're giving up on sending any email notifications.  Your posting
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): will be enshrined in the database, of course.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_footer]"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		 return
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):            } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	      ns_write  "Something is horribly wrong with 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): the email handler on this computer so
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): we're giving up on sending any email notifications.  Your posting
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): will be enshrined in the database, of course.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <p>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <blockquote>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <pre>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): $errmsg
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): </pre>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): </blockquote>"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):                 return
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):            }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         } else {
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    # we succeeding sending this particular piece of mail
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	    ns_write [ns_set get $email user_message]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     }
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     # we're done processing the email queue
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     ns_write "</ul>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): <p>
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): We're all done with the email notifications now.  If any of these
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): folks typed in a bogus/misspelled/obsolete email address, you may get a
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): bounced message in your inbox.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): [bboard_footer]
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): "
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): }


% cvs annotate community-core.sql

1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- ArsDigita Community System data model
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- by
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- as distributed, this will load into a user's default tablespace in
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- Oracle; you'll get substantially higher transaction performance if
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- you put certain tables or their indices into tablespaces that are
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- on separate physical disk drives.  Search for "****" for things 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- that I (philg) think are good candidates.  Generally there will 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- be a commented-out directive to park something in a photonet tablespace
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- you can comment these back in and change the tablespace name to something
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- that is meaningful on your system
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- only the US states (and random territories such as Guam)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- no need to define these; the /install/*.dmp files
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- create them when you import (you must do that first)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- create table states (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	usps_abbrev	char(2) not null primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	fips_state_code char(2),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	state_name	varchar(25)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- create table country_codes (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	iso		char(2) not null primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	country_name	varchar(150)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- create table counties (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	fips_county_code	 varchar(5) not null primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	fips_county_name	 varchar(35) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	fips_state_code		 varchar(2) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	usps_abbrev		 varchar(2) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 	state_name		 varchar(50) not null
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- populating counties from the Scorecard rel_search_co table:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- insert into counties
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- (fips_county_code, fips_county_name, fips_state_code, usps_abbrev, state_name)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- select fips_county_code, fips_county_name, fips_state_code, state, state_name from rel_search_co;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create sequence user_id_sequence start with 1;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- in general, users can't be deleted because of integrity constraints
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- on content they've contributed; we can pseudo-delete them by setting 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- deleted_p to 't'; at this point there is the question of what to do 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- if/when they reappear on the site.  If they deleted themselves 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- then presumably we let them re-enable their registration.  If they
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- were banned by the administration then we have to play dead or inform 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- them of that fact.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table users (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id			integer not null primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	first_names		varchar(100) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	last_name		varchar(100) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_name		integer default 0,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	email			varchar(100) not null unique,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_email		integer default 5,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	email_bouncing_p	char(1) default 'f' check(email_bouncing_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- converted_p means password is bogus; we imported this guy
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- from a system where we only had email address
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	converted_p		char(1) default 'f' check(converted_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	password		varchar(30) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- we put homepage_url here so that we can
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- always make names hyperlinks without having to 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- JOIN to users_contact
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	url			varchar(200),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- to suppress email alerts
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	on_vacation_until	date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- set when user reappears at site
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	last_visit		date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- this is what most pages query against (since the above column
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- will only be a few minutes old for most pages in a session)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	second_to_last_visit	date,
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 	-- how many times this person has visited
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 	n_sessions		integer default 1,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	registration_date	date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	registration_ip		varchar(50),
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- state the user is in in the registration proces
1.14         (teadams  25-Jul-99): 	user_state		varchar(100) check(user_state in ('need_email_verification_and_admin_approv', 'need_admin_approv', 'need_email_verification', 'rejected', 'authorized', 'banned', 'deleted')),
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- admin approvale system
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99):         approved_date           date,
1.5          (jsc      25-May-99):         approving_user          references users(user_id),
1.8          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	approving_note       	varchar(4000),
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- email verification system
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	email_verified_date      date,
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- used if the user rejected before they reach 
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- the authorized state
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	rejected_date		date,
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	rejecting_user		integer references users(user_id),
1.8          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	rejecting_note          varchar(4000),
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- user was active and is now delete from the system 
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- may be revived
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	deleted_date		date,	
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	deleting_user   	integer references users(user_id),
1.9          (teadams  19-Jul-99): 	deleting_note          varchar(4000),
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	-- user was active and now not allowed into the system
1.7          (teadams  17-Jul-99): 	banned_date		date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- who and why this person was banned
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	banning_user		references users(user_id),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	banning_note		varchar(4000)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): -- we need this to support /shared/whos-online.tcl and /chat 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): create index users_by_last_visit on users (last_visit);
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 
1.13         (teadams  23-Jul-99): -- we need this index to list number of users in given user_state
1.13         (teadams  23-Jul-99): -- for the admin pages
1.13         (teadams  23-Jul-99): create index users_user_state on users (user_state);
1.13         (teadams  23-Jul-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- when Oracle 8.1 comes out, build a case-insensitive 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- functional index
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- create unique index users_email_idx on users(upper(email));
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace function on_vacation_p (vacation_until IN date) return CHAR
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): IS
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): BEGIN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	IF (vacation_until is not null) AND (vacation_until >= sysdate) THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		RETURN 't';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ELSE
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		RETURN 'f';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	END IF;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): END;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): show errors
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace view users_alertable
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): as
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): select * 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  from users 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  where (on_vacation_until is null or 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):         on_vacation_until < sysdate)
1.10         (teadams  19-Jul-99):  and user_state = 'authorized'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  and (email_bouncing_p is null or email_bouncing_p = 'f');
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): --- users who are not deleted or banned
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): 
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): create or replace view users_active
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): as
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99): select * 
1.4          (philg    19-Apr-99):  from users 
1.10         (teadams  19-Jul-99):  where user_state = 'authorized';
1.10         (teadams  19-Jul-99):   
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): -- users who've signed up in the last 30 days
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): -- useful for moderators since new users tend to 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): -- be the ones who cause trouble
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): create or replace view users_new
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): as
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): select * 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  from users 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  where registration_date > (sysdate - 30);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- create a system user (to do things like own administrators group)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- and also create an anonymous user (to own legacy content)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- we keep their status in special email addresses because these are indexed
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- (constrained unique) and therefore fast to look up 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): declare
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  n_system_users		integer;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  n_anonymous_users	integer;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): begin
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  select count(*) into n_system_users from users where email = 'system';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  if n_system_users = 0 then 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    insert into users
1.15         (jsc      11-Aug-99):     (user_id, first_names, last_name, email, password, user_state)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    values 
1.15         (jsc      11-Aug-99):     (user_id_sequence.nextval, 'system', 'system', 'system', 'changeme', 'authorized');
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  end if;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  -- if moving content from an old system, you might have lots that needs
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  -- to be owned by anonymous
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  select count(*) into n_anonymous_users from users where email = 'anonymous';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  if n_anonymous_users = 0 then 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    insert into users
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     (user_id, first_names, last_name, email, password)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):    values 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     (user_id_sequence.nextval, 'anonymous', 'anonymous', 'anonymous', 'changeme');
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):  end if;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): end;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace function system_user_id
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): return integer
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): as
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   v_user_id	integer;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): begin
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   select user_id into v_user_id from users where email = 'system';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   return v_user_id;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): end;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace function anonymous_user_id
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): return integer
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): as
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   v_user_id	integer;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): begin
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   select user_id into v_user_id from users where email = 'anonymous';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   return v_user_id;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): end;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table users_preferences (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id			integer primary key references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	prefer_text_only_p	char(1) default 'f' check (prefer_text_only_p in ('t','f')),
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	-- an ISO 639 language code (in lowercase)
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	language_preference	char(2) default 'en',
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	dont_spam_me_p		char(1) default 'f' check (dont_spam_me_p in ('t','f'))
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): ---- same as users_alertable but for publisher-initiated correspondence
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): create or replace view users_spammable
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): as
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): select u.* 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  from users u, users_preferences up
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  where u.user_id = up.user_id(+)
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  and (on_vacation_until is null or 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):       on_vacation_until < sysdate)
1.11         (teadams  23-Jul-99):  and user_state = 'authorized'
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  and (email_bouncing_p is null or email_bouncing_p = 'f')
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99):  and (dont_spam_me_p is null or dont_spam_me_p = 'f');
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- there is a bit of redundancy here with users_contact
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- but people may want to do a survey without ever asking
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- users for full addresses
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table users_demographics (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		   	integer primary key references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	birthdate		date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_birthdate		integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	sex			char(1) check (sex in ('m','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_sex		integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	postal_code		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_postal_code	integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_country_code		char(2) references country_codes(iso),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_country_code	integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	affiliation		varchar(40),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- these last two have to do with how the person
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- became a member of the community
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	how_acquired		varchar(40),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- will be non-NULL if they were referred by another user
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	referred_by		integer references users(user_id)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace function user_demographics_summary (v_user_id IN integer)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): return varchar
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): as
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   demo_row		users_demographics%ROWTYPE;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   age			integer;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   pretty_sex		varchar(20);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): begin
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   select * into demo_row from users_demographics where user_id = v_user_id;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   age := round(months_between(sysdate,demo_row.birthdate)/12.0);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   IF = 'm' THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     pretty_sex := 'man';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   ELSIF = 'f' THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     pretty_sex := 'woman';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   END IF;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   IF pretty_sex is null and age is null THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return null;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   ELSIF pretty_sex is not null and age is null THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return 'a ' || pretty_sex;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   ELSIF pretty_sex is null and age is not null THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return 'a ' || age || '-year-old person of unknown sex';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   ELSE
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return 'a ' || age || '-year-old ' || pretty_sex;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   END IF;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): end user_demographics_summary;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): show errors
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- contact info for users
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table users_contact (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer primary key references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	home_phone	varchar(100),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_home_phone	integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	work_phone	varchar(100),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_work_phone	integer,
1.14         (teadams  25-Jul-99): 	cell_phone	varchar(100),
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99): 	priv_cell_phone	integer,
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99): 	pager		varchar(100),
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99): 	priv_pager	integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- to facilitate users talking to each other and Web server
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- sending instant messages, we keep the AOL Instant Messenger 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- screen name
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	aim_screen_name		varchar(50),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_aim_screen_name	integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- also the ICQ# (they have multi-user chat)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- currently this is probably only a 32-bit integer but
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- let's give them 50 chars anyway
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	icq_number		varchar(50),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_icq_number		integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- Which address should we mail to?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	m_address		char(1) check (m_address in ('w','h')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- home address
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_line1		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_line2		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_city			varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_state		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_postal_code		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	ha_country_code		char(2) references country_codes(iso),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	priv_ha			integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- work address
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	wa_line1		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	wa_line2		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	wa_city			varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	wa_state		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	wa_postal_code		varchar(80),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	wa_country_code		char(2) references country_codes(iso),
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99): 	priv_wa			integer,
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99): 	-- used by the intranet module
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99):         note			varchar(4000),
1.12         (teadams  23-Jul-99):         current_information	varchar(4000)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace function user_contact_summary (v_user_id IN integer)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): return varchar
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): as
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   contact_row		users_contact%ROWTYPE;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): begin
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   select * into contact_row from users_contact where user_id = v_user_id;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   IF contact_row.m_address = 'w' THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     -- they prefer to receive mail at work
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return contact_row.wa_line1 || ' ' || contact_row.wa_line2 || ' ' || contact_row.wa_city || ', ' || contact_row.wa_state || contact_row.wa_postal_code || ' ' || contact_row.wa_country_code;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   ELSE
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):     return contact_row.ha_line1 || ' ' || contact_row.ha_line2 || ' ' || contact_row.ha_city || ', ' || contact_row.ha_state || contact_row.ha_postal_code || ' ' || contact_row.ha_country_code;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):   END IF; 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): end user_contact_summary;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): show errors
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- a table for keeping track of a "commitment" requirement for
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- users. This means that we can require that a user give a real
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- address, a birthdate, etc... because we think that this user
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- needs to commit more to the community.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table user_requirements (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id			integer primary key references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	demographics		char(1) default 'f' check (demographics in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	contacts		char(1) default 'f' check (contacts in ('t','f'))
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );	
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- a PL/SQL function to make life easier, and to abstract out a 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- bit the requirements of this data model
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create or replace function user_fulfills_requirements_p(uid in integer) return char
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): AS
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	requirements	user_requirements%ROWTYPE;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	count_result	integer;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): begin
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	select count(*) INTO count_result from user_requirements where user_id=uid;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	IF count_result=0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	THEN RETURN 't';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	END IF;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	select * INTO requirements from user_requirements where user_id=uid;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	select count(*) INTO count_result from users_demographics where user_id=uid;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	IF requirements.demographics='t' AND count_result=0 THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		RETURN 'f';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	END IF;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	select count(*) INTO count_result from users_contact where user_id=uid;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	IF requirements.contacts='t' AND count_result=0 THEN
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 		RETURN 'f';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	END IF;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	RETURN 't';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): end user_fulfills_requirements_p;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): show errors 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- we use these for categorizing content, registering user interest
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- in particular areas, organizing archived Q&A threads
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): -- we also may use this as a mailing list to keep users up
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): -- to date with what goes on at the site
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create sequence category_id_sequence start with 1;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table categories (
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	category_id	integer not null primary key,
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	category	varchar(50),
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	enabled_p	char(1) default 't' check(enabled_p in ('t','f')),
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	mailing_list_info	varchar(4000)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table users_interests (
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	category_id	integer not null references categories,
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	interest_date	date,
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 	unique(user_id, category_id)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- managing content sections; the major areas of the site
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- e.g., one row would be "bboard", "Discussion forums", "/bboard/"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table content_sections (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	section_key		varchar(30) primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	section_pretty_name	varchar(50) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	section_url_stub	varchar(200),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- if we print lists of sections, where does this go?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- two sections with same sort_key will sort 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- by upper(section_pretty_name)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	sort_key		integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	enabled_p 	char(1) default 't' check(enabled_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- set to 't' if this is just a bunch of HTML files
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	static_p	char(1) default 'f' check(static_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- show this only to registered users?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	requires_registration_p	char(1) default 'f' check(requires_registration_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	intro_blurb 	varchar(4000),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	help_blurb	varchar(4000)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- versioning, indexing, categorization of static content
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- URL_STUB is relative to document root, includes leading /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- and trailing ".html"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- for collaboration, the software assumes the possible existence
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- of a file ending in ".new.html" (presented only to authors)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- this is not handled in the RDBMS
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- draft pages end in ".draft.html" in the Unix file system; they are
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- only made available to users who show up in the static_page_authors
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- table; the URL_STUB during development does not include the ".draft"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- but is instead the final location where the file will ultimately reside
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- we could key by url_stub but (1) that makes reorganizing
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- the static pages on the server even harder, (2) that bloats
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- out the referring tables
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- we keep an ORIGINAL_AUTHOR (redundant with static_page_authors)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- when the page was originally created by one particular user
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- will be NULL if we don't have the author in our system
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create sequence page_id_sequence start with 1;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table static_pages (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer not null primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	url_stub	varchar(400) not null unique,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	original_author	integer references users(user_id),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- generally PAGE_TITLE will be whatever was inside HTML TITLE tag
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_title	varchar(4000),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- the dreaded CLOB data type (bleah)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_body	clob,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	draft_p		char(1) default 'f' check (draft_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- for a page that is no longer in the file system, but we 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- don't actually delete it from the database because of 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- integrity constraints
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	obsolete_p	char(1) default 'f' check (obsolete_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- force people to register before viewing?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	members_only_p	char(1) default 'f' check (members_only_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- if we want to charge (or pay) readers for viewing this
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	price		number,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- for deviations from site-default copyright policy
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	copyright_info	varchar(4000),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- whether or not this page accepts reader contributions
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	accept_comments_p	char(1) default 't' check (accept_comments_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	accept_links_p		char(1) default 't' check (accept_links_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- do we display comments on the same page?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	inline_comments_p	char(1) default 't' check (inline_comments_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	inline_links_p	char(1) default 't' check (inline_links_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- for sites with fancy navigation, do we want this page to have a menu?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	menu_p			char(1) default 't'  check (menu_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- if the menu has an "uplevel" link and it should
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- not go to the directory defaults, what the link should be
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	uplink			varchar(200),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- filesize in bytes
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	file_size		integer,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- determined by the unix file system
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	last_updated		date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- used to prevent minor changes from looking like new content
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	publish_date		date
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- if a page has been authored by one or more users, then 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- there are rows here (this serves for both credit and update
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- permission)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- also keep track of whether author wants to get email 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- notifications of new comments, links, etc.
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- (this information will also be available in a summary Web page
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --  when author logs in)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table static_page_authors (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer not null references static_pages,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	notify_p	char(1) default 't' check (notify_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	unique(page_id,user_id)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table static_categories (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer not null references static_pages,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	category_id	integer not null references categories,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	unique(page_id, category_id)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- comments on static pages will reference the above tables
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- comment_type is generally one of the following:
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --   alternative_perspective
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --   private_message_to_page_authors 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --   rating
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --   unanswered_question
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- if an administrator had to delete a comment, deleted_p will be 't'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create sequence comment_id_sequence start with 1;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table comments (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	comment_id	integer  primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer not null references static_pages,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	comment_type	varchar(30),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	message		clob,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	html_p		char(1) check (html_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- null unless comment_type is 'rating'
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	rating		integer check (rating >= 0 and rating <= 10),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	originating_ip	varchar(50),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	posting_time	date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	deleted_p	char(1) default 'f' check (deleted_p in ('t','f'))
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	-- columns useful for attachments, column names
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	-- lifted from general_comments
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	-- this is where the actual content is stored
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	attachment		blob,
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	-- file name including extension but not path
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	client_file_name	varchar(500),
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	file_type		varchar(100),	-- this is a MIME type (e.g., image/jpeg)
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	file_extension		varchar(50), 	-- e.g., "jpg"
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	-- fields that only make sense if this is an image
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	caption			varchar(4000),
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	original_width		integer,
1.16         (jsc      20-Sep-99): 	original_height		integer
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create index comments_by_page_idx on comments(page_id);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create index comments_by_user_idx on comments(user_id);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create view comments_not_deleted 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): as 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): select * 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): from comments 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): where deleted_p is null
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): or deleted_p = 'f';
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- user-contributed links (a micro-Yahoo)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table links (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer not null references static_pages,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	url		varchar(300) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	link_title	varchar(100) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	link_description	varchar(4000),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- contact if link is dead?
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	contact_p	char(1) default 't' check (contact_p in ('t','f')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	status		varchar(10) default 'live' check (status in ('live','coma','dead','removed')),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	originating_ip	varchar(50),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	posting_time	date,
1.2          (philg    02-Mar-99): 	-- last time this got checked 
1.2          (philg    02-Mar-99): 	checked_date	date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	unique(page_id,url)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- we store glob patterns (like REGEXP but simpler)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- of URLs that we don't want to see added
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- page_id = NULL means "applies to all pages on the site"
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table link_kill_patterns (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer references static_pages,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- who added the kill pattern
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	date_added	date,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	glob_pattern	varchar(500) not null
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --- which pages has a user read
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --- we'll do this index-only to save space and time
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --- **** good table to put in another tablespace
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ---  (add "tablespace photonet_index" AFTER the organization directive;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): ---   Oracle doesn't believe in commutivity)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table user_content_map (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	page_id		integer not null references static_pages,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	view_time	date not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	primary key(user_id, page_id))
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): organization index;
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- referers (people who came in from external references)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table referer_log (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- relative to the PageRoot, includes the leading /
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	local_url	varchar(250) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- full URL on the foreign server, including http://
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	foreign_url	varchar(250) not null,
1.2          (philg    02-Mar-99): 	entry_date	date not null,	-- we count referrals per day
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	click_count	integer default 0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- we need to make it really fast to get to the one relevant row 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create index referer_log_idx on referer_log (local_url, foreign_url,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): entry_date);  -- **** tablespace photonet_index
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- Tcl GLOB patterns that lump referrer headers together,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- particularly useful for search engines (i.e., we don't want
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- every referral from AltaVista logged separately).
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table referer_log_glob_patterns (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	glob_pattern		varchar(250) primary key,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	canonical_foreign_url	varchar(250) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- not NULL if this is here for a search engine and 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- we're also interested in harvesting query strings
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	search_engine_name	varchar(30),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	search_engine_regexp	varchar(200)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- strings entered by users, either on our site-local search engine
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- or at Internet-wide servers
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table query_strings (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	query_date		date not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	query_string		varchar(300) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- if they came in from a public search engine and we 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- picked it from the referer header
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	search_engine_name	varchar(30),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- subsection of the site from which they were searching
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	subsection		varchar(100),
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- if we know who they are
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	-- not null if this was a local query
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	n_results	integer	
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- **** tablespace photonet_index
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create index query_strings_by_user on query_strings (user_id);
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): 
1.6          (jsc      11-Jul-99): create index query_strings_by_date on query_strings (query_date);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- stuff to manage email and make sure that we don't keep sending
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- to guys with invalid addresses
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- a bounce is event_type = 'bounce' and content NULL
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- a bboard alert is event_type = 'alert' 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- this is actually a great candidate for an index-organized table
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table email_log (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	user_id		integer not null references users,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	email_date	date not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	event_type	varchar(100) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	content		varchar(4000)
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- **** tablespace photonet_index
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create index email_log_idx on email_log ( user_id, event_type );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- can't have local and foreign_urls too long or they won't be
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- indexable in Oracle
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- note that the local URL does NOT include the starting / 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create table clickthrough_log (
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	local_url	varchar(400) not null,
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	foreign_url	varchar(300) not null,	-- full URL on the foreign server
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	entry_date	date,	-- we count referrals per day
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 	click_count	integer default 0
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- I can't decide which of these is better
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --create index clickthrough_log_index on clickthrough_log (local_url, foreign_url );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): -- I think this one is because we actually do use all the columns
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): --- **** tablespace photonet_index
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): create index clickthrough_log_index on clickthrough_log (local_url, foreign_url, entry_date);
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99): 
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): --- keep track of user sessions
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): --- we keep the total in "session_count" and the number of repeaters
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): --  (folks who had a last_visit cookie already set) in repeat_count
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): --  entry-date is midnight on the day of interest, as with our
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): --  referer and clickthrough stuff
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): create table session_statistics (
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 	session_count	integer default 0 not null,
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 	repeat_count	integer default 0 not null,
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): 	entry_date	date not null
1.3          (teadams  18-Apr-99): );
1.1          (jsc      27-Feb-99):
$Id: cvsannotate-sample.html,v 1.2 1999/12/23 21:49:09 markd Exp $