Back to the Net.Humor ArchivesObPlay: "Waiting for Kibo.": Act I. Bob: "Where is Kibo?" Bob': "I don't know." Bob: "Let's wait then." Bob': "OK" Act II. Bob: "Where is Kibo?" Bob': "Over there." Bob: "OK. (Kibo is just standing there reading Esquire.) Act III. Bob: "Well, do we have to wait for him all day?" Bob': "Maybe he'll come over here." Bob: "Maybe he won't." Bob': "That was implied." Bob: "Does he want us to walk over to him?" Bob': "Perhaps we could meet halfway." Bob: "Don't trust him, it's a trap!" (Kibo continues to read Esquire, without turning pages.) Act IV. Bob: "How can we stand this any longer?" Bob': "I cannot." Bob: "We must do something." Bob': "Unless he does something." Bob: "He won't." Bob': "Do we know that?" Bob: "I would have an evil grin on my face if I did." (Suddenly, a giant anvil falls and crushes Kibo.) Act V. Bob: "My God. A giant anvil fell and crushed Kibo. Bob': "I see." Bob: "We should do something about it." Bob': "I guess so." (Bob walks over to Kibo's body and picks up the Esquire.) (Bob continues to read Esquire, without turning pages.) Act VI. Bob': "Bob?" Bob: (continues to read Esquire, without turning pages.) Bob': "Hey Bob." Bob: (continues, without turning pages, to read Esquire) Bob': "Yo Bob." Bob`: "What?" Bob': "Not you Bob`. That other Bob." Bob: (reading Esquire, without turning pages, continues.) Bob': "Watcha reading Bob?" (Suddenly, a giant anvil falls and crushes Bob.) Act VII. Bob: "Hey, a giant anvil just crushed me." Bob' (to himself): "It could be a trick. I must not investigate. I will be nonchalantly non-aware of the situation." (He sits on the anvil which is on top of Bob. Blood and Esquire ink oozes out from under it.) Kibo: "Hey, get this anvil off me." Bob': "I am not listening to you, Crushed Kibo, as I am sitting on an anvil larger than the one which is sitting on you." Kibo: "Okay. I can wait." Bob': "I am not waiting. I am pretending to wait. I do not see you." Kibo: "But I will wait anyway even though there is nothing to wait for." Bob: (wails like a baby) ACT VIII. Bob': "It is not Act Eight." Bob: "Is too." Bob': "Shut up and die already!" Kibo: "What about me?" Bob, Bob', and Bob` (together): "Bite me!" ACT IX. Bob: "I guess (sob) we better leave." Bob': 'You may be right. Bob`: `OK. Let's Go` (Bob, Bob', and Bob` prepare to leave.) Kibo: "What about me?" Bob, Bob', Bob` (in unison): "'` Wait here `'" (they leave) ACT X. Kibo: "I wish someone would get this anvil off of me." Anvil: "I wish you would get out from under me. You smell funny." Kibo: "Lose some weight." Anvil: "Get some backbone." Kibo: "I think I'll wait until you go away." Anvil: "Hand me that Esquire." (the Anvil doesn't leave.)