Back to the Net.Humor ArchivesWHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BLONDE AND A MOSQUITO? A mosquito stops sucking when you slap it. WHAT GOES "MARC MARC"? A dog with a harelip. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIGHT AND HARD? You can sleep with a light on. WHAT ARE 3 TWO LETTER WORDS THAT MEAN SHORT? Is it in? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GAY RODEO AND A STRAIGHT RODEO? At a straight rodeo they yell "ride that sucker". WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF COWBOY FOREPLAY? Get in the truck, bitch. WHAT DO YOU CALL KIDS BORN IN WHOREHOUSES? Brothel sprouts. WHAT DO YOU CALL A COW WITH NO LEGS? Ground beef. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU COME ACROSS AN ELEPHANT? Wipe it off. WHAT IS THE FOURTH BIGGEST LIE? It is only a cold sore. WHY WAS TIME OUT CALLED AT THE LEPER HOCKEY GAME? There was a face-off in the corner. WHAT DO YOU CALL AN ORIENTAL PERSON ON QUAALUDES? Mellow-yellow. WHERE DOES VIRGIN WOOL COME FROM? The sheep the herders couldn't catch. WHY DID THE BLONDE SNORT NUTRASWEET? She thought it was Diet Coke. WHAT IS THE LAST THING THAT RUNS THROUGH A BUG'S MIND WHEN HE HITS THE WINDSHIELD? His ass.