Borklog: One entry

17 November 2001

We went to see hairy potheads Harry Potter last night. We sat through bladder-busting 2.5 hours (we weren't quite as ready to explode like after seeing Titanic, but were close). Surprisingly, I really liked the movie. Most movies centered around Young Children usually drive me bonkers. British child actors though tend to be much more enjoyable to watch than American child actors. As an aside, I like the Babylon 5 approach to Cute Children in TV shows - if you see a Cute Child, some horrible fate will usually befall them. Anyway, the HP movie kept very close to the book story-wise, and the visual effects were spectacular. I'd imagine having read the book would be a pre-requisite, lest you get confused at some parts of the story . (although it's no where near as bad as the original Dune movie was)