Borklog: One entry

4 September 2001

Over on Kuro5hin, someone writes about Caffiene Detox, falling on and off the caffiene-free wagon. Back in 94 or 95, I had a 12-pack of diet coke a day habit. LL BeanPole kicked the caffiene thing and felt immeasurably better so following his lead, I too kicked the caffiene thing. As described in that article, it was 2 weeks of hell - I'm glad Sharlotte didn't decide to trade me in on a better model during that time. Nowadays I occasionally partake in the high-test stuff, but only applying it like the drug that it is. If I really need to be awake and "alert" for whatever reason, I hit the Dr. Pepper. Outside of that, it's the non-caffienated stuff for me. (and in actuallity, since my bad blood glucose/triglyceride results back in july, I've been pretty much off the sweetened non-caffienated beverages altogether. Generally just water, some juice occasionally, and club soda when going out)