Borklog: One entry

13 October 2000

I took a nap after giving blood yesterday (I don't react well to the vampires, but blood donation is a Good Thing to do anyway), and had a bizarre dream before being woken up.
Sharlotte & I were in downtown Leechburg (a fairly hilly town), walking along the street admiring the churches built into the hills and large grassy areas (which don't really exist in real life). In the middle of town, behind a chain link fence, a woman was assembling a diorama using large lime green pumpkins. She pulled out an electric bass and started singing Country 'n Western music. Needless to say, we walked away from there pretty quickly.

Then we found ourselves walking in front of Pulaski Academy, the school where I got my pre-college education. Walking inside we saw folks from Visix (my first job) scattered around at desks filling out forms. Jay, the Visix CEO was there too, filling out forms in the hallway by the main office. I ran into Rzolf who was moving stuff from the Journalism room to Mrs. Thomas' biology class room, saying he was trying to get a job at Visix again (even though Rzolf never worked at Visix, nor went to PA)

I suggested that he try to get half of his stock options pre-vested as part of being "re-hired". He said "good idea", and opened up a washing machine in the corner. Then Sharlotte's Aunt Ginger called and spoiled the perfect moment of clean clothes.