Borklog: One entry
29 November 2000
I spent monday and tuesday down in DC meeting with one of our new Oracle DBAs to learn everything we've been doing wrong (which actually turns out to be quite a lot). It was good to see the gang down there and the various dogs. The company put me up at a Residence Inn (another Fine Marriott Property) which was truly spiffy - it was nicer than my first apartment! They're designed for the long-haul bidness taveller, so there's a refrigerator, cook-top, nice little dinner table with fancy place setting(s), nice sofa, and a pay-per-hour Nintendo 64 with a selction of about 3 dozen games. I was afraid to try out the N64, lest the charge appear on my bill as "movie", which would, of course, imply that I spent my time watching porn.